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Eagle News 9/13/2021

By Newsletters
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books Registration Ends September 24. Join us for another great year of reading and competing in America’s Battle of the Books. This is a voluntary reading program for students in grades 3-6 and is so much fun. All students need to do is register and then start reading the books on their book list. Students who have read three books by December are invited to join a team and attend a pizza party in the library. Students then work with their team and continue reading titles on their book list to prepare for the battles in February and March. Click Here to Register. Please direct any questions to our Media Specialist/Librarian, Paula Ruesch [email protected].
 PTA News
Alpine Elementary PTA Fundraiser & Fun Run
This Thursday, your child will be bringing home a flyer with details around our annual Alpine Elementary PTA Fundraiser & Fun Run, taking place next week (Sept. 20 – 24). This fundraiser is crucial to supporting the many Alpine Elementary programs and activities that strive to strengthen school unity, promote health & wellness, encourage kindness & respect, and create a school-wide culture that learning is fun. Look for the flyer in your child’s backpack, which will include more details. Note that the Fun Run itself will be on Sept. 23rd at Creekside Park from 9:30 am to noon.
Walk-to-School Wednesday
Walk-to-School Wednesday will take place this coming Wednesday! We’d love any parent who wants to help to come to the school around 8:50 that morning and look for any 1 of 4 tables outside to help!
Running Club
We had an extremely successful Running Club last Friday, with around 200 students participating! They were great sports to run in the hot weather! Running Club will continue Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays during morning recess, and kids will earn prizes as they log those miles!
School Picture Day – Sept. 28
We are still looking for a few volunteers to assist with School Picture Day taking place on Sept. 28th. If any parents could come between 9:15 – 11:30 am, please sign up here.
Last week, an email went out about the Reflections Art Program. Reflections is an incredible nation-wide program put on by the PTA that encourages children to be creative and involved in the arts. There is no fee to participate and there are several art categories. See last week’s email for more details, but this year’s theme is “I Will Change the World by…” and the submission deadline is October 13th.
Ink Cartridge and Toner Recycling Program
For the second consecutive year we will have an ink cartridge and toner recycling program. Bring your computer ink and toner cartridges to the box in our Staff Room and our school receives money in this recycling program.
School Community Council
Our first School Community Council meeting will be 9:30 – 10:30 am on Thursday, September 16 in our Conference Room. Any parent is welcome to attend.
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, September 10. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Paige Ainsworth-Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Mason Andersen-5th grade, Mrs. Chang
Riggins Andersen-Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Miley Benson-3rd grade, Mrs. Chen
Lennox Deaton-1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Ronan Harward-1st grade, Mrs. Bailey
Brooklyn Hebbert-4th grade, Mrs. Vipperman
Porter Hertig-3rd grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Grant Howard-4th grade, Ms. Moore
Gideon Myers-5th grade, Mr. Horan
Julia Sampson-4th grade, Mrs. Keller
Johanna Stewart-5th grade, Ms. Dale
Sydney Turner-6th grade, Mrs. Hill
Ruth Willis-1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Elliott Wood- 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Outside the Principal’s Office
We will never forget! I saw those words repeatedly this past weekend as our country reflected on what happened 20 years ago on 9/11/2001. While we should all certainly remember the tragic loss of life, I think we should also remember how one of the darkest days in our nation’s history unified us. We were all Americans grieving and resolved to defend our country at all costs. There was no focus on red or blue states or political bickering. Fast forward 20 years and we have lost much of that unity and are in many ways a very divided country. I yearn for the sense of unity, not for catastrophic national events, that we experienced two decades ago.
As we attended the BYU/Utah football game Saturday night, Laura and I were seated next to some Utah fans, and as we watched the pregame festivities (the two F-15’s flying low over the stadium was an unforgettable goosebump moment) commemorating 9/11, all 64,000 fans in attendance, whether wearing blue or red, were once again unified in somber remembrance of those who perished, with an in-state football game seeming rather insignificant to the events of that day 20 years ago.
Our sixth graders were not yet born or just infants the last time BYU beat the University of Utah in a football game, November 27, 2009. The Perdues bleed Cougar Blue, but none of our 14 grandchildren have any memories of a BYU victory in the rivalry game. The twelve-year, nine game losing streak ended on Saturday night, and even though the almost 64,000 fans in attendance got soaked in a brief torrential downpour, it was a wonderful night for the Cougar faithful. With the announcement on Friday that BYU will become a member of the Big XII Conference, it was a very good weekend to be a BYU fan. Having said that, I saw nothing but class and congratulatory words from the Utah fans I interacted with at the game.
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal

Eagle News 9/6/2021

By Newsletters
Acadience Testing
We will have our Beginning of the Year Acadience test for K – 3 students on Thursday, September 9. Acadience is the foundational reading assessment given to our students three times during the school year. The assessment results inform the literacy instruction that teachers deliver in the classroom. Additionally, our first graders will also be administered a Math Acadience Assessment on Thursday.
Change in Picture Day
Because of a scheduling conflict with Eastman Adams Photography, our Picture Day is now scheduled for September 28. Picture flyers explaining the different purchasing packages will be coming to parents before September 28.
P.L.A.Y. (Play, Learn, Accept, YouKnight) Day
The Lone Peak football players and cheerleaders who came to Alpine Elementary last week for P.L.A.Y. Day were treated like rock stars by our students. It was a fun day and we appreciate the LPHS students, many former Alpine Elementary students, who came to talk, play and interact with our students.
Ink Cartridge and Toner Recycling Program
For the second consecutive year we will have an ink cartridge and toner recycling program. Bring your computer ink and toner cartridges to the box in our Staff Room and our school receives money in this recycling program.
School Community Council
We have four new parents who will be serving on our School Community Council for the 2021 – 2022 school year. Our one returning SCC parent will be JoLynn Greenwood. Here is our 2021 – 22 School Community Council:
Ying Garrison—Parent
JoLynn Greenwood–Parent
Sarah Johnson—Parent
Jaron Mathis—Parent
Melissa McCoy—Parent
Connie Faux—Teacher
McKayla Hill—Teacher
Dave Perdue—Principal
Teacher Aides Still Needed
We continue to have Teacher Aide positions that need to be filled. The jobs range from three to five hours in length and pay $11.28 an hour. If you or someone you know is interested in working as an aide at Alpine Elementary, please contact our Instructional Coach, Jenna Berry, [email protected].
PTA News
We had a successful Walk to School Wednesday last week and will continue the practice every other week, so our next Walk to School Wednesday will be September 15. We are grateful to all of the Room Parents who met with teachers last week. The PTA will have their first meeting of the school year, Thursday, September 9, 9:30 – 10:30 am in the Staff Room. All parents are welcome to attend.
Outside the Principal’s Office
Judging from the number of BYU fans in Las Vegas on Saturday, there had to be members of the Alpine Elementary Community in attendance at Saturday night’s football game between BYU and the University of Arizona. Las Vegas is not one of my favorite destinations to visit, but Laura and I headed south and enjoyed the BYU football victory on Saturday night.  Allegiant Stadium, home of the NFL’s Las Vegas Raiders, which was built for a mere $2 billion, was a very nice venue in which to watch an athletic contest. The AC in the enclosed stadium was a welcome relief when temperatures were hovering around 90 degrees outside in the Nevada desert.
I know of at least one Alpine Elementary parent in attendance at the game. Nick Greer who along with his wife Debra have had five of their seven children attend Alpine Elementary was definitely at the game as he had the honor of running the BYU flag onto the field before the game started. Mr. Greer is a humble man and will undoubtedly be embarrassed by this recognition in the Eagle News. Nick is the CEO of Built Bar and recently announced that all 36 walk-on players on the BYU football team would have their college tuition paid by Built Bar.
Because of Nick’s magnanimous donation to the University and being a loyal BYU supporter, the BYU football team gave Nick the honor of carrying the BYU flag out onto the field prior to the game Saturday night. Nick ran the flag out proudly with not one misstep as he had a highly energized team and the cumulative weight of many football players with sharp field cleats running behind him. A fall could have been disastrous. Way to represent the Alpine Elementary Community, Nick! See the attached video.
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal

Eagle News 8/30/2021

By Newsletters
Picture Day
School Picture Day will be September 28. Flyers explaining the different picture purchasing packages will be coming home soon.
P.L.A.Y. (Play, Learn, Accept, YouKnight) Day
Lone Peak High School football players will be at Alpine Elementary during our morning recess on September 2 to mingle and play with all of our students. The focus of the LPHS athletes is to reach out to all of our students, not just our elementary football players or athletes.
Outside Lunch
When the weather is nice, as it was last week and is supposed to be this week, we have our students eat lunch outside, instead of in the cafeteria. Students sit by grade level on the grass and eat their school and home lunches before going to the playground to begin their lunch recess. We have three adults supervising the students while they are eating their lunch. We started the outside lunch last year as a part of the COVID protocols that we had in place, but have continued the practice this year because the feedback from the students and supervisors on the outdoor lunch has been overwhelmingly positive. Please do not pull into our back parking lot to visit with your students while they are eating lunch. It is difficult for our lunch supervisors to determine who is a parent and who is not a parent, and we want to follow safety protocols regarding the adults that students are in contact with during the school day.
Teacher Aides Needed
I have already sent out a couple of messages to the Alpine Elementary Community explaining that we are in need of Teacher Aides at our school. We currently have four unfilled TA positions, even after posting jobs on the Alpine School District website. The jobs range from three to five hours in length and pay $11.28 an hour.
If you or someone you know is interested in working as an aide at Alpine Elementary, please contact our Instructional Coach, Jenna Berry, [email protected].
PTA News
Walk-to-School Wednesdays (PTA-sponsored)
Parent volunteer, Chelsea Hertig, is starting up Walk-to-School Wednesdays beginning this Wednesday, September 1st. Students can walk to school from whatever location makes the most sense for your family, and earn rewards for participation! This year, we’ll do Walk-to-School Wednesdays every other Wednesday. We need 4 volunteers to help this Wednesday morning from 8:50 – 9:30 am. Sign up to be a helper this Wednesday morning here!
Picture Day
Picture Day will be happening on September 28, and we are looking for just a few volunteers to help that day! Please sign up here to help out!
Running Club (PTA-sponsored)
Running Club will be starting up soon! The PTA has moved Running Club to morning recess time to allow all students the option to participate. The Club will run Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at that time. Stay tuned for more details!
Online Absence Requests
Parents can excuse their students from school by using the Online Absence Request for Parents. I have attached instructions on how to use this online form.
Outside the Principal’s Office
Did you or any of your family or friends hike Timp on Saturday? I biked the Alpine Loop on Saturday morning, and I have never seen so many cars parked alongside the road in the various pull outs, trying to park as close as possible to the Timpooneke Trailhead. Undoubtedly, the dropping temperatures and hint of fall in the air, not to mention the return of college students to BYU and UVU, is bringing many hikers to the mountain trails.
After my bike ride, Laura and I watched some of our grandchildren play soccer in Saratoga Springs and Riverton. Watching four-year old girls play soccer is actually quite entertaining. Not the soccer, as it is just a jumble of little girls in a beehive formation trying to kick the ball, usually missing contact, while giggling, checking to see if their parents are watching them, and very concerned about hair and uniform tidiness.
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal

Eagle News 8/23/2021

By Newsletters
First Week of School
We had a great first four days of school for our 1st – 6th graders! Students seem excited to be starting a new school year! Our teachers devoted a lot of time last week to teaching students how to demonstrate the Alpine Big 3: Respect, Responsibility, Ready, in the classroom and school common areas: hallways, restrooms and cafeteria. It is so important in the first days of school for students to learn the rules, routines and procedures that create a warm and nurturing learning environment in our school.
First Day of School for Preschool and Kindergarten
We are excited to welcome our youngest learners, the preschoolers and kindergartners, to their first day of school on August 24. There will undoubtedly be a few tears by both students and parents, but our teachers will welcome your students to school with love and enthusiasm.
Assessment Data
We are proud of the 2020 – 2021 Alpine Elementary student academic achievement data. Acadience Testing is the foundational reading assessment that is administered to K – 6 graders three times during the school year. We particularly focus on the K – 3 scores, knowing that proficiency in reading is the foundation for all academic success in succeeding school years. Last year there were 60 elementary schools in the Alpine School District. 61 this year with the opening of a new school in Vineyard. Alpine Elementary’s Acadience results compared well with the other elementary schools in the ASD:
Kindergarten: 86% proficiency, 6th highest in the ASD
First Grade: 86% proficiency, highest in the ASD
Second Grade: 72% proficiency, 12th highest in the ASD
Third Grade: 71% proficiency, 6th highest in the ASD
Those combined K  – 3 assessment scores gave us the second highest K – 3 Acadience results in the entire school district, 81.25 %.! ! Darn that Highland Elementary at 82% proficiency. Those achievement results don’t happen by accident. We are grateful for all of the great work last year’s K – 3 teachers did with students, and we are confident that this year’s teachers will continue helping students achieve to their full potential.
Our RISE state testing scores in English Language Arts, Math and Science in grades 3 – 6 are also above state average and compare favorably with the other schools in the ASD.
Teacher Aides Needed
We are in need of multiple Teacher Aides this new school year. Most of the positions are three-hour jobs, though we do have some four and five-hour positions. Teacher Aides hours are typically in the 9:30 am – 12:30 pm time frame.
If you or someone you know is interested in working as an aide at Alpine Elementary, please contact our Instructional Coach, Jenna Berry, [email protected].
PTA News
The Alpine Elementary PTA is looking for volunteers to help with our Running Club, which will be starting in the next couple of weeks. We have moved the Running Club to morning recess 3 times a week rather than early morning in the hopes that more students can participate. If you would like to help a couple of days a month to oversee the students as they run, please contact our PTA President Suzanne Campbell at 801-635-7899 or [email protected].
The PTA is also still looking for a volunteer to chair Red Ribbon Week, which focuses on Drug Safety and Awareness. This is an important program and serves as a great reminder to students, and will be happening the week of Oct. 19 – 22. Again, please reach out to Suzanne if you’d be interested in helping with that.
After School Parking
Please do not park in the bus loading zone 3:00 – 3:30 pm. We have cones set out to remind parents that cars in the bus loading zone make it difficult for our one bus to pull in to pick up students and leave to take students home.
Elementary School Band and Orchestra Program
I have included a flyer for an Elementary School Band and Orchestra Program being offered and Highland and Ridgeline Elementary schools. Because Highland has a different school start time than Alpine Elementary, the program at Ridgeline would be the one that fits our schedule.
Online Absence Requests
Parents can excuse their students from school by using the Online Absence Request for Parents. I have attached instructions on how to use this online form.
Outside the Principal’s Office
In the eight years I have been at Alpine Elementary, we have never had as much moisture as we did in our first week of school. Not always convenient for outside recess, but very much needed in this drought-stricken part of the country! We had trees in our neighborhood blown over by the strong wind Saturday night. Hopefully, your homes and property withstood the strong gusts. On my Saturday morning bike ride up to the top of Squaw Peak, I rode in a steady downpour for a few minutes. I hope that you all enjoyed the cooler weather over the weekend.
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal

Eagle News 8/2/2021

By Newsletters

Eagle News

For those of you new to Alpine Elementary, my primary means of communicating with parents is a weekly email that I call the Eagle News. I will often include an anecdote about my life in a section of the email called Outside of the Principal’s Office that I hope allows parents to better to get to know me.  The Alpine Elementary Staff looks forward to a new school year that will enable all students to have a successful learning experience. So here is the first Eagle News for the 2021-2022 school year!

Important Dates

August 6—Parents can get on Skyward and see who their child’s teacher is going to be for the new school year. Call the office, 801-610-8700, if you need help logging into Skyward. We have spent a lot of time creating classes that are balanced by number of students, gender, academic ability and behavioral characteristics. To maintain that balance, I respectfully ask that parents not call or email me requesting a teacher change after being informed who your student’s assigned teacher will be. Moving students from one class to another after teacher assignments have been made creates imbalanced classes. I know that parents talk amongst themselves and have perceptions about preferred teachers, but it is not possible to accommodate all parent requests. Students often tell parents that they are not in the same class as their friends, and ask their parents to contact me wanting to make a class change. Please do not do that!

August 16—Open House, 4:00 – 6:00 pm. Teachers will communicate with parents via email about classroom routines, expectations, and curriculum prior to the August 16 Open House. This is a time for students and parents to meet the teacher and see the assigned classroom. 

August 17—First day of school for 1 – 6 graders. Our school schedule for the new school year is:

9:15 am – 3:30 pm, Monday – Friday. There will be no designated early release day for students, as Mondays have been in previous years. 

August 24–First day of school for Preschool and Kindergarten.

AM—9:15 am – 12:00 pm

PM—12:45 pm – 3:30 pm

Supply Lists

Grade level classroom supply lists will be posted on the Alpine Elementary website on August 4. 

No Masks in School Required

We receive daily updates on how COVID-19 and other variant viruses are impacting people around the world. At this time, Governor Cox, the Utah County Health Department and the Alpine School District Board of Directors have not issued a mask mandate in schools. Consequently, unless directed otherwise by state and district officials prior to August 17, students, parents and staff will not be required to wear masks in school. Having said that, any student, parent or staff member can choose to wear a mask in the school. We will continue to teach and reteach our students the importance of personal hygiene and to not come to school if displaying any virus-like symptoms. 

Outside the Principal’s Office

The two big trips my wife Laura and I took this summer were to Rapid City, SD and Newport, OR. We enjoyed visiting our son and daughter-in-law in South Dakota, and unlike a year ago when I fractured my clavicle in bike wreck, I had two beautiful bike rides on the Needles Highway near Mount Rushmore. We raised our family in Redmond, Oregon which is 175 miles from the Pacific Ocean, but the part of Oregon we miss the most is the Oregon Coast. The four days Laura and I spent on the Oregon Coast were good for the soul!  We enjoyed the cooler weather as we walked the beaches, ate some excellent sea food, and of course had to sample some ice cream from the Tillamook Cheese Factory. I spent a lot of time on my road bike this summer, Suncrest, Alpine Loop, Granite Flats and the Murdock Trail were some of my go to rides. 

Eagle News 5/24/2021

By Newsletters
This Week’s Schedule
To enable parents with more than one child at Alpine Elementary to participate in all of the events in the final days of school, we have adjusted the schedule for Wednesday, May 26.
9:15 – 9:45 Awards Assembly, Parents having students recognized at the Awards Assembly were notified via email on Friday, May 21.
9:50 – 10:25 Sixth Grade Pillow Concert
10:30 – 11:30 Kindergarten Graduation
Students will be dismissed at 10:35 pm on the final day of school, May 27. We invite parents to attend our Flag Ceremony at 10:15 am in front of the school at the flag pole.
School Schedule 2021 – 2022
For the upcoming school year, students at Alpine Elementary will be on a 9:15 am – 3:30 pm daily schedule. We are excited to recapture the hour of lost instructional time that was lost this year. There will be no day of the week that has an early release. All elementary schools in the Alpine School District will be on a 9:15 am – 3:30 pm or 8:00 am – 2:15 schedule. There will no longer be two-track schools (i.e. Westfield and Ridgeline) where students come to school as an Early Bird or Later Gator. All elementary students will be on one of the two schedules mentioned above. District wide bus route considerations were used to determine which schools had the 8:00 am or 9:15 am start time. This afternoon, parents will receive an email from the Alpine School District informing them of the schedules of all of the elementary schools.
School Carnival
We are excited to be able to celebrate the end of this year with a Spring Carnival here at Alpine Elementary. The Carnival will be TODAY May 24th, from 4:00-7:00pm. There will be carnival games, a rock wall, and food trucks. We have Cupbop, a Taco Truck, Barbecue, and a Churro Truck.  Our school PTA will be getting 10% of all proceeds. Please come and bring your whole family!
We need a few more volunteers to help setup tables and chairs from 2:30-3:00pm, and clean up following the carnival at 7:00-7:30pm. If you are able to help it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
PTA News
We are excited to introduce the new PTA Board for the year of 2021-2022!
President – Suzanne Campbell
President Elect – Shauna Roundy
Secretary – Tiffany Petty
Treasurer- Pam Olsen
Membership VP – Jennica Woodbury
Advocacy VP – Stacie Mellor
Leadership VP – Yasmin Taylor
We appreciate these ladies stepping up and being a part of the PTA board for next year. They have a lot of great ideas and will do an amazing job!
We would like to express our appreciation to the teachers and staff, and the parents at Alpine Elementary who have made this year such a great year under such difficult circumstances. We made it! And we are stronger for it!
End of Mask Mandate May 24
As we enter the final week of school, we remind parents that masks for students, parents and staff are encouraged but no longer required. Masks are optional the final four days of school!
Lost and Found
Please encourage your students to check our Lost and Found, or parents can come to the school and reclaim any Lost and Found items. You can see from the attached photos that we have gathered lots of items that need to return to their original home.
Summer Library
Beginning on June 7, our incredible Library Aide, Janece Thompson, will be opening the library for students on Mondays (except July 12), 9:30 – 11:30 am. Thank you, Janece!
Outside the Principal’s Office
As we enter the last week of the 2020 – 2021 school year, I am so grateful that we have been able to have a full school year as we all dealt with the effects of a worldwide pandemic. On August 17, when we started the school year, how many of you thought we would have a school year with no closures? We all have family and friends in other states who have not been able to send their children to school for the entire school year.
As the principal at Alpine Elementary, I am humbled and grateful for the trust and confidence that parents have had to send their most prized possessions, their children, to school as an unpredictable and emotionally charged pandemic raged across the world.
Not once, did a member of the Alpine Elementary staff member come to me this school year and say, “This isn’t right. How can we be expected to work and do our job in these conditions?” We are grateful that the dedicated and resilient faculty at Alpine Elementary came to work since August 17, understanding that a personal vaccination of love and nurturing and providing as normal of a school experience as possible for children, would help our students to feel safe and protected in uncertain times. Thank you, Alpine Elementary Community for making this a successful school year!
Have a safe and enjoyable Summer Break, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District


By Newsletters
End of Mask Mandate May 24
The Alpine School District will follow Governor Cox’s recent announcement that masks will be optional in the school beginning on May 24. Students, parents and staff can choose whether or not they want to wear a mask in the school from May 24 forward.
School Schedule
The Alpine School Board voted last Tuesday to have all elementary schools move to an 8:00 am – 2:15 pm or 9:15 am – 3:30 pm schedule for students next year, and our licensed staff will transition to a 7:30 am – 4:00 pm contract day. Our start time will be determined by district bus route times, and we are still anxiously waiting to be informed what the start time for students will be next year. As soon as we are notified what our student start time will be, we will communicate with parents.
School Carnival
We are excited to be able to celebrate the end of this year with a Spring Carnival here at Alpine Elementary. The Carnival will be on Monday, May 24th from 4:00-7:00pm. There will be carnival games, a rock wall, and food trucks. Come enjoy some fun for the whole family!
 We need a few volunteers to help setup tables and chairs from 2:30-3:00pm, and clean up following the carnival at 7:00-7:30pm. If you are able to help, please sign up with this link
Student Council Elections
We are grateful for all of the 5th grade students who ran for a Student Council position. Next year’s elected sixth grade student council officers:
President—Daniel Snow
Vice-President—Brody Burr
Secretary—Claire Hamilton
Treasurer—Max Bergquist
School Enrollment for 2021 – 2022
Please let the main office know ASAP if your child will not be attending Alpine Elementary for the 2021 – 2022 school year.
Toner Cartridges
Last call to recycle any of your toner cartridges. We have a box in our Staff Room and the school receives money for the recycled cartridges.
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, May 14. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Brielle Anson– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Bailey Braden– 5th grade, Mrs. Chang
Austin Crawley– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Sean Dilts– 6th grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Dane Goodwin– 3rd grade, Mrs. Chen
Talia Graham– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchsion
Quinn Haas– 1st grade, Mrs. Johnson
Nora Jensen– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Faith Kafi– 4th grade, Mrs. Keller
Will Lacey– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Chat Lawrence– 3rd grade, Mrs. Chen
Lilly Larsen– 6th grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Sam Petty– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Emmett Rasmussen– 4th grade, Mrs. Keller
Porter Smith– 3rd grade, Mrs. Chen
Avery Taylor– 6th grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Andrew Telles– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Zane Vigil– 5th grade, Mrs. Hill
Claire Voisin– 1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Paisley Walker– 5th grade, Mrs. Hill
Jacob Wilson– 1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Abby Young– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Outside the Principal’s Office
This is the time of year that I will often take a long bike ride on Saturday mornings, which gives me the opportunity to think about a variety of topics. Family, work, upcoming church teaching responsibilities are often the focus of my thoughts as I pedal my bike. This past Saturday I was thinking about spontaneous kindness. Friday night, after eating at a restaurant, Laura and I were in the drive through at Dairy Queen to get a Butterfinger Blizzard (Laura) and chocolate dip cone (me). When we got to the window to pay, the young lady working the drive through informed us that someone three vehicles in front of us had paid the bill for the three cars behind him/her, and we were car number three! What an unexpected kindness! We decided to pay it backward and paid for whatever the car behind us had ordered.
On Friday morning, I observed another act of spontaneous kindness. The third graders had their annual “Drop an Egg off the Roof” activity. I got to climb on the roof with Head Custodian, Mike Carter, and drop all of the different egg protection devices/contraptions the students had created. While I was dropping eggs off the roof one third grader arrived late to school, and in our office was very distraught that he didn’t have anything to drop an egg in, like all of the other third graders. Our two amazing front office secretaries, Martha Hadlock and Sheri Davis, saw how upset the boy was and immediately, using their improvisational skills, went about creating an egg protection device for a student who was inconsolable. And because of the kindness of two compassionate ladies in our main office, the student was able to have his egg dropped from the roof, albeit the last one, and from my vantage point, the egg did not break! Spontaneous kindness that will never be forgotten by a student, or me!
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 5/10/2021

