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Eagle News 3/21/2022

By Newsletters
Battle of the Books
It is Battle of the Books week for our third and fourth and graders. Good luck to all of the B.O.B. participants!
4th Grade Utah Program
Our fourth graders will be performing their State of Utah program for parents at 9:45 am on Thursday, March 24 in the gymnasium.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration continues until March 25. Go to the Alpine Elementary website and you can register your next year’s kindergarten student online.  Call the main office if you have any questions.
Names on Personal Items
Parents can help us return items to students that leave personal items on the playground, coats, jackets, gloves, balls from home, lunch boxes, all items that are now piling up in our Lost and Found, especially on warm weather days. Please take the time to write your child’s name on their personal belongings.
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, March 18. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Emmett Allred-5th grade, Mrs. Menssen
Jordyn Branch-4th grade, Mrs. Vipperman
Krew Clark-5th grade, Mrs. Chang
Gael Gallardo-Figueroa-1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Sophie Goss-6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Ayden Marler-kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Audrey McCann-4th grade, Ms. Moore
Alexa Muskat-3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Anna O’Hare-kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Smith Shepherd-kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Minnie Slemboski-1st grade, Mrs. Bailey
Harvey Sorensen-1st grade, Mrs. Bailey
Sydney Thompson-1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Tyler Williams-3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Elena Wilson-kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Outside the Principal’s Office
The first day of spring, March 20, was rainy and overcast, but sunshine and warmer weather are in this week’s forecast. I am starting to see green vegetation, not all welcome yard growth, pushing its way through the ground as winter turns to spring. Springtime weather in Utah can be unpredictable, so we have probably not seen our last snowfall.
For those of you who fill out NCAA brackets, I’m sure you all had 15 seed Saint Peter’s advancing to the Sweet 16.
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 3/14/2022

By Newsletters
Staffing 2022 – 2023
Fourth grade teacher, Denise Keller, is retiring at the end of the school year after a long and distinguished career. Tammy Orgill, who has taught second grade this year, will be returning to fourth grade next year. I am pleased to announce that our new teacher in a non-Chinese second grade class will be Jaime Clement. Most of you are aware that Mrs. Clement has been our Computer Lab teacher for ten years and has done incredible work with all of our K-6 students; consequently, we will need to find and hire a new Computer Lab teacher. Whoever is hired will hopefully communicate with Mrs. Clement to learn how to successfully teach our Computer classes. At this time, no other teaching positions are open.
PTA News
  • Spirit Night this Tuesday – This Tuesday is Spirit Night! Take your family to eat at BLUE LEMON – mention Alpine Elementary and they will donate 15%!
  • Math Madness Week – Your student(s) should have brought home a Math Bingo Card last Friday! They can work on it all week long. Have them turn it in this Friday for a chance to throw a pie into Mr. Perdue’s face! Not only that, but the class with the MOST bingo cards returned (they must complete at least one row of bingo!), will win lunch from Chick-fil-A!
  • Dad Help – Just a reminder that Dads, we’d love to see you here in the mornings to help supervise! Feel free to sign up here to help out!
Crossing Guard
We are pleased to announce that we have finally found some crossing guards to replace our wonderful longtime crossing guard, Connie Smith. We are grateful that Jana Armatage will assume crossing guard duties before and after school, and Laura Adam will be the midday kindergarten crossing guard. Connie will continue to sub as needed. Thank you, ladies!
Diaper Drive
The Diaper Drive for Ukrainian refugees continues through March 17. Diaper boxes can be brought into the school and you will see a growing diaper stack near our main entry.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration continues until March 25. Go to the Alpine Elementary website and you can register your next year’s kindergarten student online.  Call the main office if you have any questions. If we are only able to offer two kindergarten classes because of enrollment numbers, we will have a morning and afternoon class. Mrs. Aitchison will teach the morning class and Mrs. Malone will teach the afternoon class. We hope to have enough kindergarten students to have two morning classes and one afternoon class. Please encourage anyone you know who will have a student in kindergarten for the 2022 – 2023 school year to enroll online now!
Behavior Basics
Attached is a flyer for a free online workshop to help parents on behavior basics for children with disabilities.
