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Specialty Classes Update 09/30/24 -10/18/24


Rotation: Sept. 30 – 18, 2024


Music – Mrs. Hunt  [email protected]

1st grade- We are learning about the instrument families in the orchestra. We are listening to the music and reading the story from Peter and the Wolf and how the instruments in the orchestra represent different characters in the story. We will be able to group the correct instruments into the correct families and know where the families sit in an orchestra. We will watch the movie, Peter and the Wolf. We will also learn the songs Buckle Up, There’s a hole in the bucket, and Skip to my Lou.

2nd grade- We will be choosing a first, second, and third choice in our Glow Musical. We will learn about the characters in the musical, how everyone in the musical is important, and how to share our talents with others. We will learn about crescendo (getting louder) and decrescendo (getting softer and using our voices to create those dynamics. We will learn the songs from the musical and learn Clementine.

3rd grade- We are working hard on learning our Veteran’s Day songs. This is the 3rd year we will have done this amazing program. We will be performing on the morning of Nov. 11, which is Veteran’s Day. Please put this on your calendar now and think about who would enjoy coming in your family who is a veteran or is still on active duty. We would love to honor them. We will continue learning our songs for the program while also learning the difference between a fanfare and a bugle because we are learning Taps, Aaron Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man, and Stars and Stripes Forever written by John Sousa.

4th grade- We are reviewing musical terms we learned in 3rd grade by playing bingo. We are also getting recorders and learning how to play the first 3 notes B, A, and G. If your child would like to purchase the one they use this year they are welcome to pay in the office in May.

5th grade- We are learning about the Magic Flute Opera. We will listen to the overture and then learn about the story. We will also introduce the ukulele and how to play 3 chords C, F, and G7.

We will learn how to strum different rhythms and play many songs. We will continue to learn our Hope of America songs for our program on May 6, 2025 at the Marriott Center in Provo. Please mark your calendars for this amazing event.

6th grade- We are learning about many tempos we can sing and play our hand drums to. We are learning how to play the different hand drums, rhythms, and layering different rhythms together. We will also be learning the pillow concert songs, I’ve Been Everywhere and The Museum song. 

Alpine Eagles Choir- This is after school on Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30 and includes 4th-6th graders. We are learning some fun Christmas music and I’m very excited about the sound and quality these kids are already practicing with! I love working with your children!!!


Computer Lab – Mrs. Stonely  [email protected]

Kindergarten – Digital Citizenship: Students were introduced to a concept called the Internet Traffic Light. Green means “go,” indicating a site you know is safe. Yellow means “go slow” and ask an adult if it’s safe. Red means “stop,” indicating a website that is not appropriate for you.

Lesson: Students worked on the “Teach Your Monster To Read” website, which helps reinforce phonics skills and develop computer mouse skills.

1st Grade – Digital Citizenship: We read the book, “Good Pictures, Bad Pictures,” by Kristen A. Jensen. We discussed what to do if they see a bad picture: “Turn, Run, Tell.”

Lesson: Students worked in Scratch Jr., learning how to edit backdrops and characters in their program. They coded an alien planet with dancing aliens.


2nd Grade – Digital Citizenship: The concept of digital trails was introduced; students learned that every time they go online, a record is kept of the sites they visit.

Lesson: Students coded a Scratch Jr. grid maze game, learning to create a maze and then code a sprite (character) to complete the maze.


3rd Grade – Digital Citizenship: We learned about our digital trails and discussed that the things we post, share, and create online are permanent. We emphasized our responsibility to be mindful of what we broadcast to others.

Lesson: Students were introduced to coding in Scratch; in previous years, they coded in Scratch Jr. They created an animated word program with letters changing colors, sizes, movements, and bouncing.


4th Grade – Digital Citizenship: We discussed personal vs. private information and what is okay to share online.

Lesson: Students worked in Scratch, developing code to make their sprite change costumes, speak, and change the backdrop.


5th Grade – Digital Citizenship: Students learned about their digital presence and discussed how future colleges and employers look at it.

Lesson: This week, students practiced typing, reinforcing correct finger placement and learning finger families. They also had the opportunity to try dictation and enjoyed it.

6th Grade – Digital Citizenship: We discussed how people use social media to promote themselves and how it doesn’t always portray true reality.

Lesson: Students worked in Google Sheets, learning how to add basic functions and conditionals. 


Art – Mrs. Clarke  [email protected]

We have been working on a school-wide Mood Meter.  Thanks to our school counselor, Tyrene Hartsell, our school is implementing the nationwide RULERS program. This is an evidenced based approach to social and emotional learning.  As part of this program students are increasing their emotional vocabulary through The Mood Meter.
                image.png         image.png
Using the Mood Meter each student in art chose an emotion to create a monochromatic (one color) collage self-portrait. We spent some time studying our facial expressions in a mirror and the things that change when we feel different emotions.  The students noticed that most of the emotion in our faces is shown in our eyes, mouth, and eyebrows.  After studying some of Romaire Bearden’s collage work we sketched a plan and set to work creating our own collage.


Watch for our school Mood Meter in the hallway by the library.