February 10, 2025
Feb 10 Rising Eagles Meeting 8:30 Mrs. Fisher’s Room
Feb 10 Chinese Lantern Festival 5:30-7:30-see below and attached for details!
Feb 11 Lone Peak Cluster PTA Meeting-10:00 Mt Ridge Jr. High
Feb 13 5th Grade Field Trip to Capitol
Feb 13 Math Olympiads 3:30 Mrs. Monson’s Room
Feb 14 6th Grade Valentine’s Dance 1:45 Gym
Feb 17 President’s Day-NO SCHOOL
Feb 20 Math Olympiads 3:30 Mrs. Monson’s Room
Feb 21 Class Picture Day-Standing with Classes!-see attachment for ordering details
Feb 21 Timberline Counselors visiting 6th graders-1:30-Gym-Info coming from teachers
School Information
Class Pictures
As we did last year, we will be having a class picture day. This will take place on Friday, February 21st. This is always a fun memento for teachers and students. The order form is attached. All ordering can be done online.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
A big thank you to all who came and met with our teachers. This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with teachers and make sure everyone is on the same page. If you did not have a chance to meet with your child’s teacher, please contact them and they can make it happen.
From the PTA
Chinese Lantern Festival TOMORROW! Feb. 10 from 5:30-7:30pm
All students and families are invited to our Chinese Lantern Festival held at the school! Come take a tour of the Chinese lanterns the students made and enjoy the many Chinese New Year activities hosted by our immersion teachers!
From the Library
We want to give a huge thank you to our fantastic librarian, Mrs. Ruesch, and all the volunteers that helped last week to put on a fantastic Book Fair! It was a great time for everyone. It takes hours to prepare and make it a fun time for everyone! Thank you all!
From the SCC
School Community Council Meeting
We will be having our next SCC Meeting on Tuesday, Feb 25 at 9:30. Everyone is welcome to come and participate.
From the Lunchroom
A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply log on to linq Connect and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments. Additionally, we cannot give change so all money given will be placed into your student’s account. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.