Names on Personal Items
Parents can help us return items to students who leave personal items on the playground, coats, jackets, gloves, balls from home, lunch boxes, all items that are now piling up in our Lost and Found, especially on warm weather days. Please take the time to write your child’s name on their personal belongings.
Outside the Principal’s Office
My favorite team, BYU, was not selected as one of the 68 teams to participate in March Madness, the NCAA Basketball Tournament, but it is still the time of the year where many people fill out championship brackets, so if you are one of those individuals who fills out a bracket in your family or some other social network, I wish you and the team you are rooting for the best of luck.
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 3/7/2022

By Newsletters
Minimal Day March 11
Friday, March 11 will be a Minimal Day with students being dismissed at 12:45 pm. Lunch will be served to students who want a school lunch.
PTA News
  • PTA Meeting This Thursday – Come join us at our monthly PTA meeting this Thursday at 9:30 am in the Faculty Room. We’d love to hear your ideas on how to make our school better!
  • Thank You to the Dads – Thank you to all the Dads and kids who joined us last week for our Dads & Kids Pizza Night! We had a great turnout and lots of you signed up to be involved in the school!
  • Math Madness Week Next Week – Next week we’ll be doing a fun Math Madness Bingo Challenge! Look for a Math Bingo Card that your child will take home this Friday. If they turn it back in next week and their class reaches their goal, the class will get to smash a pie in Mr. Perdue’s face!
2022 – 2023 Staffing
Last week, I was notified by school district administration that our 1st – 6th grade staffing for next year will remain the same. Four teachers, two Chinese and two non-Chinese at every grade level, except fifth, where there will only be one non-Chinese class. Fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Keller, is retiring and Mrs. Orgill will be moving back to fourth grade, and Ms. Dale will move from fifth to fourth grade. We will need to hire a second-grade teacher in the position vacated by Mrs. Orgill. All other teachers will remain at their current grade level assignments. Parents will have the opportunity to request a teacher in April.
Kindergarten registration continues until March 25. Go to the Alpine Elementary website and you can register your next year’s kindergarten student online. Click on the Information tab at the top of the home page and you can find the online information.  Call the main office if you have any questions.
Unfortunately, we are only receiving staffing for two sections of kindergarten next year, as we have been staffed based on this year’s kindergarten enrollment. Originally, I thought that Mrs.  Aitchison would need to move to another school as Mrs. Malone taught the two sections of kindergarten, but in an amazing display of selflessness, Mrs. Malone is willing to reduce to a .5 teaching position so that Mrs. Aitchison can stay at Alpine Elementary and they can continue developing the very strong working relationship that they have. Mrs. Aitchison and Mrs. Malone would both like to teach morning kindergarten classes to enable better collaboration and the sharing of students for targeted interventions; however, Mrs. Aitchison will teach in the morning and Mrs. Malone in the afternoon if we have parents who need an afternoon kinder class. Please let us know if you need an afternoon kindergarten class. We are hopeful that we will have an increase in kindergarten enrollment to justify a return to two morning and one afternoon kindergarten class. The sooner we know what our kindergarten enrollment is going to be, the sooner we can determine how many kindergarten classes will be offered.
Names on Personal Items
Parents can help us return items to students that leave personal items on the playground, coats, jackets, gloves, balls from home, lunch boxes, all items that are now piling up in our Lost and Found, especially on warm weather days. Please take the time to write your child’s name on their personal belongings.
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, March 4. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Jaxon Ainsworth- 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Charley Balser- 6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Kate Barlow- 4th grade, Mrs. Vipperman
Camila Booth- 6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Massey Elder- 5th grade, Mrs. Menssen
Tyce Kirkham- 4th grade, Ms. Moore
Kimball Kraupp-1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Zephyr Lye- 2nd grade, Ms. Andersen
Solange Marquez- 4th grade, Mrs. Keller
William Murdoch- Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Crew Nelson- 5th grade, Mr. Horan
Elijah Phillips- 6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Henry Stewart- 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Paisley Walker- 6th grade, Mrs. Hill
Witt Willis- Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Outside the Principal’s Office
On Saturday, I watched our fourth-grade grandson’s Bantam basketball team lose a close game in the semi-finals of a tournament. Our grandson, Paxton, is one of the best players on his team and had spent the week sleeping with his basketball, with motivational sayings he had written himself, taped to his wall. A couple of many self-messages he posted on his wall. “You are a great basketball player.” “Be a leader even when it feels weird.”  After the game, Pax was devasted, sobbing to his mother, “Will I ever be a champion?” His father is his coach and our daughter played Division 1 basketball for two-years at Weber State, so they know what true champions are made of, and that champions are not always those who finish with the first-place trophy. Champions are made through hard work in the practice arena, their demeanor in the field of play, and how an individual deals with the losses in life that will always happen. Tough but valuable life lessons for a 10-year-old!
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 2/28/2022

By Newsletters
Third Trimester Begins
We have completed two-thirds of the school year. Today, we start the third and final trimester of the school year.
PTA News
White Ribbon Week – We hope you and your students enjoyed the materials provided for White Ribbon Week last week, and continue to use them moving forward for further discussions on Internet safety!
Kids & Dads Pizza Night – We are excited to host our Kids & Dads Pizza Night THIS Thursday evening at 6:30 pm in our gym! Come enjoy pizza, prizes, games, and learn about how you Dads can get involved at our school! RSVP here (so we know how much pizza to order!). In addition, we’ll be giving away lots of cool prizes like a $50 Amazon gift card to a randomly drawn member of our PTA (if you’re not yet a member join here!), another $50 Amazon gift card to a parent who comes to our Thursday night event, and more!
Immunization Clinic
A flyer from our School Nurse is attached with dates for Immunization Clinic dates in the month of March. Please direct any of your questions to our nurse, Savannah Cottom,
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration is March 1 – 25. Go to the Alpine Elementary website and the entire registration process can be completed online. Call our Main Office if you have any questions.
Outside the Principal’s Office
Though memorial services are never a reason you want to have a family gathering, the opportunity Laura and I had to gather with her family this past weekend in Spokane, WA as we celebrated the life of Laura’s sister’s husband, Richard Collins, was in many ways a joyous family get together. Rich was a man of faith and I observed and felt the family’s faith sustain and give them hope in their time of mourning.
Laura has 10 siblings, all of whom spent their youth in Spokane, so she very much enjoyed the family reunion, while celebrating the life of a great man! It had been many years since we had been in Spokane where Laura was born and raised. It was fun to drive by the homes that Laura’s father built and her high school, Ferris High School, and for her to reminisce about her happy childhood. Laura’s father was the head of the Spokane City Planning Department for many years, and was one of the key visionaries and developers of Riverfront Park, a beautiful park in the heart of the city built adjacent to the Spokane River on land that previously was used for the Spokane Railyards, in preparation for the 1974 World Expo. A wonderful legacy for Laura’s family!
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 2/21/22

By Newsletters
February Weather
Our February springlike weather has been replaced with a light snowfall. Though the warmer weather was nice, more moisture is always needed in the drought stricken western United States.
White Ribbon Week
During the three days of school that students have this week we will be focusing on internet and social media safety. On Thursday, the students will participate in an assembly put on by NetSmartz, a statewide organization that teaches students about digital safety. I have attached the first of eight parent newsletters that NetSmartz prepares on digital safety. I have also attached the letter from the PTA I sent out last week that outlines what is happening this week for White Ribbon Week.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration is March 1 – 25. Go to the Alpine Elementary website and the entire registration process can be completed online. Call our Main Office if you have any questions.
Olympic Feature
Last week, KSL News came to Alpine Elementary to do a feature on Ms. Elder’s third grade class and their focus on the recently concluded Winter Olympics. Here is the link if you didn’t see the broadcast last week. A gold medal effort by Ms. Elder and her students!
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, February 18. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Brielle Anson- 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Cymry Beck- 2nd grade, Ms. Andersen
Rachel Christensen- 1st grade, Mrs. Bailey
Georgiana Cvetko- 4th grade, Ms. Moore
Mabel Greer- 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Christian Jewkes- 1st grade, Mrs. Bailey
Katielyn Kitchell- 6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Cora Mason – 1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Joseph Merrell- 5th grade, Mrs. Menssen
Remi Muskat- Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Holland Pace- 5th grade, Mrs. Chang
Bronwyn Peay- 5th grade, Mrs. Chang
Zac Roberts- 6th grade, Mrs. Hill
Jacob Smith- 6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Finn Thompson- Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Outside the Principal’s Office
I was at the annual Elementary Principals’ Conference in St. George on February 17 and 18. Southern Utah, and particularly St. George, has lots of visitors over the President’s Day weekend. As we drove back to the Utah Valley on Friday, the southbound traffic on I-15 was at least double to what the northbound lanes had. On Thursday after the Conference sessions, Laura and I drove to Zion’s National Park to do a little hiking. Shuttle buses don’t start running until February 19, so vehicles are allowed on Zion Canyon Scenic Drive. We hiked the trail leading to the Virgin River where The Narrows Hike in the river starts, and there were a few people in the river hiking The Narrows. We asked those coming out of the river if they got cold, and we were told that the Gore-Tex shoes and waders kept them plenty warm. On a pleasant day in February, it was nice to not have to deal with the large crowds of people that are in the park in the summer months. We have hiked The Narrows before, but will return for a February hike in the Virgin River, with far fewer people in the park.
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary

Eagle News 2/14/2022

By Newsletters
Super Bowl
A close exciting Super Bowl game that I hope you enjoyed regardless of the team you were rooting for. In our family, there was probably more animated discussion about the halftime show than the actual football game. Our children were reliving their high school days singing along with the performers. Laura and I? We don’t speak hip-hop and could not understand what was being sung and we were trying to understand why our children enjoyed that music. Lesson learned, music is a personal experience depending on the age and background of the listener.
Valentine’s Day
Today is of course Valentine’s Day. Some of our teachers celebrated with students on Friday, but most teachers will be having Valentine’s Day activities today. Teachers make every effort to make all students feel recognized and loved on this special day.
New Principal
You all should have heard by now that Paul Finlayson will be the new principal at Alpine Elementary, starting the job on July 1, 2022. Mr. Finlayson lives in Alpine and returns to the school where he worked as a fourth and fifth grade teacher for 11 years. He is excited to return home and will be an outstanding school leader! I sent his bio out on Friday and I have attached Mr. Finlayson’s bio in this week’s Eagle News.
Chinese New Year Celebration
We had a lot of fun last week celebrating the Chinese New Year and Year of the Tiger with several activities, including a Chinese Lantern Art Night, student concert and an assembly put on by the Chinese students at Skyridge and Lehi High Schools. We had hundreds of Chinese lanterns that students had made hanging in our hallways, and with the hallway lights turned off and the lanterns illuminated, we had a beautiful display on Monday night at the Chinese Lantern Art Night.
A huge thank you and special recognition to Suzanne Campbell for all she did to organize last week’s Chinese New Year activities. The third annual Chinese Lantern Art Night doesn’t happen without Suzanne’s vision and passion! And thank you to all of the parent volunteers who helped Suzanne hang the lanterns on Monday and take them down on Friday. Suzanne also handled all of the logistics with our Friday Chinese New Year assembly put on by the Chinese students at Skyridge and Lehi High Schools. The Chinese New Year dances the high school students performed were outstanding! In addition to all of her Chinese New Year’s efforts, Suzanne is also our PTA President, and we are grateful for all she does to support our PTA!
PTA News
  • Dad Help in the Mornings – Thank you to all the dads who have signed up and helped out in the mornings before school! Please continue to sign up here for further help this month! The kids have loved it!!
  • PTA Membership – Even though we’re halfway through the school year, we’d sure love you to join our PTA. You can sign up here to be a member and choose to volunteer if you have time! Your support enables us to run all the many activities we host at Alpine Elementary, such as the Lantern Festival that happened last week.
  • Follow the PTA on Social Media – Also, if you’d like to follow us on social media and stay up to date on the PTA happenings at our school, you can follow us at Alpine Elementary PTA on Facebook or @alpineelementarypta on IG.
Library Fish Tank
Last week, the fish tank in the library sprung a major leak sometime between 4:00 pm on Wednesday and 6:00 am on Thursday. The library was partially flooded and when we discovered the flooded floor on Thursday, most of the water had leaked out of the tank and the fish were barely clinging to life. Thanks to the heroic efforts of our Head Custodian, Mike Carter, all of the fish were retrieved and saved! Sadly, our fish tank is so old that it needs to be retired. The fish and corral are now safely in another location, outside of the school, and we will need to decide if we want to purchase a new fish tank. Stay tuned!
Printer Cartridge Recycle Program
You can turn in your old printer cartridges to a box we have in our Staff Room, and the school receives money for the recycled cartridges. Please place the cartridges in a plastic bag before depositing in the recycle box.
White Ribbon Week February 22 – 25
We will be having our White Ribbon/Internet Safety Week February 22-25. Here are some grade level lessons, with accompanying password, that parents can use at home, not just next week, but at any time.
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, February 11. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Adrienne Bodily-6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Beckham Burgess-4th grade, Mrs. Keller
Addi Cook- 5th grade, Mrs. Menssen
Ashley Hauck-2nd grade, Mrs. Orgill
Owen Layton-5th grade, Mrs Menssen
Redford Mathis-Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Nina Matthews-Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Kaleb Nay-6th grade, Mrs. Hill
Violet Olson-6th grade, Mrs. Hill
Katie Proctor-6th grade, Ms Kuo
Raquel Roach-4th grade, Mrs. Vipperman
Sam Scoville-Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Ezra Smith-2nd grade, Mrs. Orgill
Liam Smith-1st grade, Mrs. Faux
James Squires-Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Outside the Principal’s Office
Hope you have been able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine that has warmed the Wasatch Front in recent days. Any time that I can get on my bike in February is a good day, and I was able to bike up to Suncrest on Saturday morning. It felt good to be off the Peloton in my basement which is my go-to mode of exercise in the winter months! Love the Peloton, but a stationary bike will never replace the real thing and the joy, sometime pain, and beauty of an outdoor ride.
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 2/7/2022

By Newsletters
Book Fair
Today is the last day for our Book Fair, 8:30 am – 8:00 pm. The Book Fair will be open tonight in our library during our Chinese Lantern Festival.
As you walk into the Book Fair, you will see the short hallway leading into the library decorated with Chinese Lanterns and with some tigers in the jungle. As we celebrate the Chinese New Year, it is also the Year of the Tiger. We are so grateful to parent volunteer, Chelsea Hertig, for the time and effort she took to decorate for our Book Fair. Chelsea has decorated for previous Book Fairs and we are fortunate to have someone with such incredible talent share her artistic creations with Alpine Elementary!
Thank You!
For 17 years, parent volunteer Cherie’ Kelly has been the driving force in the PTA Hospitality Committee. So for 17 years for Cherie,’ and seven years for Erin Stanley, these ladies have fed our staff a delicious lunch during Parent/Teacher Conferences in October and February and during Teacher Appreciation Week. Both of Cherie’ and Erin’s youngest children are sixth graders, so after their many years of service to Alpine Elementary, they are moving on to the secondary schools with their children. We are so grateful for the countless delicious meals that these ladies have prepared for the faculty at Alpine Elementary!
Cherie’ will continue organizing our annual Coin Drive for the Candlelight School in Nairobi, Kenya!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thank you for all of the parents who conferenced with teachers last week. Most parents did online conferences, but I did see some parents come to the school. Please communicate with your child’s teacher if you have any questions about academic performance as we enter the month of February.
PTA News
Chinese Lantern Festival Starts Today – We are so excited to be celebrating the Chinese New Year this week, starting today! Our Chinese Lantern Festival Arts Night is happening TONIGHT from 6 to 8 pm here at the school! We invite you and your families to come enjoy an evening celebrating the Chinese New Year. Come let your kids make fun Chinese arts and crafts, play games, and take a tour of the lanterns throughout the school! Attached is a flyer that includes details about all the fun activities taking place tonight!
Also today at 2:30 pm, the Chinese Immersion students will perform their Chinese New Year concertWe ask that parents watch the concert virtually. Here is the link to the concert, starting at 2:30 pm this afternoon!
PTA Meeting at 7 pm this Thursday – Also this week, please join us for our February PTA meeting this Thursday at 7:00 pm! This month, we’re hosting an evening PTA meeting in hopes that some of you who can’t make it to our meetings during the morning hours can hop on a call in the evening. Simply use this Google Classroom link to join us.
Outside the Principal’s Office
Are you excited for Sunday’s Super Bowl? Most of you know I bleed BYU Cougar Blue, but I do root for the Utes when they are not playing the Cougs. I was really hoping for an Utah Rose Bowl win, but sadly they fell a little short of victory. I will be rooting for the Rams on Sunday! There are two former Utes who are key players on the Los Angeles Rams Super Bowl team, safety Eric Weddle, and placekicker Matt Gay. Eric Weddle retired two years ago, but was persuaded to return to football action just prior to the playoffs after the Rams had some injuries. From coaching his son’s 12-year-old Pop Warner football team in Southern California to playing in Super Bowl a month later. Quite a story!
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 1/31/2022

By Newsletters
Parent/Teacher Conferences
We are encouraging teachers to schedule online parent/teacher conferences this week. If parents would prefer to meet in-person with their child’s teacher, you can still do so, but an online conference is encouraged during for this week’s conferences. Teachers will be scheduling conferences with parents on Skyward. Contact your student’s teacher if you have any questions.
No School For Students February 4
February 4 will be a Teacher Work Day; consequently, there will be no school for students on Friday.
Daily Schedule
The Alpine Elementary staff was as surprised as parents at the announcement last week from the Alpine School District Board of Education that we would be making a daily schedule change starting on January 31. That decision was put on pause, so we continue with our current schedule until the Board gathers more input from ASD stakeholders. This is the message all parents received last week from the ASD School Board:
As many of you may have heard, the Board of Education has been studying ways to address teacher fatigue while keeping students in school, face-to-face, every day. Although a decision was made in last night’s board meeting to implement a temporary schedule adjustment, the board has now requested a pause to allow for further study and review of operational challenges, feedback, and logistics.

We apologize for any confusion this has created for you and your student. The board will be considering additional solutions to address teacher fatigue and student absenteeism. We want to make sure that decisions made don’t increase teacher burden or negatively impact student learning. Schools will continue on the normal schedule until further notice.

Book Fair
It’s Book Fair Time! We’re so excited and hope you’ll stop by and pick up some great books to read. (All purchases benefit our school library.)
Book Fair Hours:
Jan. 31st & Feb. 1st
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Feb. 2nd & 3rd
8:30 am – 7:00 pm
Feb. 4th Closed
No school for students
Feb. 7th Chinese Lantern Festival
8:30 am – 8:00 pm
Be sure to complete the attached Reading Bingo card. Return it to the library on Monday, February 7th to be entered in our prize drawing.
Teacher Aide Needed
We are in need of a teacher aide to work in a 5th grade classroom, 9:15 am – 2:15 pm. Please email Mr. Perdue if you are interested in a TA job or if you have any questions. The job pays $11.28 an hour unless applicants have previous experience working in schools.
PTA News
Spirit Night this Wednesday, Feb. 2nd at the NEW Zupas from 4-9 pm – Come to the brand-new Cafe Zupas in Highland for an easy house-made meal, and Alpine Elementary PTA will earn 25% back! There are 3 ways to order (remember to mention the fundraiser for us to get credit!): 1) Run through their new drive-thru, 2) Drop in, in-person (right after parent-teacher conferences, right?!), or 3) Order online or via their mobile app – mention FUNDRAISER25 in the coupon code (Also, you can choose for a delivery option through the app/online also!).
Dad Help Before School – The Alpine Elementary PTA is helping us round up some dad helpers (or grandfathers, uncles, or other dudes!) to help monitor outside the school while kids are out waiting to be let inside. We are looking for dads/dudes who can help monitor outside the school on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:45 to 9:15 am. Please sign up on this Google doc to help or make sure to let those gentlemen know we would love to have them on board!
Chinese Lantern Festival – The PTA is hosting the school’s third annual Chinese Lantern Festival the week of February 7 – 11! There are quite a few things to be aware of for that week:
  • Lanterns are due back to your student’s homeroom this Thursday, February 3rd.
  • The Chinese Lantern Festival Arts Night is taking place at our school February 7th from 6 to 8 pm. That night, we invite you and your families to come enjoy an evening celebrating the Chinese New Year. Come let your kids make fun Chinese arts and crafts, play games, and take a tour of the lanterns throughout the school!
  • Also, we are looking for quite a few extra helpers in classrooms that evening, and there are some simple one-hour shifts available (one shift from 6 to 7 pm and another from 7 to 8 pm). If you have an hour that night, we would greatly appreciate your help! Sign up here. That evening is going to be a blast, so make sure to mark it on your calendars!
Students of the Week
Daphne Anderson-6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Lexi Cann-5th grade, Mr. Horan
Landon Deveraux-Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Terry Dilts-3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Rosie Ence-1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Gracie Gillespie-6th grade, Mrs. Hill
Dresden Hansen-1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Max Hertig-Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Adaline Larkin-Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Kayleigh Nelsen-5th grade, Mrs. Chang
Lewis Olson-Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Madi Sardoni-4th grade, Mrs. Keller
William Stewart-1st grade, Mrs. Bailey
Aksel Tedrow-1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Thor Tom-4th grade, Ms. Moore
Outside the Principal’s Office
With my wife, Laura, being in Oregon watching grandchildren for the past 10 days, I have relied on eating establishment gift cards and my own unique cooking skills. Did you know the microwave oven was introduced in 1967, and only became affordable to families in the late 1970’s? I can assure you that microwaves still are common household appliances in the 21st century and are the go-to cooking method for some people who prefer a quick meal or are too lazy to cook. Frozen chicken pot pies and burritos really make tasty meals!
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary

Eagle News 1/24/2022

By Newsletters
Parent/Teacher Conferences
With the recent COVID spike, we are encouraging teachers to schedule online parent/teacher conferences the first week in February. If parents would prefer to meet in-person with their child’s teacher, you can still do so, but an online conference is encouraged during this pandemic resurgence. Teachers will be scheduling conferences with parents on Skyward. Contact your student’s teacher if you have any questions.
Emergency School Board Meeting
Some of you may have watched or listened to last week’s emergency school board meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss board plans for dealing with the recent COVID resurgence. As I listened to the meeting, my primary take away is that the Alpine School District School Board thinks that in-person learning for students is a much better option than online learning, and they are committed to making traditional in-person learning happen for the 80,000 students in the ASD while at the same time ensuring the health and safety of all children.
Teacher Aide Needed
We are in need of a teacher aide to work in a 5th grade classroom, 9:15 am – 2:15 pm, Monday – Friday. Please email Mr. Perdue if you are interested in a TA job or if you have any questions.
Chinese Assessment Scores
We recently received the Alpine School District results in the Assessment of Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) that our 3rd – 6th grade Chinese Immersion students take each year. Check out our scores and how we compare with other Chinese Immersion Schools and all of the Dual Language Immersion (DLI) schools in the ASD. You will see that all of our Chinese Immersion teachers are doing incredible work, and our AAPPL scores compare very favorably with the other DLI schools in the ASD. Google tells me that gàn dé hÇŽo translates to well done in Mandarin. Gàn dé hÇŽo Alpine Elementary Chinese Immersion teachers!
PTA News
Junior Achievement – We are grateful to all who have signed up to volunteer with the Junior Achievement program! The orientation meeting is today at 2:45 pm in the school library. Come sign a waiver, pick up your classroom kit and ask any questions of our JA representative Melanie Harker.
Dad Help Before School – The Alpine Elementary PTA is helping us round up some dad helpers (or grandfathers, uncles, or other dudes!) to help monitor outside the school while kids are out waiting to be let inside. We are looking for dads/dudes who can help monitor outside the school on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:45 to 9:15 am, starting tomorrow! Please sign up on this Google doc to help.
Chinese Lantern Festival – The PTA is hosting the school’s third annual Chinese Lantern Festival the week of February 7 – 11! Your student(s) should have brought home a flyer in the next day or so that explains the rules for creating a lantern. Lanterns are due back to your student’s homeroom by February 3. in time for the evening Chinese Lantern Festival Arts Night taking place February 7 from 6 to 8 pm. That night, we invite you and your families to come enjoy an evening celebrating the Chinese New Year. Come let your kids make fun Chinese arts and crafts, play games, and take a tour of the lanterns throughout the school! Also, we are looking for some extra help in classrooms that evening, and there are some one-hour shifts available (one shift from 6 to 7 pm and another from 7 to 8 pm). If you have an hour that night, we would greatly appreciate your help! Sign up here.
Note about COVID – Just a quick note about COVID. The evening celebration is an optional activity – feel free to come only if you are comfortable. We do suggest wearing masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. We will also continue to follow COVID safety protocols outlined by Alpine School District. If you have any concerns regarding these PTA-sponsored activities, please contact Suzanne Campbell, Alpine Elementary PTA President, at [email protected].
First Grade Chinese Immersion Application
Kindergarten parents interested in applying to the first grade Chinese Immersion Program can go to the Alpine Elementary website and find both the application and an orientation video that replaces the orientation meeting we have had in previous years. Applications are due January 31.
Students of the Week
Aaron Arkell-3rd grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Kennedy Burgess-Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Brynlee Cann-3rd grade, Mrs. Chen
Liam Casey-4th grade, Mrs. Vipperman
Lyla Ence-6th grade, Mrs. Hill
Livie Frazier-3rd grade, Mrs. Chen
Jonah Goodfellow-Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Mackenzie Jones-3rd grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Charlie Lind-4th grade, Ms. Moore
Timmy Lyon-5th grade, Mrs. Menssen
Sage Nielsen-1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Tristan Pontarelli-1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Benson Reynolds-1st grade, Mrs. Bailey
Ellie Slesk-6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Abe Woodman-5th grade, Mr. Horan
Outside the Principal’s Office
My wife is watching grandchildren in Oregon for 10 days while their parents are on a Caribbean cruise, so I am batching it at home. Fortunately, there were some very exciting NFL football games to watch on Saturday and Sunday. If you are an NFL fan, the four divisional games over the weekend were the best that I can ever remember. Hope your favorite team will be playing on Sunday for a chance to go to the Super Bowl.
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 1/18/2022

By Newsletters
COVID Resurgence
The Alpine School District went to online learning days on January 14 and 18 because of the increasing number of students and staff who have tested positive for COVID or the Omicron Variant. Since all of the schools in the ASD are experiencing staff illnesses the teacher substitute system has not been able to keep up with the number of jobs that need to be filled. As I write this, we know of three teachers who will not be at work tomorrow and no substitutes have picked up their jobs. Consequently, we need to have Teacher Aides cover classes, or when we can’t find a Teacher Aide, we combine classes, creating some large class sizes for one teacher. We are hopeful that this recent surge of COVID positive cases will abate, allowing our faculty and students to return to their normal health.
Needless to say, we are in desperate need of substitute teachers! If parents are interested in being a substitute teacher in our school or just in their child’s classroom, go to:
The COVID health and safety protocols for the Alpine School District have not changed. The ASD has ongoing communication with the Utah County Health Department, and to date, more restrictive protocols have not been implemented. And though masks are not required, parents can choose to have their children wear a mask at school.
Crossing Guard
We are in need of a new crossing guard before and after school. Our crossing guard is employed by the Lone Peak Police Department. If you are interested in applying for the job, here is the link. Direct any questions to Jessica Scholle at the Lone Peak Police Department. The job pays $13.25 an hour.
PTA News
  • Because of concerns about health and safety, the January 20 Dad’s Pizza Party has been canceled.
First Grade Chinese Immersion Application
Applications for the 2022 – 23 first grade Chinese Immersion Program are due January 31. You can find the application and orientation video about our Dual Language Immersion Program on the Alpine Elementary website.
Outside the Principal’s Office
Even though I have been vaccinated and have had the COVID booster, I was notified on January 10 that I had tested positive for COVID. I had no symptoms and the only reason I took the COVID test is because I had an elective surgical procedure scheduled on January 13. I needed to isolate at home for five days, and over that time I did experience some coldlike symptoms: headache, runny nose, slight cough. Those symptoms would not have prompted me to get a COVID test if not for the elective surgery. I would have thought just another annoying winter cold. The symptoms are gone and I am back to work, wearing a mask. This virus seems to be random in who contracts COVID, even after vaccination and booster shots. Fortunately, my wife has remained symptom and virus free, which we hope continues, as she is scheduled to fly to Oregon on Thursday and watch three of our grandchildren for 10 days. I had hoped that in my final year of work before retiring, I would be off the COVID-19 rollercoaster. No such luck!
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be and Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District