Alpine Elementary News
This will be short week for your students. Monday, March 9 is a Professional Development Day for teachers, meaning that students have the day off from school. And Friday will be a Minimal Day with students being dismissed from school at 12:35 pm.
Monday night will be our Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night, 5:00 – 8:00 pm at the Lehi location. 20% of proceeds will go to Alpine Elementary.
We have reached 778,850 minutes in our Million Minute Reading Marathon! Our goal is to hit the million-minute mark by the end of March. We can do it! Click Here to Log your reading minutes! If you would prefer a paper copy to enter minutes, your child can get one in the library from Mrs. Ruesch. Keep reading!
We are all reading daily updates on the impact of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) across the world. This is the letter sent out to parents last week by the Alpine School District.
The Alpine Elementary School Community Council will be meeting 9:30 – 10:30 am on Thursday, March 12. The agenda is attached and any parent is welcome to attend.
The following students were nominated by their teachers and recognized last week for consistently demonstrating what we call the 6 C’s: collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, citizenship and character.
Piper Ainge–2nd Grade, Mrs. Blodgett
Charlotte Ashton–2nd Grade, Mrs. Wallace
Ruby Barrett–2nd Grade, Mrs. Andersen
Brynnlee Cann–1st Grade, Mrs. Liston
Hank Challis–2nd Grade, Mrs. Andersen
Sutton Fronce–1st Grade, Mrs. Faux
London Johnson–3rd Grade, Ms. Elder
Timmy Lyon–3rd Grade, Ms. Elder
Candace Mellor–4th Grade, Ms. Moore
Levi Moore–3rd Grade, Mrs. Chen
Ezra Nuttall–1st Grade, Ms. Tau Tau
Anna Packer–3rd Grade, Mrs. Chen
Brinley Raven–4th Grade, Mrs. Orgill
Stella Eve Riding–1st Grade, Mrs. Faux
Joshua Zhou Fu–2nd Grade, Mrs. Blodgett
The winner of February Box Tops by a huge margin, almost 200 more than second place, is Mr. Horan’s class with 233 box tops! They will receive the yummy mint brownie dessert pizza sponsored from Pizza Pie Café, Alpine Location. That brings our box tops total to $602.50.
Outside the Principal’s Office.
43 years ago, while attending Ricks College, I went to an on-campus concert featuring the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. The opening act that night was a young comedian named Steve Martin (prior to his Father of the Bride fame) who I remember being quite funny with his one-liners as he incorporated banjo play and creating balloon figures into his act. Saturday night, Laura and I watched Bright Star at the Hale Center Theater. The play, definitely not a comedy, was excellent with outstanding musical talent and a touching and engaging storyline. The playwright and musical composer? Steve Martin. Some would call that sequence of events serendipity.
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District