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January 2025

Specialty Classes Update 01/13/25 – 01/31/25

By Specialty Classes Update

Rotation: 01/13/25 – 01/31/25


Music – Mrs. Hunt  [email protected]

1st graders are learning a song called Three Billy Goats Gruff. Once we learn it we are performing the parts and having a lot of fun with this folk tale. We are learning about the treble clef, the staff, line and space notes, and what the names of the notes are called. We are creating music with the notes on the staff and then playing a fun game to help us remember them.

2nd graders are working on their Glow program. We are also learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and learning songs from the Civil War. Our northern song is When Johnny Comes Marching Home and our southern song is Dixie.

3rd graders are learning about Benjamin Britten who wrote The Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra. We will be spending time on the different instruments in the orchestra and the families they are in. We are learning about how the instruments work together in beautiful harmony with the conductor leading them.  We are also learning 2 Spirituals- This Little Light of Mine and He’s got the whole world in His hands.

4th graders are learning Auld Lang Syne and talking about goals for the New year. We are spending the bulk of our time learning the Utah songs for our program in March.

5th graders are learning new chords on the ukulele and learned a spiritual called Rock-A My Soul. We are singing and playing the song and the kids are doing great! We are also spending the bulk of our time learning the Hope of America songs for our concert in May.

6th graders are perfecting the songs for their pillow concert and learning their drum lines. We are also learning about country music- where it all started to where it is now.


Computer Lab – Mrs. Stonely  [email protected]

Kindergarten – Digital Citizenship: We discussed being kind online.  We talked about not only being a good friend on the playground but one online as well.

Lesson: Students explored their digital creative side creating original artwork pieces on the following websites: ABCya Paint, ABCya Mirror Painting, This is Sand and Silk Weaving.

1st Grade – Digital Citizenship: We discussed how technology makes us feel and to listen to what our bodies are telling us when we are online. 

Lesson: Students created two stop motion movies on ABCya Animate. The last day of class students created a short movie and shared it with the class telling their story over the big speakers.


2nd Grade – Digital Citizenship: Students discussed the rings of responsibility and how they can be a positive influence to themselves, their community and the world.  

Lesson: Students were given their own user login name and password.  Students will no longer sign in with the computer lab’s global login.  Students knowing their personal login name and password will allow them to log into school from home and will help prepare them when they go to third grade.


3rd Grade – Digital Citizenship: We talked about keeping online games fun and safe.  Students learned strategies of what to do when someone is unkind or making them feel uncomfortable online.

Lesson: Students created “All About Me” presentation slides in Canva.  Students then shared their presentation with the class using fun Canva presentation enhancers; including bubbles, drumroll, applause and more.  Students will be using the skills they learned in Canva to create and present their biography reports in their regular classrooms.


4th Grade – Digital Citizenship: Students discussed the effects of the words wie use and how it affects others.  We talked about showing empathy and trying to understand another person’s point of view, helping us be conscious of what we post and share online.

Lesson: Students learned the program, ‘Tinkercad, an online 3D design tool.  Students created keychains in Tinkercad and emailed them to Mrs. Stonely to be printed.  Ask your child about their keychain, they were pretty proud of their creations.


5th Grade – Digital Citizenship: Students were given strategies on how to tell if a website is fake or real.

Lesson:  Students started working in Tinkercad again, students are creating pencil toppers.  Students had to design a pencil topper base and put a hole in the bottom of it.  Students will add a “topper” to their base next rotation and then email them to Mrs. Stonely to be 3D printed..  I was really proud of how well the students did working with a 3D design program.

6th Grade – Digital Citizenship: We discussed the affects our words and actions can have on others.  We discussed being kind online and how what we post is seen by future colleges and employers.

Lesson: Students started working in Tinkercad again.  This year they are designing a “desk buddy”. Students must create their desk buddy only using basic shapes in the program.  This week we learned how to manipulate basic shapes and students got to begin creating their desk buddy to be 3D printed next rotation.


Art – Mrs. Clarke  [email protected]

Students worked on a piece of art that will be used to help decorate for the Book Fair next week.   Some did not finish theirs and took it home to work on.  They were told to turn them into me on Tuesday.  Will you please mention it in your classes tomorrow and Monday for those that might need a reminder?  If anyone brings theirs back before Tuesday feel free to put them in my box or just have them save them to bring to me on Tuesday when I’m in my classroom. 


They did a great job with their projects and really cared how they turned out!  They were more careful and deliberate than usual and it really helped to have their chromebooks.  Thanks so much for your support and trust!   So glad you’re willing to share them with me!


Eagle News 01/20/2025

By Eagle News

January 20, 2024


Jan 21 Lone Peak Cluster PTA Meeting-Westfield Elementary 10:00

Jan 22 Lone Peak Boys Basketball Visit 12:00

Jan 23 Junior Achievement Parent Meeting 2:45 Alpine Elementary Library

Jan 23 Math Olympiads Mrs. Monson’s room 3:30

Jan 27 Rising Eagles Meeting 8:30 Mrs. Fisher’s Room

Jan 27 Utah Opera Assembly 9:30 Gym

Jan 30 PTA Spirit Night at Panda Express-see below and attachment for details!

Jan 30 Math Olympiads Mrs. Monson’s room 3:30

Jan 30-Feb 4 Kindness Week-Info to come!

Jan 30-Feb 6 Book Fair

Jan 31 Deadline for Kindergarteners to apply for Chinese DLI Program-See below 

School Information

DLI Chinese Applications being accepted for next year’s 1st graders now.

We are now accepting applications for our Chinese DLI program. More information is available on our website regarding the Chinese program. Alpine Elementary The deadline is Jan 31, 2025. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Please remind your students to dress for the weather!

Please make sure your students are dressed appropriately for the cold weather. We follow the district guidelines for having outside and inside recesses. As a reminder, if the temperature including wind chill is below 20 degrees, we will keep the students indoors. If the temperature is 20 or above, we will have outside recesses.

From the PTA

Upcoming Spirit Night at Panda Express: Thurs. Jan. 30, 2025

Celebrate the Chinese new year and save the date for our upcoming spirit night on Jan. 30, 2025. See attached flyer and more details next week.

Chinese Lantern Festival Feb. 10- Volunteers Needed for Lantern Set Up

We are looking forward to our school-wide family Chinese Lantern Festival coming up on Monday, Feb. 10! We are in need of volunteers to set up lanterns that morning (or to take down on that Friday of that week). Please sign up HERE if you are able to help with this wonderful tradition!

From the Library

Keep reading!

From the SCC

School Community Council Meeting

We will be having our next SCC Meeting on Tuesday, Jan 14th at 9:30. Everyone is welcome to come and participate.

From the Lunchroom

A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply log on to linq Connect and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments. Additionally, we cannot give change so all money given will be placed into your student’s account. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.

Eagle News 01/05/2025

By Eagle News

January 6, 2024


Jan 6 Term 3 Begins-Welcome Back!

Jan 9 Math Olympiads Mrs. Monson’s room 3:30

Jan 13 Rising Eagles Meeting 8:30 Mrs. Fisher’s room

Jan 13 4th Grade Field Trip-Jack and Jill’s Bowling

Jan 13 Safe Routes Assembly 2:15 Kindergarten-2nd grades

Jan 13 Safe Routes Assembly 2:50 3rd-6th grades

Jan 14 Alpine SCC Meeting 9:30

Jan 15 Acadience Testing 4th-6th grades

Jan 16 Math Olympiads Mrs. Monson’s room 3:30

School Information

Welcome Back!
We hope you all had a safe and enjoyable Christmas Break! We are excited for the second half of the school year. We have a lot of fun and exciting activities coming up in the next couple of months and we look forward to your continued support! Thank you all for everything you do for our students and school!

From the PTA

Looking forward to a great 2nd half of the school year

Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful break and are looking forward to a great 2nd half of the school year!

From the Library

Keep reading!

From the SCC

School Community Council Meeting

We will be having our next SCC Meeting on Tuesday, Jan 14th at 9:30. Everyone is welcome to come and participate.

From the Lunchroom

A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply log on to linq Connect and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments. Additionally, we cannot give change so all money given will be placed into your student’s account. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.