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Eagle News 4/19/2021

By Newsletters
Staffing 2021 – 2022
We are losing some staff members, all incredible teachers, at the end of the school year:
  • Petra Chou, 1st Grade Chinese Teacher—Mrs. Chou’s husband has accepted a job to join the faculty at BYU-Hawaii, so the Chou family will be moving to Oahu.
  • Meilina Moore, 2nd Grade—Ms. Moore is resigning to pursue other educational employment opportunities.
  • Maureen Wallace, 2nd Grade—Mrs. Wallace, our longest tenured teacher, is retiring after 31 years as a classroom teacher.
  • Kaylin Padgett, 5th Grade—Mrs. Padgett will be teaching 5th grade at Vineyard Elementary next year, within walking distance of where she lives with her husband and two daughters.
Here are the staffing assignments for the 2021 – 2022 school year:
Kathy Thompson
Colleen Aitchison (half-time)
Jen Malone
First Grade
Bridgette Bailey
Mykel Johnson
Connie Faux—Chinese Partner Teacher
Chinese Teacher—To be hired
Second Grade
Vicki Andersen
Tammy Orgill—currently in 4th grade
Sara Henderson—Chinese Partner Teacher, new hire
Daphne Blodgett—Chinese Teacher
Third Grade
Aubri Elder
Katherine Kaczmarek—currently in 6th grade
Amy Duke—Chinese Partner Teacher
Rui Chen—Chinese Teacher
Fourth Grade
Denise Keller
Maudie Vipperman—Chinese Partner Teacher
Anna Moore—Chinese Teacher
Fifth Grade
Alyssa Dale—new hire
Nicole Menssen—new hire
Jonathan Horan—Chinese Partner Teacher
Dawn Chang—Chinese Teacher
Sixth Grade
McKayla Hill—currently in 5th grade
Megan Reyes
Mimi Monson—Chinese Partner Teacher
Sharon Kuo—Chinese Teacher
Science Lab
Rebecca Bergquist
Special Education
Natalie Davies
Jill Johnson
Ellen Palsson
Shelley Tilton (half-time)
Tim Zito
Specialty Teachers
Jaime Clement–Computers
Melinda Hunt—Music
Paula Ruesch—Library
Angela Tanner—Beverly Sorenson Art Teacher
Instructional Coaches
Jenna Berry
Maren Williams
Tyrene Hartsell (half-time)
Karen Hopkins
Social Worker
Gina Zupan
Teacher Requests
We will be accepting Teacher Request Forms (attached) until April 30. Because of the staffing changes next year, we will only be accepting Teacher Requests in grades K, 1, 2, and 3. There will only be one non-Chinese teacher, Mrs. Keller, in 4th grade. Both non-Chinese teachers in 5th grade are newly hired staff members. The students in Mrs. Hill’s 5th grade class will be in her class for 6th grade; consequently, there will be no teacher requests in the non-Chinese classes in grades 4, 5 and 6. Students in the classes affected by teachers moving to other grade levels or working in another school next year will be informed by their teachers today.
In May, our grade level teams will place students into next year’s classes. We make every effort to create classes that are balanced by gender, and academic/behavioral factors. We do our best to honor Teacher Requests from parents, but please know that turning in a Teacher Request Form does not guarantee class placement.
PTA News
Alpine Elementary is having a Crumbl Cookie School Fundraiser Tuesday April 20th, from 8am-10pm. This will only be at the LEHI TRAVERSE PKWY location. Come in and mention Alpine Elementary and 50% of the proceeds will come back to our school. If you are ordering online enter Alpine in the name line. Thank you for your support!
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, April 16. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Sawyer Ainge– 3rd grade, Mrs. Duke
Rachel Christenson– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Annabelle Collins– 4th grade, Mrs. Keller
Jett Gunn– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Rayne Harward– 2nd grade, Mrs. Wallace
Ashlynn Hernandez– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Dean Hsiao– 3rd grade, Mrs. Chen
Owen Lanham– 5th grade, Mrs. Padgett
Nella Morton– 1st grade, Mrs. Chou
Holland Pace– 4th grade, Ms. Vipperman
Rachel Proctor– 3rd grade, Mrs. Chen
Saylor Reeve– 5th grade, Mrs. Chang
Ryelle Roundy– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Stewart Smith– 3rd grade, Mrs. Chen
Isobel Spencer– 1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Outside the Principal’s Office
Did anyone else spend time this past weekend doing yard work? I mowed our lawn for the first time in 2021, and is always the reality at this time of the year, there is lots of unwanted plant life growing in our yard and flower beds, so some weeding needs to be done at our home as the Spring growing season brings the lawn, flowers and weeds to life.
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 4/12/2021

By Newsletters
I hope all of the Alpine Elementary Community had an enjoyable Spring Break. Only seven weeks of school left in a school year that none of us will ever forget! We have an 8th grade grandson in Oregon who was able to return to school on a modified schedule in February, and finally returns to full-day, five-day-a-week school on April 19. Even with the COVID-19 challenges we have faced this year. I am so grateful that at Alpine Elementary, we have had students in school since August 17!
Mask Mandate
April 10 ends the mask mandate in some locations on Utah, but not in schools. The mask mandate continues in all K-12 schools. Students, parents and staff are still expected to wear masks in schools, at least through June 15.
Maturation Classes
Fifth grade parents should have already received a communication from your student’s teacher, that we will be having our Maturation Classes, 1:30 – 2:30 pm on April 15. All parents need to have turned in a consent form if they want their students to participate in the Maturation Classes. The girls will be meeting in the gym and the boys in the library. Parents are welcome to attend if they are wearing masks. The instruction this year will be provided in a video format prepared by the health providers in the State of Utah. We will have a place for students to go if parents want their students opted out of the Maturation presentation.
Kindergarten Registration
If you didn’t register your incoming kindergartner before April 2, please come into our main office and get your student registered!
Online Attendance
Please remember that you can now excuse your student absences online. Once again, the instructions on how to excuse students online are attached.
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, April 2. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Ruby Barrett– 3rd grade, Mrs. Duke
Oliver Blackham– 3rd grade, Mrs. Duke
Rachel Christenson– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Reed Christofferson– 4th grade, Ms. Vipperman
Aiden Cluff– 6th grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Reese Davidson– 2nd grade, Mrs. Blodgett
Paul Favero– 2nd grade, Mrs. Blodgett
Nicholas Gheciu– 4th grade, Mrs. Orgill
Morgin Hansen– 6th grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Porter Hertig– 2nd grade, Mrs. Wallace
Ezme Hoard– 1st grade, Mrs. Chou
Nora Lee– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Hazel Ransom– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Zia Taylor– 6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Lindsey Tomkinson– 2nd grade, Ms. M. Moore
Outside the Principal’s Office
Aloha! I write you from Maalaea on the island of Maui! Laura and I won’t be returning to Utah until April 14. We had planned to travel to Hawaii for the first time to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary in April 2020, but COVID-19 essentially shut the world down, so one year later, we have spent a wonderful Spring Break in the Hawaiian Islands. Three days in Oahu and five days in Maui. And just like all of the other fair skinned haoles, we have experienced a variety of island pleasures: hiked Diamond Head, visited the North Shore (ran into Brigham from Ms. Elder’s third grade class and his family on the grounds of the Laie Temple), went to Pearl Harbor and visited the USS Arizona Memorial, snorkeled outside our condo in a bay (coral cuts legs and fingers if you aren’t careful), went on a commercial boat for more snorkeling in beautiful clear water full of amazing sea life in the Pacific Ocean, drove the Road to Hanna and hiked to Waimoku Falls in the Haleakala National Park, and ate lots of delicious food. A Spring Break that we will never forget!
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary

Eagle News 3/29/2021

By Newsletters
Final week of school for before Spring Break and the calendar turns over to April! Hard to believe that we only have two months of school left in what has been a school year never to be forgotten.
Final Day of Reading Week and PTA Meeting
Today is the last day of our Reading Week at Alpine Elementary. We hope that there have been a lot of kids reading this past week!  We are encouraging all students to keep track of minutes read or being read to at home.
Enter your minutes, TODAY Monday, March 29, by 10 pm. It will only take seconds to enter your student’s name, teacher, and total minutes.
You can click here to record total minutes or refer to the PTA Newsletter on the Alpine Elementary website.  Be sure to add any food allergies. Alternate treats are available for those with allergies. The top ten students from each grade who have entered the highest number of minutes will receive a Crumbl cookie !
Our next PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 30th at 9:15 in the staff Room at Alpine Elementary. Everyone is welcome to join us!
Battle of the Books
Our 5th grade Battle of the Books team participated at the District competition on Saturday, March 27 at AFJHS. The “We Survived the Great COVID-19” team of Adrienne Bodily, Ari Ingo, Lily Goodwin, Kyrie and Aria VanVactor (filling in for Ava Scoville) tied or won five of their six battles and were excellent representatives of Alpine Elementary! A huge thank you to our librarian Paula Ruesch, for organizing this year and every year’s, Battle of the Books. What a wonderful way to get students engaged and excited about reading.
On Saturday, Mrs. Ruesch introduced me to Keely Giles, the librarian at Vineyard Elementary. Eleven years ago, Keely brought Battle of the Books to Utah after seeing how much her sister’s children in Eugene, Oregon enjoyed BOB. As a native Oregonian, I didn’t know that BOB in Utah has its origins in my home state.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration will continue through April 2. Please come into our office and get the necessary registration materials for any kindergartner who will be starting the 2021 – 22 school year. A child needs to be five-years-old before September 1, 2021 to be able to enroll in kindergarten.
Online Attendance
We are excited to inform parents that they can now excuse student absences online on Skyward! See the attached flyer for step-by-step instructions.
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, March 26. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Brigham Adams– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Jaxton Bennett– 5th grade, Mrs. Hill
Reese Clark– 2nd grade, Mrs. Andersen
Benjamin Garcia– 1st grade, Mrs. Chou
Rebecca Hale– 1st grade, Mrs. Chou
Gracie Hartley– 4th grade, Ms. Vipperman
Conley Hughes– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Ruby Mason– 4th grade, Mrs. Keller
Jenica Morris– 6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Violet Olson– 5th grade, Mrs. Padgett
Ethan Passey– 6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Addison Rose– 1st grade, Mrs. Bailey
Callen Shin– 1st grade, Mrs. Johnson
Quail Smith– 1st grade, Mrs. Bailey
Viktoria Wilcox– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Outside the Principal’s Office
When I bike up Suncrest, as I did on Saturday morning, I always think of man I never met, but is legendary in the Utah Valley biking community. When you come to the four-way stop near the Suncrest Village Green Park, if you turn left, there is another half-mile climb up to Oak Summit Drive, the most difficult part of the Suncrest ascent. On June 17, 2011, Lloyd Guthrie, who is the father of Westfield Elementary principal, Salonna Thomas, was biking up that very steep climb on South Traverse Ridge Road, had a heart attack and passed away doing what brought him joy in life. Lloyd Guthrie was 83-years-old at the time of his passing! Having biked that very steep road many times, I stand in awe of a man who would even attempt such a feat at 83 years of age! The road bikers who know Lloyd Guthrie’s story call that portion of the ride Lloyd’s Hill, and for me, the inspiring account keeps me motivated to keep on pedaling on in all aspects of my life.
Have a wonderful Spring Break, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary

Eagle News 3/22/2021

By Newsletters
Eagle News
After temperatures in the high 60’s on Friday, the first day of Spring, March 20 was cold, rainy and windy. And more rain and snow in this week’s forecast, so Spring 2021 is off to a typical Utah Valley start.
Reading Week
Read, read, read! This week, March 22-29, is reading week at Alpine Elementary. We are encouraging all students to keep track of minutes read or being read to. please count all “at home” reading minutes.
The top ten students from each grade who have entered the highest number of minutes will receive a Crumbl cookie !
Click here to record total minutes or refer to the PTA Newsletter on the Alpine Elementary website.
Enter your minutes, Monday, March 29, by 10 pm to record your
total minutes for the week. it will only take seconds to enter your student’s name, teacher, and total minutes. be sure to add any food allergies. alternate treats available.
Battle of the Books
Good luck to our 3rd and 4th grade students participating in the Battle of the Books Competition Monday, March 22nd!
And, good luck to our winning 5th/6th grade team, We Survived: The Great COVID-19, Adrienne Bodily, Lily Goodwin, Arianne Ingo, Ava Scoville, Kyrie VanVactor. This amazing team will represent our school at the district competition on Saturday, March 27th at American Fork Junior High School.
Thank you to our generous sponsor and the dozens of volunteers who made this year’s Battle of the Books competitions possible! We couldn’t offer this great reading program to our students without your support.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration will continue through April 2. Please come into our office and get the necessary registration materials for any kindergartner who will be starting the 2021 – 22 school year. A child needs to be five-years-old before September 1, 2021 to be able to enroll in kindergarten.
Online Attendance
We are excited to inform parents that they can now excuse student absences online on Skyward! See the attached flyer for step-by-step instructions.
Chinese Summer Camp
I have attached a flyer for a Chinese Summer Camp that will be offered by a lady who is fluent in Chinese but is not one of our Chinese teachers.
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, March 19. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Addie Armstrong– 6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Pete Ballif– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Caden Bybee– 6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Kai Campbell– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Sutton Fronce– 2nd grade, Mrs. Andersen
Kate Hafen– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Nicole Hughes– 2nd grade, Mrs. Andersen
Lydia Johnson– 6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Emery Jones– 6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Mark Kelley– 2nd grade, Mrs. Wallace
Cache Larsen– 4th grade, Mrs. Keller
Lacey Nance– 2nd grade, Ms. M. Moore
Jack Pack– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Sena Starley– 6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Kyrie VanVactor– 5th grade, Mrs. Chang
Outside the Principal’s Office
I record my bike rides, both indoors and outdoors, on an app called Strava. This past week I received an email from Strava saying, “You’re the new Local Legend in town! You claimed the title of Local Legend on the American Fork Canyon Road Climb.” I’ve been using Strava for years and have never received such an accolade, but truth be told, all I did last week was bike up to Tibble Fork Reservoir on two different days. I guess other road cyclists have chosen not to bike the canyon yet, as the temperature does drop as you gain elevation. Certainly not worth “Legend” status, but I’ve never before been called a legend, so the recognition, even after only two bike rides, is good for one’s self-esteem.
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 3/15/2021

By Newsletters
I hope you all enjoyed having your students home on Monday. Our staff had an excellent training on the importance of helping all students and staff meet their social emotional well-being needs.
What a year it has been since our world changed from a worldwide pandemic in March 2020! A year ago, I could not have told you the definition of social distancing, when it is appropriate to quarantine, how the Moderna and Johnson and Johnson vaccines compare, how to project documents in a Google Meets or Zoom meeting, and which mask works best for a man with a nose the size of mine! Lots of unexpected learning opportunities during challenging times! We seem to be seeing light at the end of the pandemic dark tunnel, but there will undoubtedly be ongoing hurdles to overcome. What a year it has been!
Online Attendance
We are excited to inform parents that they can now excuse student absences online on Skyward! See the attached flyer for step-by-step instructions.
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is once again overflowing. See the attached photos. One simple thing that parents can do to help us is to put your child’s first and last name on coats, jackets, hats and lunch boxes. With a name, we can return the lost item to the student here at school. Please come to the school and reclaim any lost items that should be in your homes and not sitting unused in our Lost and Found.
PTA Council Recogniton
The following individuals will be recognized at the Lone Peak Council PTA Luncheon on Tuesday, March 16. Congratulations to the award recipients!
Teacher–Anna Moore
Support Staff–Sunny Wright
Parent Volunteer–Cherie’ Kelly
6th Grade Student–Caleb Ashton
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, March 12. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
August Balser– 2nd grade, Mrs. Blodgett
Scout Bolen– 5th grade, Mrs. Padgett
Miko Braden– 1st grade, Mrs. Chou
Zoi Bruni– 5th grade, Mrs. Hill
Sarah Buchanan– 2nd grade, Mrs. Blodgett
Rockwell Gardner– 3rd grade, Mrs. Duke
Jackson Hebbert– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Sydney Hogge– 2nd grade, Mrs. Wallace
Joy Hung– 5th grade, Mr. Horan
Millie Lanham– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Jaxon Larkin– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Joseph Merrell– 4th grade, Mrs. Orgill
Timothy Neves– 6th grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Ian Orgill– 1st grade, Mrs. Chou
Finn Rosenvall– 1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Outside the Principal’s Office
Laura and I had the opportunity to spend Saturday with our three children and 11 grandchildren who live along the Wasatch Front at a friend’s cabin in Tollgate, outside of Park City. A bit of a sketchy drive on snowy roads driving up the cabin, but a wonderful family gathering and reminder of what is most important in life. And because the upcoming week is Spring Break for Oregon schools, we will have in our home our daughter, son-in-law and the three grandchildren we didn’t see on Saturday. We need to find time to travel up to Rapid City, SD to visit our son and daughter-in-law to have time with all five of our children!
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 3/8/2021

By Newsletters
How about that weekend weather! The sunshine felt good and gave us all the opportunity to get outside and work in our yards or participate in our favorite outdoor activities.
Online Attendance
We are excited to let you know that as parents you can now excuse student absences online on Skyward! See the attached flyer for step-by-step instructions.
Kindergarten Registration
Our Kindergarten Registration will be March 16 – April 2. Contact the office with any questions you have.
Safety Week
We will be conducting a Safety Week, March 8 – 12. I have attached our Emergency Response Plans which can be found in Emergency Procedures under the Information tab. We want students, parents and staff to understand what is meant by the following emergency procedures:
We also encourage parents to review the Alpine Safe Route Map on the school website.
School Community Council
The Alpine Elementary School Community Council will be having their March meeting on Thursday, March 11, 9:30 – 10:30 am in the Conference Room. The agenda is attached.
Storytelling Festival
We are grateful to all of the Alpine Elementary students who participated in this year’s Storytelling Festival! This year’s winners are Paisley Nance (lower grades) and Jane Rasmussen (upper grades). These two students will advance to the district level of the competition. Congratulations!
Math Madness
TODAY is the last day of Math Madness Week, and it has been such a great week! Remember to enter in all of your child’s minutes they have spent doing math minutes here in the google form TODAY.  Any websites that you work on with math, flashcards, worksheets, or recipes will count. The top ten kids from each grade who have entered the highest number of minutes by March 8th at 10 pm will receive a Crumbl cookie!!!  For those with food allergies we will have another prize option. Check out the link for more information.
PTA News
We on the PTA board are so grateful for all those who have reached out to help us fill the PTA board for next year. There is one more spot left to be filled. We have an amazing mom, Suzanne Campbell, that has stepped up to be either President Elect or Co-President, but she needs someone to work with, as President or Co-President . She has done a fantastic job organizing and running our Chinese Lantern Festival the past few years. She will be great to work with!  Please reach out to Ammie Gillespie 801-472-4323 or Laralee Proctor 385-225-0657 if you have any questions. Thank you!
Battle of the Books
5th and 6th grade students who signed up for Battle of the Books will be battling today, Monday, March 8th? The winning team will compete at the District Battle of the Books Competition on Saturday, March 27th at American Fork Junior High School.
Our 3rd and 4th grade students will battle on Monday, March 22!
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is once again overflowing. See the attached photos. One simple thing that parents can do to help us is to put your child’s first and last name on coats, jackets, hats and lunch boxes. With a name, we can return the lost item to the student here at school. Please come to the school and reclaim any lost items that should be in your homes and not sitting unused in our Lost and Found.
Outside the Principal’s Office
The warmer temperatures are hopefully a harbinger that Spring is quickly approaching. For our date night on Friday, Laura taught me how to play pickle ball. Fun game but I have a lot to learn. My rudimentary skills are humbling when balanced with my very competitive nature. And on Saturday morning, I biked up up Suncrest. Good workout going up the hill and always fun coming down the mountain at an exhilarating speed!
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal

Eagle News 3/1/2021

By Newsletters
Can you believe March has arrived? Has it really been almost a year that we have been dealing with a worldwide pandemic? As I have mentioned before, I am so grateful that our students have had the opportunity to be in school since August 18. We have three grandchildren in Oregon in 2nd, 5th and 8th grade that have been going to school on a modified schedule since the first of February, and this week will be their first full-time week in school! We have been very fortunate here compared to many parts of the country.
No School on March 5
There will be no school for students on Friday, March 5. It will be a Prep Day for our teachers.
March Math Madness
Let’s give math a “Slam dunk”! March 1st-8th math is the game! This means we want students to do as much math as they can at home. Online math websites, flashcards, worksheets, recipe measurements. Anything that includes numbers! Please keep track of all math done in minutes and record in the google form. Click here.
The top ten kids from each grade who have entered the highest number of minutes by March 8th at 10pm will receive a Crumbl cookie!!!  For those with food allergies we will have another prize option.
Our champion teachers will encourage the kids at school, but the game plan includes all participation minutes with math at home. Please click on the link to see the flier for more information.
Let the Math Madness Begin!
PTA News
The PTA is in need of a few more volunteers to fill the board, especially the President and President-elect positions. Laralee Proctor and Ammie Gillespie have been the Co-Presidents for two years and unfortunately two years is the max they are able to serve in this position. We know a lot of people are hesitant to get involved because they are not sure of the time commitment or responsibilities included. To help with this, we are having a meeting this Tuesday, March 2, at 9:15 am in the Staff Room at Alpine Elementary. We will be talking about both the time commitment and the responsibilities of each of the board positions. We feel that if people knew how easy it really is to be on the PTA Board, more people would be interested in doing it. Please know that coming to this meeting does in no way commit you to anything. It is purely an informative meeting. Please come, and bring a friend. Thank you!
Battle of the Books
We will soon be having our Battle of the Books competitions:
5th and 6th Grades –Monday, March 8
3rd and 4th Grades—Monday, March 22
Ink Toner Recycling
Don’t forget that our school can receive money for your old ink cartridges. We have a recycling box in the Staff Room. Just put your old cartridges in a plastic bag and deposit the ink cartridges in the recycle box.
Chinese Lantern Festival
Our second annual Lantern Festival was a success! The time, effort and creativity of the students in creating the lanterns is to be celebrated. We appreciate the many parent volunteers who came to the school to both hang and take down the lanterns. And a special thank you to Suzanne Campbell who has been the source of vision and passion behind our two Lantern Festivals!
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, February 26. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Sage Bolen– 2nd grade, Ms. M. Moore
Carston Castle– 6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Leah Christensen– 6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Charlotte Collings– 1st grade, Mrs. Chou
Lila Crawley– 2nd grade, Mrs. Blodgett
Daisy Elder– 6th grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Charlotte Gerber– 2nd grade, Mrs. Blodgett
Tyler Greenwood– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Morgan Greer– 6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Kayleigh Nelsen– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Cash Reynolds– 1st grade, Ms. Johnson
MaryKate Smith– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Rome Verzello– 4th grade, Mrs. Keller
Annika Wilcox– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Danielle Zaharias– 5th grade, Mrs. Padgett
Outside the Principal’s Office
An educator always appreciates hearing from a former student who in some way communicates that we have made a difference in his/her life. Perhaps it is a former student seeing a teacher in the store or some other public place and running up to the teacher and enthusiastically saying “hello”. Or if they are brave enough, sometimes a middle or high school student will see a former teacher and express their appreciation for the experience that child had while he/she was in the teacher’s classroom. Nothing makes a teacher feel better than those moments!
Over the weekend I heard from a former student, now 48-years old, who I taught in a Language Arts class 33 years ago at Redmond High School in Redmond, Oregon. Brian Malarkey is now a well-known chef/restaurant owner who lives in San Diego, California. He has opened over 25 restaurants and has appeared multiple times on the Food Network and Top Chef. Brian was always a loud enthusiastic student who was often the class comedian, but it was evident that he was very creative and someone who liked to think outside of the box. Friday night, Brian, who I have not heard from in years, sent me an email saying, “I have been randomly thinking about my biggest influence from my school days, and I just wanted to reach out and say thank you so much for your influence. My wild spirit that you encouraged and did not put down, has driven me to great success.” The payoffs as an educator come in unexpected and special ways, even 33 years later. It is never too late to say thank you to an educator who made a difference in your life!
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary

Eagle News 2/22/2021

By Newsletters
Alpine School District Superintendent
The Alpine School District Board of Education announces the appointment of Dr. Shane Farnsworth as interim superintendent effective March 5th, 2021. Dr. Farnsworth will oversee the day-to-day operations of the district as interim superintendent until his appointment as superintendent is official in July of this year. Superintendent Sam Jarman will continue serving in various assigned responsibilities and in a consulting capacity until his official retirement in July.
Chinese Lantern Festival
We are grateful for all of the students who made lanterns that will be hung throughout our school by parent volunteers today as Alpine Elementary rings in the Chinese New Year with a Lantern Festival, February 22 – 26.
Here is the link to the online performances from our Chinese classes for the Chinese New Year. Enjoy!
Internet Safety
Thank you to the PTA volunteers who helped us with Internet Safety Week last week! The internet can be a dark and scary place if not used with boundaries and proper education. Computer Lab teacher, Jaime Clement’s, Digital Citizenship tab on the Alpine Elementary website is a great source of information on how to keep your children safe on their electronic devices.
 Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, February 19. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Charlotte Ashton– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Adrienne Bodily– 5th grade, Mrs. Chang
Lennox Deaton– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Darren Favro– 4th grade, Mrs. Orgill
Ellie Fugal– 6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Gabe Hansen– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Luke Hejny– 2nd grade, Mrs. Andersen
Landon Morris– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Saydee Nelson– 2nd grade, Mrs. Andersen
Logan Rogerson– 5th grade, Mrs. Hill
Elina Rose– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Nathanael Smith– 6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Sara Walker– 4th grade, Mrs. Orgill
Kinley Wing– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Taj Andrew Young– 2nd grade, Mrs. Wallace
Outside the Principal’s Office
As part of our annual evaluation process, all teachers and administrators are asked to get feedback from key stakeholders in a survey. I have attached the results from the surveys that I administered to teachers, parents and one grade level, 5th grade, of students.
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary

Eagle News 2/15/2021

By Newsletters
Alpine Elementary News
We are grateful for the new snowfall, but please be careful on the snowy roads. Driving times to and from school will need to be extended.
Internet Safety Week February 16 – 19
Check out the Internet Safety/Digital Citizenship tab on the Alpine Elementary website. Resources are included for parents.
Ask your child about the video they watched in class, or watch the video as a family. Complete the challenge and submit a photo each day to be entered into a drawing for fun prizes.  Drawings will happen Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.
List the names of each Alpine Elementary School student and send pictures to *[email protected].  

I can be Smart on the Internet! – Faux Paw Adventures in the Internet
CHALLENGE: Submit a picture or drawing of your family making a smart internet choice*
I can avoid Cyberbullying! – Faux Paw Meets the First Lady
CHALLENGE: Send a kind email or make a nice comment on social media*
I can Balance Real Life with Screen Time – Faux Paw Goes to the Game
CHALLENGE: Play a game, go on a walk, do a non-screen activity together*
I can be a Good Digital Citizen! – Faux Paw and the Unfortunate Upload
CHALLENGE: watch a positive video online together*
Don’t forget to email a picture each day for a chance to win great prizes like those below. Three winners each day!
$20 Chick Fil A Gift Card
Bop It Game
$20 Roxberry Gift Card
$20 Fiiz Gift Card
Card Game:Cover Your Assets
Zingo Game
$20 Amazon Gift Card
Bowling (Jack and Jill Lanes)
Stuffed Eagle
Chinese Lantern Festival
We are so excited to host Alpine Elementary’s Second Annual Chinese Lantern Festival coming up next week! Students (not just those in Chinese Immersion) should be bringing to school their lanterns this week, and we ask that all lanterns are turned in to their classes by this Friday. The lanterns will be hung on Feb. 22nd and students will take a tour of the lanterns by individual classes.
The Chinese Lantern Festival will kick off with the Chinese Immersion classes performing their Chinese New Year concert, only this time the classes will be recorded and links will be sent out for viewing. The entire week will be filled with fun Chinese New Year activities in individual classes, as well as in our specialty classes.
We are still looking for parent volunteers who would be willing to come to the school Monday, February 22 to help hang lanterns, and also those who would be willing to help take down the lanterns the afternoon of February 24. Please contact Suzanne Campbell at 801-635-7899 to help. And a final reminder, the class with the most lanterns turned in wins a pizza party!!
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, February 12. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Bella Bruni– 4th grade, Mrs. Keller
Zach Burgess– 2nd grade, Mrs. Wallace
Eden Christensen– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Nathan Conley– 1st grade, Mrs. Chou
Liam DeVilliers– 3rd grade, Mrs. Duke
Ronan Harward– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Chase Hejny– 5th grade, Mr. Horan
Aaron Janeway– 6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Cody Mason– 6th grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Henry Olson– 1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Cassidy Pullham– 6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Penn Slemboski– 5th grade, Mrs. Padgett
Hue Slemboski– 2nd grade, Ms. M. Moore
Sydney Thompson– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Ruth Willis– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Outside the Principal’s Office
A few hours after receiving the second vaccine shot on Saturday, my body starting telling me not to get too cocky about the good health I have enjoyed during the pandemic. 24 hours of fever, chills, headache and lots of sleep. All gone now, but a good reminder that anything associated with this virus needs to be taken seriously.
Last week, I went to visit Silver Lake Elementary in Eagle Mountain to eat lunch with our first-grade grandson who is having difficulty transitioning from home schooling with his mother for the first part of the school year to returning to the public school. Because Easton refuses to get out of the car in the school parking lot, our daughter walks him into his classroom each day and sits in the back of the room with her three-year-old daughter while Easton gets into his school day groove, at which time, his mother and younger sister quietly exit the room. While I was visiting with the principal, Joel Miller, at Silver Lake Elementary, outside of the lunch room, a student approached us and said, “Mr. Miller, is that your grandpa?” As you can see in Mr. Miller’s school photo, he is a handsome, mature looking man. But his grandfather? Ouch! Maybe I should start shaving my head like Mr. Miller.
In that same first grade classroom at Silver Lake Elementary, our daughter sent us a photo of the Valentine bag one of the students brought to school on Friday. Aurora is still working on the proper spelling of pencils.  See attachment.
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal

Eagle News 2/8/2021

By Newsletters
Alpine Elementary News
Thank you to all the parents who met either online or in-person with teachers in conferences last week. And we appreciate the very long work days, 8:30 am – 7:00 pm, that the teachers put in on February 10 and 11!
Online Book Fair
Our incredible Librarian, Paula Ruesch, sends the following message about the February 1 – 14 online Book Fair:
We’re excited to celebrate the love of reading with our students in February! We hope you’ll join us by reading with your student and helping them complete the fun reading bingo activity they’ll be bringing home this week (also attached to this email). Students who return their bingo card to the library before February 20th will receive a prize.
We also hope you’ll support our Online Book Fair, February 1 – 14.
Here’s the link to shop the book fair:
Feel free to share this link with grandparents, since we are unable to have our annual Grandparents Day this year. Thanks so much for your support, and remember that every dollar you spend will benefit our school directly (25% back in rewards!).
Chinese Lantern Festival
We are so excited to host Alpine Elementary’s Second Annual Chinese Lantern Festival, coming up the week of February 22. This year’s Festival will look a little different, but we have created a fun lineup of activities that we believe all students will enjoy. All students (not just those in Chinese Immersion) should have brought home a flyer last week with details to make the lanterns. Lanterns will be due back to their classrooms by Feb. 19th. The lanterns will be hung the morning of Feb. 22nd and students will take a tour of the lanterns by individual classes.
The Chinese Lantern Festival will kick off with the Chinese Immersion classes performing their Chinese New Year concert, only this time the classes will be recorded and links will be sent out for viewing. The entire week will be filled with fun Chinese New Year activities in individual classes, as well as in our specialty classes.
We are still looking for parent volunteers who would be willing to come to the school Monday, February 22 to help hang lanterns, and also those who would be willing to help take down the lanterns the afternoon of February 24. Please contact Suzanne Campbell at 801-635-7899 to help. And just like last year, the class with the most lanterns turned in wins a pizza party! Happy Chinese New Year everybody!
School Community Council
The Alpine Elementary School Community Council will be meeting in an online meeting February 11, 9:30 – 10:30 am.
PTA News
We would like to thank everyone who helped us have such a successful PTA membership drive. We feel so blessed to have amazing parents here at Alpine Elementary. We are grateful for your support!
We have a few activities and programs coming up that we would love to have some extra help with. Check out the link below and see if there is something you could help with!
Also, please consider being on the PTA Board next year. It is a great way to get involved by serving our kids and teachers, and your child will benefit! It really makes a difference! You will know what is going on in the school, you can bring all your ideas and be a part of the solution. You can meet other parents and create lifelong friends, and we have so much fun while helping out! This is such a great way to serve your community and your kids. It doesn’t matter if you have lived here for years, or are new to our community, WE NEED YOU!! Please consider being on the board next year. We have quite a few vacancies that we need to fill, and if you are not quite sure, please reach out. We can answer any question you may have. Laralee Proctor 385-225-0657 or Ammie Gillespie 801-472-4323. Bring a friend and be on the board together!
At the link below you will find activities you can sign up to help with and a place to sign up to be on the board. Thank you!
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, February 5. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Max Barclay– 3rd grade, Ms. Chen
Alivia Barnes– 5th grade, Mrs. Chang
Kaci Beagley– 2nd grade, Mrs. Andersen
Simone Bird– 5th grade, Mrs. Hill
Tyson Bruce– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Kevin Dilts– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Tom Lacey– 2nd grade, Mrs. Andersen
Anders Lind– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Calvin Lund– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Helen Mains– 5th grade, Mr. Horan
Tiger McCann– 6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Luke Nelson– 1st grade, Mrs. Chou
Maylia Ninow– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Anna Packer– 4th grade, Ms. Vipperman
Chloe Shepherd– 2nd grade, Mrs. Wallace
Parenting Website
I am told that there are many helpful parenting tools on this website.
Outside the Principal’s Office
We have two grandsons, first and third grade, who live in Eagle Mountain. Easton and Paxton have been home schooled since the beginning of the school year, but our daughter decided to send them back to Silver Lake Elementary last week. Both boys are above average academically, but our daughter wanted them to have more social interactions, so that’s why she wanted them back in the public school. Paxton, the third grader, had a smooth transition in returning to school. Easton, on the other hand, struggled in his first week of school, telling his mother that “school is stupid, I hate school, I’m smarter than the other kids, the other kids are gross because they eat with their mouths open, and you can’t make me go to school.” Each day was a struggle to get him into the school as he threw tantrums, and on Wednesday, he refused to get out of the car and walk into the school. After pleading with Easton for 30-minutes to go into the school, Darcee finally took him home and told him he was confined to his room until his brother got home from school. Easton stayed in his room all day without complaint, reading books and playing with any toys he had in his bedroom. On Thursday, he made the choice to return to school, explaining to his mother that he didn’t want to go to the school the previous day because he had had a dream and the dream “took me over.” With no dream takeovers, Thursday and Friday were good school days for Easton!
We appreciate all that parents are during this pandemic to provide educational opportunities for their children, whether that be sending your students to school or engaging in online learning at home.
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary