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Eagle News 10/14/2024

By October 15, 2024Eagle News

October 14, 2024


Oct 14-16 Red Ribbon Week-See Below for details and see attachment!

Oct 14 Reflections Entry Deadline!-see below and attachment!

Oct 14 Red Ribbon Week-Wear Red Day

Oct 14 Rising Eagle Meeting 8:30 Mrs. Fisher’s Room

Oct 15 Red Ribbon Week-Crazy Hair Day

Oct 15 Lone Peak Cluster PTA Meeting 10:00 Timberline Middle School

Oct 15 Alpine Choir Practice 3:30 Gym

Oct 16 Red Ribbon Week-Wear School Shirt Day

Oct 16 Hero’s Day Assembly 9:30 Back Field at School

Oct 16 Last Day of Term 1

Oct 17-21 Fall Break-NO SCHOOL

Oct 21 Teacher PD Day-NO Students at school!

Oct 22 Alpine SCC Meeting-9:30 Conference Room

Oct 22 Alpine Choir Practice 3:30 Gym

Oct 24 Clear Creek Parent Meeting 8:45 Ms Fisher’s room

Oct 24 Math Olympiads 5th/6th graders 3:30 Mrs Monson’s room

Oct 24 Counselor Connection Night 6:30 Westfield Elementary-See attached flyer

Looking Ahead: Oct 31 Halloween Parade 1:30 gym

School Information

Red Ribbon Week this week!

We are excited to have our red ribbon week this week. Please see below for the activities that will be happening this week!

From the PTA

Reflections Entries Deadline Approaching: Oct. 14!

This year’s theme for the national PTA reflections art contest is “Accepting Imperfection.”

All entries are submitted online, and it is open to submit anytime now.

The last day for entries is Oct. 14.

There are 7 different categories to enter in, and your student can submit one entry per category. Please see the flyer and website HERE for more details.

There are also directions on how to submit, as well as the rules and criteria for each category. Please ensure your student’s artwork meets all the rules and criteria- if it doesn’t meet the rules we have to disqualify it.

Red Ribbon Week this Week: Oct. 14-16

During Red Ribbon Week, we will be helping the students make the commitment to themselves to live drug free. Please see the separate email sent with information for parents on how to continue this conversation at home. Remember, a strong relationship with a caring adult is the best anti-drug program there is.

On Monday Oct. 14- Wear RED

Students can wear red, and pledge to be drug free.

On Tuesday Oct. 15- CRAZY HAIR Day

Crazy hair day to remember to use your head, don’t do drugs.

On Wednesday Oct. 16- SPIRIT Day

Wear your school shirt and pledge to keep Alpine drug free.

On Wednesday morning, starting at 9:30am, we have a special visit from the DEA, K-9 dogs, police, fire, SWAT and more. We are appreciative of their service and their time given to visit Alpine Elementary.

From the Library

Read, Read, Read!

From the SCC

School Community Council Meeting

We will be having our next SCC Meeting on Tuesday, Oct 22nd at 9:30. Everyone is welcome to come and participate.

From the Lunchroom

A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply log on to linq Connect and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments. Additionally, we cannot give change so all money given will be placed into your student’s account. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.