Rotation: Feb. 19 – March 8
Music – Mrs. Hunt
During this music rotation we will be learning:
KA- The 4 Seasons by Vivaldi, making weather sounds with percussion instruments, circle dancing with left and right, and in and out with the song The Old Brass Wagon
1st- Morning by Edvard Grieg- moving our bodies to the feeling we get when we listen, Learning the song Down by the banks- clap the beat while singing and playing a circle game.
2nd- Working on our Glow program that is coming up the 1st week in May. Please have your child work on their speaking parts if they have one. All the children have a part whether it’s singing, speaking, or dancing. Reyes’ class performs on May 1st at 1 pm, Clement’s class on May 2nd at 10 am, and Fu’s class is on May 3rd at 10 am.
3rd- Singing Hey, Ho, Nobody’s Home in a Round. Singing The Man on the Flying Trapeze and moving to the feel of the music. Learning about George Gershwin and listening to Rhapsody in Blue. Keeping a steady beat while moving around playing Beat Monster.
4th- Working on our Utah songs for the performance on March 1st. Introducing recorders and how to play them.
5th- Working on Hope of America songs. Please sign up your child under We are scheduled to perform the night of Tuesday, May 7th. This is an amazing event so please encourage your child to participate.
6th- Working on our Pillow Concert songs and drum lines. The Pillow concert is on May 17th.
As always, please email me with any questions at [email protected]
Computer Lab – Mrs. Stonely
Kindergarten – Learning to log in and off the lab computers by themselves. They are also working on learning about the keyboard and where the letters are located.
1st Grade- Digital Citizenship: Learned skills of pausing and thinking when they are online, using their head, gut and heart to help keep them safe.
Lesson: Worked on sequence coding in Scratch Jr. creating a story inspired by “Dragons Love Tacos”.
2nd Grade – Digital Citizenship: Learned the importance of pausing when they are on a screen to listen to people, take a breath and finish up when it’s time to get off.
Lesson: Introduced top row typing. The second graders worked on learning which finger is responsible for top row keys and keeping other fingers anchored to the home row.
3rd Grade – Digital Citizenship: Discussed the power of our words online and how we can show empathy to others.
Lesson: Coded a Hide and Seek game in CS First, learning about variables by adding in a scoreboard.
4th Grade – Digital Citizenship: Discussed online personal information vs. private information. Personal information are things we like, hobbies, interests. Private information is identifying information such as name, address, phone number, school name and parents’ names.
Lesson: Created energy transfer stop motion movies in Canva.
5th Grade- Digital Citizenship: Learned about clickbait and its purpose.
Lesson: Bottom row typing practice, working on keeping fingers on home row, acting as anchors. We also did a Rotating Story activity to encourage touch typing practice, ask your child about their story.
6th Grade- Digital Citizenship: Learned about fake vs. real websites and strategies on how to tell the difference.
Lesson: Started 7th Grade Boot Camp designed to help the sixth graders be ready for middle school by learning formatting skills in Google docs. We will be doing other 7th Grade Boot Camp activities like organizing Google Drive, Gmail and working in Canvas.
Art – Mrs. Clarke
It is an exciting time for Alpine Artists right now because we are working with clay that will be fired and glazed in the school kiln! Before we started, we looked at the work of “Master Potter” Juan Quezada whose pieces can be found in museums throughout the world. His curiosity as a young boy led to his discovery of some ancient pottery while exploring a cave one day. Fascinated by the pieces he found but without any previous experience with pottery Juan worked to create pots using only local materials like the ancient Paquime Indians would have. Today, the village of Mata Ortiz is alive only because of Juan’s ceramic artistry and his willingness to generously share all he knew with many locals. As a college student I was able to visit Mata Ortiz and see Juan Quezada as he worked on a pot. I didn’t understand at the time the legend that was in front of me but it has been fun to revisit and share his story with your students. His example of curiosity, willingness to experiment and fail, and desire to share all he learned is the inspiration for us as we try this new art medium. Your artist will soon bring home their ceramic creation and we can’t wait to see how they turn out! We have practiced the score and slip method used to attach two pieces of clay as well as the coil, slab, and pinch techniques. After they finish their project it requires an entire week of air drying before it can be loaded in the kiln and fired for two days. Students’ next art rotation will be spent glazing their piece with non-toxic and dishwasher safe glaze. After firing them a second time they will finally be able to bring them home and share with you their masterpiece. It will be a few weeks before you get to see them but we are working hard, getting messy, and practicing some patience through the process.