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Eagle News 9/6/2021

By September 7, 2021Newsletters
Acadience Testing
We will have our Beginning of the Year Acadience test for K – 3 students on Thursday, September 9. Acadience is the foundational reading assessment given to our students three times during the school year. The assessment results inform the literacy instruction that teachers deliver in the classroom. Additionally, our first graders will also be administered a Math Acadience Assessment on Thursday.
Change in Picture Day
Because of a scheduling conflict with Eastman Adams Photography, our Picture Day is now scheduled for September 28. Picture flyers explaining the different purchasing packages will be coming to parents before September 28.
P.L.A.Y. (Play, Learn, Accept, YouKnight) Day
The Lone Peak football players and cheerleaders who came to Alpine Elementary last week for P.L.A.Y. Day were treated like rock stars by our students. It was a fun day and we appreciate the LPHS students, many former Alpine Elementary students, who came to talk, play and interact with our students.
Ink Cartridge and Toner Recycling Program
For the second consecutive year we will have an ink cartridge and toner recycling program. Bring your computer ink and toner cartridges to the box in our Staff Room and our school receives money in this recycling program.
School Community Council
We have four new parents who will be serving on our School Community Council for the 2021 – 2022 school year. Our one returning SCC parent will be JoLynn Greenwood. Here is our 2021 – 22 School Community Council:
Ying Garrison—Parent
JoLynn Greenwood–Parent
Sarah Johnson—Parent
Jaron Mathis—Parent
Melissa McCoy—Parent
Connie Faux—Teacher
McKayla Hill—Teacher
Dave Perdue—Principal
Teacher Aides Still Needed
We continue to have Teacher Aide positions that need to be filled. The jobs range from three to five hours in length and pay $11.28 an hour. If you or someone you know is interested in working as an aide at Alpine Elementary, please contact our Instructional Coach, Jenna Berry,
PTA News
We had a successful Walk to School Wednesday last week and will continue the practice every other week, so our next Walk to School Wednesday will be September 15. We are grateful to all of the Room Parents who met with teachers last week. The PTA will have their first meeting of the school year, Thursday, September 9, 9:30 – 10:30 am in the Staff Room. All parents are welcome to attend.
Outside the Principal’s Office
Judging from the number of BYU fans in Las Vegas on Saturday, there had to be members of the Alpine Elementary Community in attendance at Saturday night’s football game between BYU and the University of Arizona. Las Vegas is not one of my favorite destinations to visit, but Laura and I headed south and enjoyed the BYU football victory on Saturday night.  Allegiant Stadium, home of the NFL’s Las Vegas Raiders, which was built for a mere $2 billion, was a very nice venue in which to watch an athletic contest. The AC in the enclosed stadium was a welcome relief when temperatures were hovering around 90 degrees outside in the Nevada desert.
I know of at least one Alpine Elementary parent in attendance at the game. Nick Greer who along with his wife Debra have had five of their seven children attend Alpine Elementary was definitely at the game as he had the honor of running the BYU flag onto the field before the game started. Mr. Greer is a humble man and will undoubtedly be embarrassed by this recognition in the Eagle News. Nick is the CEO of Built Bar and recently announced that all 36 walk-on players on the BYU football team would have their college tuition paid by Built Bar.
Because of Nick’s magnanimous donation to the University and being a loyal BYU supporter, the BYU football team gave Nick the honor of carrying the BYU flag out onto the field prior to the game Saturday night. Nick ran the flag out proudly with not one misstep as he had a highly energized team and the cumulative weight of many football players with sharp field cleats running behind him. A fall could have been disastrous. Way to represent the Alpine Elementary Community, Nick! See the attached video.
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal