Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thank you to all of the parents who came to Parent/Teacher Conferences! It was nice to see parents back in the school conversing with teachers after the unusual year we had last year. And we are grateful to all of the parents who purchased books at our Book Fair and to the local heroes who came to participate in the Hero Read with our students!
Fall Break and Minimal Day
Fall Break will be October 14 – 18. October 13 will be a Minimal Day with students being dismissed at 12:45 pm. We hope all families in the Alpine Elementary Community have an enjoyable Fall Break!
PTA News
Reflections – Reflection entries are due this week on October 13! Have your students finish up those last submissions and enter them at:
Junior Achievement Helpers – The PTA is looking for volunteers to help organize the Junior Achievement program at Alpine. Junior Achievement is a global nonprofit with a mission to help develop business, financial, and entrepreneurial skills to elementary-age children. The opportunity to interact in your child’s class is fun and educational while allowing for flexibility for volunteers in scheduling and presentation. Lessons are 30-60 minutes with clear instructions that can be tailored to each volunteer’s education, work and life experience. Contact Dana Fong 385-770-0897 with any questions. If you would be interested in helping with this amazing program, please sign up here.
Fall Festival
We are so excited to be having a Fall Festival this year!! Our Fall Festival is taking place Monday, October 25th from 4:00-7:00. There will be food, games, a cake walk and much more!! It is going to be a great event for students and their families. The flyer for the event is attached below. We are still looking for volunteers (responsible teens or adults) to help on the day of the event. If you are able to volunteer, please sign up here: go/60B0A4AADAD2AA02-fall Thank you so much for all that you do!
Halloween Parade
We will once again be having a Halloween Parade this year! We anticipate the parade with start in the gym at approximately 1:30 pm on Friday, October 29. And for parents who cannot attend the parade, as we did last year, we will have students parade through the library for an online parade.
Reduced Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Because of labor shortages in Nutrition Services Departments across the Alpine School District, breakfast and lunch menus will be reduced to just one entrée, starting on Monday, September 27! School menus are posted on the Alpine School District website.
Printer Cartridge Recycle Program
Just a reminder that we have a box in our Staff Room where you can deposit your used computer ink cartridges. Place the cartridges in a plastic bag before bringing them to the school, and our school receives money through this recycle program.
Outside the Principal’s Office
I was once again in LaVell Edwards Stadium and watched BYU lose their first football game of the season on Saturday afternoon against Boise State in a mistake-filled game. The sour taste of the football game was washed away on Sunday as we were able to have a family gathering with four of our five children and their families. Our son and his wife from South Dakota were visiting Utah, so we were only missing our daughter and her family in Oregon, though they did join our family get together via FaceTime. The ongoing happiness and progress of family is certainly of much more meaning and long-lasting significance than a football game. Having said that, I will continue to root for my alma mater! Laura and I will be in attendance next week in Waco, Texas at the BYU/Baylor football game. Go Cougs!
Have a wonderful week and an enjoyable Fall Break, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary