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Eagle News 12/7/2020

By Newsletters
Alpine Elementary News
Thank you for all of your generous donations to our annual Candlelight School Coin Drive! The Coin Drive was rescheduled after the Thanksgiving Holiday this year, but without fail, our annual efforts to help the children in the Candlelight School in Nairobi, Kenya make me so grateful to be a part of the Alpine Elementary Community. In five days, we raised at least $11,000! I say “at least” because there is still money to be counted. Check out the past five-year Coin Drive contribution totals. Thank you!
            2016 – 17      $7,500
            2017 – 18      $8,245
            2018 – 19      $9,170
            2019 – 20      $10,410
            2020 – 21      $11,000
We will be doing our Christmas Sing, K-6 grades, 9:30 – 10:30 am on Thursday, December 17. We will broadcast the grade level performances to parents online. I will send a link to parents prior to the Christmas Sing. Each grade will sing two songs on stage in the gym and then return to their classrooms. If you are not able to watch the live stream, we will send you link later in the day on December 17 or December 18, so you can watch a recording of the performances.
December 18 will be a Minimal Day and students will be dismissed from school at 12:35 pm.
The Alpine School District has received funding to continue the free meal program through the end of the school year.
The following message comes from our PTA:
Happy Holidays to all Parents at Alpine Elementary, 
This has been a very different school year, to say the least. Our amazing teachers and staff have had a crazy first half of the year, teaching students in and out of the classroom. We are so appreciative, more this year than ever, for our teachers and staff at Alpine Elementary, for teaching our students and keeping them safe and healthy every day.
The PTA has collected a list of simple favorites for the teachers and staff. You can refer to this list in the link below if you want any ideas on what to get them for the holidays. This link will also be on the school website. These are just suggestions. Appreciation comes in the smallest of ways and we are sure they would love anything. 
Thank you, and have a wonderful holiday. 
The PTA 
Outside the Principal’s Office
Today, December 7, is Pearl Harbor Day. That is why flags across the state are at half-mast. 79 years ago today, a surprise attack was launched on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and 2,403 United States citizens perished. This was a 9/11 like experience for past generations, and was the historical event that caused the United States to enter World War II, a war that shaped the destiny of this country. Today we remember those who lost their lives on that tragic day.
 Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary

Eagle News 11/30/2020

By Newsletters
Alpine Elementary News
We are having our annual Candlelight School Coin Drive this week. Any contributions will help feed children at our sister school, the Candlelight School, in Nairobi, Kenya. The plan is for pennies on Monday, nickels on Tuesday, dimes on Wednesday, quarters on Thursday and any amount of money on Friday. Having said that, we understand that because of the pandemic, there is a shortage of coins, so sending any type of money throughout the week will work this year. Here is a short video of the students our Coin Drive will be helping.
We are still looking for volunteers to help with our coin drive this week. If you have a morning that you are available from 9-9:30, we would love to have your help!! You can sign with the link below.
Every year, I receive reports from the teachers about the kindness of our students and their sincere desire to help the students at the Candlelight School in Kenya. In a previous Coin Drive, I had a kindergarten teacher share the following:
The kids were putting their coins in the can and I had one student bring 3 baggies full of coins and dollars. I said “Wow you sure brought a lot of coins today.” He told me that he brought all of his lemonade stand money from the summer so that the kids in Africa could have lunch.  
And on a post-it note in one of the coin cans, a little girl wrote:
Im giving all the Qurters In my bangk because it fells like the rite thing to do.
Our Lost and Found is overflowing. Please come to the school and see if your student has any items that have not been claimed in our Lost and Found!
We are still looking for a PTA president for the 21 – 22 school year. We need your help! Please contact me or one of our current PTA co-presidents, Amme Gillespie [email protected],  or Laralee Proctor [email protected].
Outside the Principal’s Office
I hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing Thanksgiving Break! Did the pandemic alter some of your family gathering plans for Thanksgiving? Our son and daughter-in-law in South Dakota, and my brother and his family in Washington state, were planning on joining us for the holiday, but decided stay home, as a precautionary health measure. We hosted the families of our three children that live along the Wasatch Front, eight adults, and 11 grandchildren. If we were still residents in Oregon, we would have been breaking state guidelines of no gatherings of more than six people. Interestingly, the governor in Oregon encouraged people to call the police if they observed anyone violating the six plus in one household restriction. The 30-years we were able to raise our family in Oregon were wonderful years, but I am grateful to now be a resident of Utah and have in-person learning in our schools, and not have to worry about a neighbor calling the police because of the number of people we had in our home for Thanksgiving.
Have a wonderful week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 11/23/2020

