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Eagle News 9/28/2020

By September 28, 2020Newsletters
Because of the pandemic, all of our teachers will be doing online Parent/Teacher Conferences October 7 -11. A few teachers are giving some parents the opportunity to come to the school to meet face-to-face with the teacher. If you are asked by the teacher to come to the school for a meeting, please do not bring any of your other children with you to the conference. As in previous years, we want all parents to sign up for conferences on Skyward. Contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about conferences.
We will be having our Fun Run, 9:20 – 12:05 at Creekside Park.The class from each grade that brings in the most money will earn a Chick-fil-A lunch. The following message comes from our PTA.
Alpine Elementary’s PTA One Fundraiser & Fun Run this week!- September 28- October 2
There are many things that are different about this year, but we hope that we can run the same programs and do the same fun activities at Alpine Elementary that we have in the past. We might have to make a few adjustments, but we are excited to continue them. To make this possible, we need your support this year. Please consider donating. Thank you!
Two ways to donate:
  1. Send to school with your student cash or check inside the envelope provided, make sure you fill in the student’s name and teacher on the envelope.
  2. Online at Please donate under your student’s teacher. *there will be a processing fee.
We would love for you to sponsor your student in the Fun Run by donating to the PTA at Alpine Elementary. All the students will be participating in the Fun Run on Friday morning. If you’re available to cheer on your students, please come to Creekside Park.
Running Times for Classes
9:20-9:35 – 1st Grade
9:50-10:05 – 2nd Grade
10:20-10:35 – 3rd and Kindergarten
10:50-11:05 – 4th Grade
11:20-11:35 – 5th Grade
11:50-12:05 – 6th Grade
The class from each grade with the most donations will be rewarded with lunch donated by Chick-fil-A. We would also like to thank those at Max Connect for donating the money for our Alpine Elementary T Shirts this year. Thank you!
Last week a scooter was taken from the bike rack next to our back baseball diamond. Can you please check in with your children to ensure that they didn’t mistakenly take the scooter. It’s a black ‘Fuzion’ scooter with gold wheels. If you see the scooter, please return it to the bike rack or the school office. See the attached photo.
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, September 18. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations Students of the Week!
Cymry Beck–1st Grade, Ms. Johnson
Natalie Buchanan–6th Grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Tyler Clawson–1st Grade, Mrs. Chou
Benson Elder–2nd Grade, Mrs. Wallace
David Kono–6th Grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Bekah Owen–5th Grade, Mrs. Padgett
Kennady Pack–6th Grade, Ms. Kuo
Kennedy Rodman–5th Grade, Mrs. Hill
Ava Scoville–5th Grade, Mrs. Chang
Lucy Tom–5th Grade, Mr. Horan
Maren Tomkinson–3rd Grade, Mrs. Duke
Benji Tonga–3rd Grade, Ms. Elder
Akselander Wilcox–Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Anna Willis–3rd Grade, Mrs. Duke
London Wing–6th Grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Outside the Principal’s Office
A beautiful bike ride over the Alpine Loop on Saturday and another BYU football win! That is a great fall day from my perspective!
We can all definitely see and feel the changing of the seasons as fall becomes more of a reality with each passing day. Judging from the number of people I saw on my bike ride in American Fork and Provo Canyons on Saturday, many of you have taken the time to drive up into a nearby canyon to see the fall colors, take some family photos, or just enjoy the splendors of the changing seasons. Bumper to bumper traffic!
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is still a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District