By Newsletters
Second Grade Glow Performances
Our second graders will be performing “Glow” this week in the gymnasium. Please remember to wear your masks when you come into the school.
  • Tuesday, May 11— 11:15 – 11:45 am, Ms. Andersen
  • Tuesday, May 11—1:00 – 1:30 pm, Mrs. Blodgett
  • Wednesday, May 12—11:15 – 11:45 am, Mrs. Wallace
  • Thursday, May 13—11:15 – 11:45 am, Ms. Moore
Buy One Get One Free Book Fair
It is the Buy One Get One Free Book Fair Week. Students can shop for books during their regularly assigned library time. Parents and students can shop before and after
school at the listed times. To keep everyone safe at the school, masks are
required and access to the book fair will be limited to 50 people at a time.
Tuesday – Thursday
8:30—9:00 am, 2:30 – 4:00 pm
8:30-9:00 am 8:30 am – 1:00 pm
Parent volunteers are needed at the Book Fair. You can sign up here:
No Kindergarten May 10 – 14
There will be no kindergarten May 10 – 14 as our kindergarten teachers will be administering the Kindergarten Entry and Exit (KEEP) Assessment. The final day of school for kindergartners will be May 26.
Lone Peak Cluster Teacher of the Year
On Friday, May 7 fourth grade Chinese teacher, Anna Moore, was recognized as the Lone Peak Cluster Teacher of the Year. Ms. Moore had a surprise visit in her classroom from Superintendent Farnsworth and other guests on Friday morning, as she received her Teacher of the Year recognition. The Lone Peak Cluster includes six elementary schools, two middle schools and LPHS. The principal at each school nominates a teacher for recognition, and for the second year in a row, the Lone Peak Cluster Teacher of the Year is one of our own at Alpine Elementary. Last year, kindergarten teacher, Colleen Aitchison, was recognized as the Cluster Teacher of the Year. Congratulations Ms. Moore!
New Marquee
Have you seen the new marquee in front of the school? After several months of not being able to communicate with our patrons on the old reader board that was vandalized in October, we are grateful for the new electronic marquee. As part of her administrative internship, I gave fifth grade teacher, McKayla Hill, the responsibility to work with the school district, the sign vendor and the City of Alpine to handle all of the logistics of getting the marquee up and running. Thank you, Mrs. Hill for all of your hard work and patience to see this project through to the end. We are also grateful to secretaries Martha Hadlock and Sheri Davis for completing the online training necessary to program the marquee.
School Carnival
We will be having a school carnival on Monday, May 24, 4:00 – 7:00 pm. There will be carnival games and food trucks. More information will be coming your way soon.
Custodial Help Needed
We are in need of two custodial sweepers to replace two of our current employees who will soon be leaving to serve missions. Possible candidates need to be at least 16 years old. Contact our Head Custodian, Mike Carter, [email protected], if you know of someone who would like to apply for the job.
School Enrollment for 2021 – 2022
Please let the main office know ASAP if your child will not be attending Alpine Elementary for the 2021 – 2022 school year.
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, May 7. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Savvi Anderson– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Olivia Belnap– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Bryce Bird– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Krew Clark– 4th grade, Mrs. Vipperman
Charlee Crump– 4th grade, Mrs. Keller
Georgie Cvetko– 3rd grade, Mrs. Duke
Rosie Ence– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Violet Frazier– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Gracie Gillespie– 5th grade, Mrs. Hill
Ben Hamilton– 5th grade, Mr. Horan
Evie Hansen– 3rd grade, Mrs. Duke
Cambree Heggerhorst– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Olivia Heise– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Lilah McConnon–5th grade, Mrs. Padgett
David Mercado– 1st grade, Mrs. Chou
Levi Moore– 4th grade, Mrs. Vipperman
Jared Olsen– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Jane Rasmussen– 5th grade, Mrs. Hill
Addie Sorensen– 1st grade, Mrs. Chou
Tony Stone– 2nd grade, Mrs. Wallace
Grace Verzello– 1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Outside the Principal’s Office
For any road bikers out there, the Alpine Loop is now open to cyclists. The road has been plowed, with minimal road debris left behind. This is the best time of the year to bike The Loop. The gates are locked at Pine Hollow Trailhead and the Stewart Falls parking lot, so there are no cars that cyclists need to worry about on the upper portion of the road. It was fun to bike the Alpine Loop for the first time in 2021 on Saturday.
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary

Eagle News 5/3/2021

By Newsletters
Staff Appreciation Week
Thank you to all of the parents who helped with Staff Appreciation Week! The Alpine Elementary faculty felt of your gratitude for all that has been done during very challenging times to provide our students a quality education since August 17. A special thank you to Mary Field, Jennica Woodbury and Lizzy Snyder for all they did to coordinate the different events for Staff Appreciation Week!
We would like to thank Susie Foods for the Syrupdipity butter and syrup spread they donated to all faculty members. (see or for more flavors and information).
PTA News
Save the date! This year we are going to have an Alpine Elementary Carnival. It will be on May 24 from 4:00 – 7:00 pm. We hope we can all celebrate together this amazing year. Custom Event will be coming with blow up rides and carnival games. We will also have yummy food trucks. Bring the whole family!
Our last PTA meeting of the year will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, in the teacher’s lounge at 9:15. Everyone is invited.
School Assemblies and Facemasks
We had our first assembly of the school year and the first event this school year that parents were invited to on April 29. The fourth grade State of Utah Program. The fourth graders under the enthusiastic direction of our music teacher, Melinda Hunt, were outstanding in their performance. Our sixth graders will have their Sixth Grade Dance at 1:15 pm on Friday, May 7 and our second graders will be performing their Glow Program on May 11, 12 , 13, depending on which class they are in. There were several parents who chose not to wear masks at the fourth grade program. Please remember to wear masks when in the school for any reason, including school programs!
Buy One Get One Free Bookfair
The Buy One Get One Free Bookfair will be May 11 – 14. See the attached flyer for more details.
No Kindergarten May 10 – 14
There will be no kindergarten May 10 – 14 as our kindergarten teachers will be administering the Kindergarten Entry and Exit (KEEP) Assessment. The final day of school for kindergartners will be May 26.
Students of the Week
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, April 30. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations, Students of the Week!
Benson Anderson– 2nd grade, Ms. M. Moore
Charley Balser– 5th grade, Mr. Horan
Rex Blackham– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Leah Clawson– 3rd grade, Mrs. Duke
Josh Crump– 6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Avri Davidson– 6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Patrick Gheciu– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Daisy McConnon– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Madison Morris– 6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Tagg Nelsen– 1st grade, Mrs. Chou
Sage Nielsen– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Quincy Peper- 6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Parker Rodman– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Nick Steuart– 5th grade, Mrs. Hill
Owen Taylor– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Daegan Tedrow– 4th grade, Mrs. Orgill
Elliot Wood– 2nd grade, Mrs. Wallace
Rockwell Young– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Grady Zito– 5th grade, Mrs. Chang
Outside the Principal’s Office
Do you know who the Iron Cowboy is? James Lawrence is a Utah County resident who performs amazing physical feats with Ironman Triathlons. An Ironman consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 miles on a bike, and running a full marathon, 26.2 miles. For most mortals, completing an Ironman Triathlon is a lifetime accomplishment. In 2015, the Iron Cowboy completed 50 Ironman Triathlons in 50 states on 50 consecutive days! He is currently attempting to complete 100 Ironmans in 100 consecutive days! Saturday, May 1 was Ironman 62. He does the same course everyday: swim in the Lindon Aquatic Center, bike to Payson with three loops west of town, and marathon in Orem, Lindon and Pleasant Grove, using the Murdock Trail. On Saturday, I joined with James and several other bike riders for the bike ride portion of his Ironman. Fun day for me, but I went home after the 112-mile bike ride. James still had a 26.2 mile marathon to complete. The mental toughness to go to bed each night knowing that another Ironman Triathlon awaits James the next day, as he completes an Ironman on 100 consecutive days is difficult to for me to even comprehend. Thinking about the Ironman Cowboy’s physical and mental capabilities during Saturday’s almost six-hour bike ride gave me the strength and desire to finish the ride with James and the other riders. Just keep on pedaling, a wonderful metaphor for life!
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 4/26/2021

By Newsletters
Staff Appreciation Week
It is Staff Appreciation Week! Our incredible PTA and other parent volunteers have scheduled multiple ways of saying thank you to our staff this week. Check out (see attached photo) how our main door entry by the flag pole is decorated on Monday.
We would love to show appreciation from the parents to all of our wonderful teachers and staff this year with a flood of thank you notes.
If you choose to participate in this effort, you can E-mail the teacher/staff directly (see school website if you don’t know the email:
If you have a desire to give the teachers/staff more than a thank you note, here is a document with a list of faculty favorites:
Here is what the happening this week:
Monday—Thank you notes
Tuesday—Soft ice cream bar in faculty room
Wednesday—Lunch provided by the PTA
Thursday—Waffle kits delivered to classrooms with Susie’s Original Syrupdipity Spread
Friday—Taco Food Truck serving lunch
The Alpine Elementary staff do an incredible job of working with your students in any given year. Having said that, students, parents and staff will always remember the “Year of the Pandemic”. The fact that our staff has been face-to-face with students since August 17 when so many other places in the country have not opened their schools is reason for celebration. We appreciate all that the PTA is doing this week to say thank you to the Alpine Elementary faculty!
Fourth Grade Utah Program
At 1:45 pm on Thursday, April 29 our 4th graders will be performing their Utah State Program. Parents are welcome to attend but must be wearing masks. We will livestream the program if you want to stay home and watch it. I will send you a link later in the week.
Acadience Testing
The third and final Acadience reading assessment will be administered on Thursday, April 29. Acadience is the diagnostic test all K-3 graders takes to assess their foundational reading skills.
No Kindergarten May 10 – 14
There will be no kindergarten May 10 – 14 as our kindergarten teachers will be administering the Kindergarten Entry and Exit (KEEP) Assessment. The final day of school for kindergartners will be May 26.
School Schedule 2021 – 2022
I have had some questions as to whether a decision has been made on next year’s schedule. We have received feedback from our faculty Leadership Team and almost everyone wanted to recapture lost instructional time, but find some sort of schedule that gives teachers the opportunity to work with students that need extra interventions. I and other principals have shared the feedback we are getting from teachers with our Supervisors, who in turn, have communicated with other District leaders. On Tuesday, April 27 the Alpine School District School Board will be discussing next year’s schedule and will probably vote on the 2021 – 2022 proposed schedule in the May 11 School Board Meeting.
State Testing Opt Outs
Our 3rd – 6th graders are beginning their end-of-year state standardized tests called RISE Assessments. All 3rd – 6th graders take a English Language Arts (ELA) and Math assessment and the 4th – 6th graders also take a Science assessment. If you do not want your child to participate in the state assessments, please notify your student’s teacher and you will need sign an opt out form.
Teacher Requests
We will be accepting Teacher Request Forms (attached) until April 30. Because of the staffing changes next year, we will only be accepting Teacher Requests in grades K, 1, 2, and 3. There will only be one non-Chinese teacher, Mrs. Keller, in 4th grade. Both non-Chinese teachers in 5th grade are newly hired staff members. The students in Mrs. Hill’s 5th grade class will be in her class for 6th grade; consequently, there will be no teacher requests in the non-Chinese classes in grades 4, 5 and 6.
In May, our grade level teams will place students into next year’s classes. We make every effort to create classes that are balanced by gender, and academic/behavioral factors. We do our best to honor Teacher Requests from parents, but please know that turning in a Teacher Request Form does not guarantee class placement.
Ink and Toner Recycle
Just a reminder that we have a recycle box in the Staff Room for your old ink and toner cartridges. Place the old cartridges in a plastic bag and deposit in the recycle box. Alpine Elementary receives money for the recycled ink and toner cartridges. Thank you!
Outside the Principal’s Office
On Saturday, I biked with my bike team, Epic, from University Mall in Provo to Hobble Creek Canyon where we climbed both forks of the canyon. Saturday’s ride was wonderful, with no complications. Some of you may remember a different experience I had biking Hobble Creek Canyon in April 2018.
At the top of the right fork, I had a flat tire which I repaired, but unfortunately as I was riding down the mountain, I soon had another flat tire on the same wheel, so then I had a real predicament! We were miles above a locked gate so no cars would be driving by to help, no cell service and an inoperable bike! I told the friend I was with to ride down the mountain and call Laura and I would start walking down the road toward the locked gate, which in my clip-in bike shoes, would take a couple of hours. Fortunately, my friend told two members of our bike team who were waiting for us at the bottom of the mountain what had happened and they rode back up the mountain to rescue me. What loyal friends, right? My friend Blake is 5’9” maybe a 150 pounds. I am 6’2” 210 pounds, but nevertheless, he told me to sit on his bike while he straddled the frame and we coasted down the mountain as I carried my bike on my back to the locked gate, where I hitched a ride with a stranger and called my son in Mapleton to come pick up the weary bike rider in Springville. A bike ride for the ages! Don’t believe that story? Check out the attached photos!
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District