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August 22, 2022

Aug 22 Kindergarten Open House 4:30-6:00-See below for details
Aug 24 First Day of Kindergarten and Preschool
Aug 30 Alpine PTA Board Meeting 9:30 Faculty Room

School Information

Dropoff and Pickup
Thank you for the great response we have received from everyone regarding our dropoff and pickup times. I hope you have noticed our faculty out in front at the beginning and ending of school. It seems to be going relatively well. This is all thanks to the patience from all of you. In the east pull-through I would ask that you continue to pull up as far as possible before picking up and dropping off your students. If we have one person stopping, it really does mess up all those waiting behind. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. Also, please do not call your students to walk across the street in any other place besides the crosswalk. We do not want any injuries. 

Kindergarten Open House
We want to invite all kindergartners and their parents to our Kindergarten Open House on Monday, August 22nd. This will happen from 4:30-6:00. Please enter through the front door of the school and make your way down to the kindergarten rooms. Please call the main office with any questions.

Tardy Bell
Please remember that school is starting at 9:15 this year. A warning bell rings at 9:12 to alert the students to line up. If your student arrives after 9:15, they will need to come to the main office to check in and pick up a slip to be admitted to class.

Ink/Toner Cartridge Recycling
We are excited to continue our ink/toner cartridge recycling again this year. Please bring any empty cartridges to school, or send them with your students, and we will be happy to recycling them for you and collect a bit of money for the school. 

From the PTA
Alpine PTA Meeting
We have one of the best PTAs in Utah! Our first meeting of the year will be on August 30th at 9:30 in the faculty room. We invite all who are interested to come and see what is happening.

Summer Journals
This is a reminder that any Summer Journals that have been completed are due on Wednesday, August 24th. We have a box in the office where your student can turn them in. We will turn your journals back to you when the awesome prizes are handed out!

From the SCC
SCC Members Needed
We will be getting out information regarding the SCC this year shortly. We will be in need of several parents that might be willing and interested in participating on this committee. I will be sending out a separate email later this week with details.

From the Lunchroom
Please remind your students that may be eating breakfast to enter the school around the back on the patio. This is the door they will enter and exit after they finish their meal.

A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply lon on
to and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments, but not credit cards. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.