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Eagle News 11/16/2020

By November 24, 2020Newsletters
Alpine Elementary News
We were hit hard by the COVID-19 virus last week, as we needed to quarantine our 4th and 5th grade Chinese classes because a teacher in each of those grade levels tested positive for the virus. And over the weekend, we needed to call parents of students in our Resource Classroom to inform them that their children will need to quarantine until after the Thanksgiving Break because a teacher’s aide has tested positive. Consequently, we currently have over a hundred students that are quarantined as a result of being in close contact with a teacher or aide who tested positive for the virus.
We currently have six staff members and three students, for a total of nine, who have tested positive for the virus and are on the Current Positive Virus List. Individuals come off this list when they finish their self-isolation period, so the Current Positive Virus List is always fluid. We will drop from nine to six individuals this week, assuming that we don’t have anyone who tests positive this week. If we were to reach a total of 15 people on the list, the Alpine School District would consider a modified schedule at our school. If you have a child who has tested positive for the virus, and is being kept home for self-isolation, please let us know here at the school. Only current active cases.
Last week’s spike in positive COVID—19 cases throughout the state of Utah has also impacted students and staff at Alpine Elementary.
Please remember to keep your students home if they are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms:
  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
Because of the number of students that are currently quarantined, we are postponing the Candlelight School Coin Drive to November 30 – December 4. We sent out an updated Coin Drive flyer last week.
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, November 13. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to learn. Congratulations Students of the Week!
Will Hanes– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Benson Wood– 2nd grade, Ms. Blodgett
Katherine Gerber– 6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Cooper Finlayson– 1st grade, Ms. Chou
Lucy Taylor– 5th grade, Mrs. Hill
Brody Burr– 5th grade, Mrs. Padget
Mason Anderson– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Mary Challis– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Clara Hoard– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Ada Villareal– 6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Tate Beal– 6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Miley Benson– 2nd grade, Ms. Blodgett
Blake Benson– 4th grade, Ms. Vipperman
Joe Hansen– 2nd grade, Ms. M. Moore
Lucy Bingham– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Outside the Principal’s Office
Sometimes a principal has a week where it seems like he is in the middle of a never-ending sequence of events that are negatively impacting students, parents and staff. Because of COVID-19, last week was one of those weeks for me. But in the darkness of storm clouds a bright light shone through. On November 12, our 14th grandchild was born in American Fork Hospital. Little Mace Tyler Perdue has helped me to remember and refocus on what is most meaningful in life.
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District