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Eagle News 10/26/2020

By November 24, 2020Announcements
Alpine Elementary News
With only a high of 28 degrees forecast for today, our students will be eating lunch in the gym/cafeteria and not outside. We will still be sending students outside for morning and lunch recesses. We only keep students inside for recess when the temperature is below 20 degrees. So be sure you send your students to school with warm clothing.
Students can dress up in Halloween costumes on Friday, October 30, but because of COVID-19 health restrictions, there will not be a parent parade at the school. We are working on the technology issues to allow us to give parents an online video feed of students dressed up in their costumes. I will be sending out more details later this week. Please remember to not send students to school with costumes that include a mask or fake weapon.
We appreciate all that our PTA did to stage a successful Red Ribbon Week last week! Red Ribbon Week focuses on lessons to teach our students how to say no to drugs and alcohol.
White Ribbon Week, our focus on keeping students safe on the internet and social media, will be February 16 – 19. Collin Kartchner who has spoken to thousands of students and parents in Utah and across the country about how to be safer while using social media, tragically passed away at his home last week at the far too young age of 40-years old.
It’s time to join the Lone Peak Youth Wrestling Program! We are just getting started with practices. Our Parent Meeting is set for Thursday, October 29th, 6:00 PM in the Little Theater (800 hall) at Lone Peak High School. Our practices are on Monday and Wednesdays, 4:30 to 5:30 for the Advanced & 6-8th grade wrestlers and 5:30 to 6:30 for the Novice & through 5th grade wrestlers. Our practices are at the LPHS Wrestling Room near the trophy case at the south end of the school by the gymnasiums (Got to come and see our New Wrestling Room!). Signups can be completed at the practices. For more information, you can visit the Lone Peak Wrestling webpage at  or by emailing Coach Wallace at [email protected].  Go Knight Wrestling!
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, October 23. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations Students of the Week!
Adam Atalifo–3rd Grade, Ms. Elder
Chambers Broadhead–4th Grade, Mrs. Vipperman
Abby Dominguez–6th Grade, Mrs Kaczmarek
Nora Field–4th Grade, Mrs. Orgill
Crew Green–Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Morgan Greer–6th Grade, Ms. Kuo
Quinn Kelly–5th Grade, Mrs. Chang
Fiona Lind–Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Violet Reid–2nd Grade, Mrs. Wallace
Benson Reynolds–Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
James Simmons–1st Grade, Mrs. Faux
Jenna Stice–6th Grade, Kaczmarek
Owen Upshaw–1st Grade, Mrs. Chou
Jaxx Wing–4th Grade, Mrs. Keller
Vincent Xanthos–2nd Grade, Mrs. Andersen
Outside the Principal’s Office
A dusting of snow on the ground on Sunday morning was a pretty clear message from Mother Nature that autumn will soon transition to winter. The cooler temperatures meant far fewer people out on the Murdock Trail and Highland Boulevard as I biked up to Suncrest on Saturday.
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary