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Eagle News 2/14/2022

By February 16, 2022March 7th, 2022Newsletters
Super Bowl
A close exciting Super Bowl game that I hope you enjoyed regardless of the team you were rooting for. In our family, there was probably more animated discussion about the halftime show than the actual football game. Our children were reliving their high school days singing along with the performers. Laura and I? We don’t speak hip-hop and could not understand what was being sung and we were trying to understand why our children enjoyed that music. Lesson learned, music is a personal experience depending on the age and background of the listener.
Valentine’s Day
Today is of course Valentine’s Day. Some of our teachers celebrated with students on Friday, but most teachers will be having Valentine’s Day activities today. Teachers make every effort to make all students feel recognized and loved on this special day.
New Principal
You all should have heard by now that Paul Finlayson will be the new principal at Alpine Elementary, starting the job on July 1, 2022. Mr. Finlayson lives in Alpine and returns to the school where he worked as a fourth and fifth grade teacher for 11 years. He is excited to return home and will be an outstanding school leader! I sent his bio out on Friday and I have attached Mr. Finlayson’s bio in this week’s Eagle News.
Chinese New Year Celebration
We had a lot of fun last week celebrating the Chinese New Year and Year of the Tiger with several activities, including a Chinese Lantern Art Night, student concert and an assembly put on by the Chinese students at Skyridge and Lehi High Schools. We had hundreds of Chinese lanterns that students had made hanging in our hallways, and with the hallway lights turned off and the lanterns illuminated, we had a beautiful display on Monday night at the Chinese Lantern Art Night.
A huge thank you and special recognition to Suzanne Campbell for all she did to organize last week’s Chinese New Year activities. The third annual Chinese Lantern Art Night doesn’t happen without Suzanne’s vision and passion! And thank you to all of the parent volunteers who helped Suzanne hang the lanterns on Monday and take them down on Friday. Suzanne also handled all of the logistics with our Friday Chinese New Year assembly put on by the Chinese students at Skyridge and Lehi High Schools. The Chinese New Year dances the high school students performed were outstanding! In addition to all of her Chinese New Year’s efforts, Suzanne is also our PTA President, and we are grateful for all she does to support our PTA!
PTA News
  • Dad Help in the Mornings – Thank you to all the dads who have signed up and helped out in the mornings before school! Please continue to sign up here for further help this month! The kids have loved it!!
  • PTA Membership – Even though we’re halfway through the school year, we’d sure love you to join our PTA. You can sign up here to be a member and choose to volunteer if you have time! Your support enables us to run all the many activities we host at Alpine Elementary, such as the Lantern Festival that happened last week.
  • Follow the PTA on Social Media – Also, if you’d like to follow us on social media and stay up to date on the PTA happenings at our school, you can follow us at Alpine Elementary PTA on Facebook or @alpineelementarypta on IG.
Library Fish Tank
Last week, the fish tank in the library sprung a major leak sometime between 4:00 pm on Wednesday and 6:00 am on Thursday. The library was partially flooded and when we discovered the flooded floor on Thursday, most of the water had leaked out of the tank and the fish were barely clinging to life. Thanks to the heroic efforts of our Head Custodian, Mike Carter, all of the fish were retrieved and saved! Sadly, our fish tank is so old that it needs to be retired. The fish and corral are now safely in another location, outside of the school, and we will need to decide if we want to purchase a new fish tank. Stay tuned!
Printer Cartridge Recycle Program
You can turn in your old printer cartridges to a box we have in our Staff Room, and the school receives money for the recycled cartridges. Please place the cartridges in a plastic bag before depositing in the recycle box.
White Ribbon Week February 22 – 25
We will be having our White Ribbon/Internet Safety Week February 22-25. Here are some grade level lessons, with accompanying password, that parents can use at home, not just next week, but at any time.
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, February 11. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Adrienne Bodily-6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Beckham Burgess-4th grade, Mrs. Keller
Addi Cook- 5th grade, Mrs. Menssen
Ashley Hauck-2nd grade, Mrs. Orgill
Owen Layton-5th grade, Mrs Menssen
Redford Mathis-Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Nina Matthews-Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Kaleb Nay-6th grade, Mrs. Hill
Violet Olson-6th grade, Mrs. Hill
Katie Proctor-6th grade, Ms Kuo
Raquel Roach-4th grade, Mrs. Vipperman
Sam Scoville-Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Ezra Smith-2nd grade, Mrs. Orgill
Liam Smith-1st grade, Mrs. Faux
James Squires-Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Outside the Principal’s Office
Hope you have been able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine that has warmed the Wasatch Front in recent days. Any time that I can get on my bike in February is a good day, and I was able to bike up to Suncrest on Saturday morning. It felt good to be off the Peloton in my basement which is my go-to mode of exercise in the winter months! Love the Peloton, but a stationary bike will never replace the real thing and the joy, sometime pain, and beauty of an outdoor ride.
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District