By Newsletters
Alpine Elementary News
I have seen a lot of expressions of gratitude on social media in recent days. If I was a poster, which I am not, I would shout from the social media rooftops how grateful I am for the Alpine Elementary Community!
As a faculty, we are truly grateful for the incredible students that attend our school, and for parents who are so kind and supportive as we make every effort to help each and every child have the best educational experience possible at Alpine Elementary. None of us has ever experienced a school year while dealing with worldwide pandemic. Indeed, these are challenging times. On a personal note, the strength and optimism I receive while dealing with all of the school issues related to COVID-19, are directly attributable to our amazing students, supportive parents and dedicated staff. Thank you!
We have had one employee and one student added to our COVID-19 dashboard in recent days, but we have had four staff members and one student come off the active virus list. Consequently, we have moved from yellow to green on the Alpine School District COVID-19 dashboard!
Our annual Candlelight School Coin Drive will be November 30 – December 4. See the attached flyer. We need help from parents to count coins on the Coin Drive dates. If you can help, will you please sign-up on the attached document.
Our Lost and Found is overflowing. Please come to the school and see if your student has any items that have not been claimed in our Lost and Found!
We are still looking for a PTA president for the 21 – 22 school year. We need your help! Please contact me or one of our current PTA co-presidents, Amme Gillespie [email protected],  or Laralee Proctor [email protected].
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, November 20. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to learn. Congratulations Students of the Week!
Russell Clawson– 5th grade, Mr. Horan
Connor Campbell– 2nd grade, Ms. Blodgett
Rubie Christensen– 1st grade, Ms. Chou
Brinley Cormier– 1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Jackson Gifford– 1st grade, Mrs. Bailey
Clark Greer– PM Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Beckham Johnson– 1st grade, Mrs. Bailey
Andi Layton– 2nd grade, Mrs. Wallace
Jones Oldroyd– 4th grade, Mrs. Orgill
Samuel Phillips– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Zac Roberts– 5th grade, Mrs. Hill
Cy Slesk– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Cade Upshaw– AM Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Sophie Womble– 6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Kate Woodbury– 2nd grade, Ms. Blodgett
Outside the Principal’s Office
I have much to be thankful for in this season of thanksgiving. My faith and family top my gratitude list, and as we welcomed a new grandson, our 14th grandchild, to the family on November 12, our family has been abundantly blessed! As a pandemic rages across the world, we are all reminded to never take our good health for granted. Most bicyclists don’t venture out into colder weather, but a brisk ride up to Southfork on Saturday morning was my way of expressing gratitude for the good health I enjoy in my sixth decade of life.
Have a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving Break, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary

Eagle News 11/16/2020

By Newsletters
Alpine Elementary News
We were hit hard by the COVID-19 virus last week, as we needed to quarantine our 4th and 5th grade Chinese classes because a teacher in each of those grade levels tested positive for the virus. And over the weekend, we needed to call parents of students in our Resource Classroom to inform them that their children will need to quarantine until after the Thanksgiving Break because a teacher’s aide has tested positive. Consequently, we currently have over a hundred students that are quarantined as a result of being in close contact with a teacher or aide who tested positive for the virus.
We currently have six staff members and three students, for a total of nine, who have tested positive for the virus and are on the Current Positive Virus List. Individuals come off this list when they finish their self-isolation period, so the Current Positive Virus List is always fluid. We will drop from nine to six individuals this week, assuming that we don’t have anyone who tests positive this week. If we were to reach a total of 15 people on the list, the Alpine School District would consider a modified schedule at our school. If you have a child who has tested positive for the virus, and is being kept home for self-isolation, please let us know here at the school. Only current active cases.
Last week’s spike in positive COVID—19 cases throughout the state of Utah has also impacted students and staff at Alpine Elementary.
Please remember to keep your students home if they are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms:
  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
Because of the number of students that are currently quarantined, we are postponing the Candlelight School Coin Drive to November 30 – December 4. We sent out an updated Coin Drive flyer last week.
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, November 13. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to learn. Congratulations Students of the Week!
Will Hanes– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Benson Wood– 2nd grade, Ms. Blodgett
Katherine Gerber– 6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Cooper Finlayson– 1st grade, Ms. Chou
Lucy Taylor– 5th grade, Mrs. Hill
Brody Burr– 5th grade, Mrs. Padget
Mason Anderson– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Mary Challis– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Clara Hoard– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Ada Villareal– 6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Tate Beal– 6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Miley Benson– 2nd grade, Ms. Blodgett
Blake Benson– 4th grade, Ms. Vipperman
Joe Hansen– 2nd grade, Ms. M. Moore
Lucy Bingham– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Outside the Principal’s Office
Sometimes a principal has a week where it seems like he is in the middle of a never-ending sequence of events that are negatively impacting students, parents and staff. Because of COVID-19, last week was one of those weeks for me. But in the darkness of storm clouds a bright light shone through. On November 12, our 14th grandchild was born in American Fork Hospital. Little Mace Tyler Perdue has helped me to remember and refocus on what is most meaningful in life.
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 11/10/2020

By Announcements, Newsletters
Alpine Elementary News
I assume most of you heard Governor Herbert’s announcement last night about increased COVID-19 restrictions in the state of Utah. In addition to a statewide mask mandate, certain restrictions have been mandated through November 23, 2020.  See the attached flyer that specifies what can be done in the state with: Social Gatherings, Athletics and extracurricular activities, Schools and Businesses and Event Hosts.
As a result of the new state mandates, there will be no Alpine Elementary building rentals or outside groups using our gym until at least November 23.
Though there has been a spike in COVID-19 related cases throughout the state, we have not experienced an increase in virus incidents at Alpine Elementary! After one trimester of school, I am grateful to report that we have not had one student, staff member or parent who has contracted the virus here at our school. All COVID-19 cases we have dealt with, both student and staff, have resulted from individuals being exposed to the virus by outside sources. So, the protective measures of wearing face masks, sanitizing work spaces frequently, social distancing as best we can, and frequently washing hands is working! Please remember to keep your students home if they are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms:
  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
We understand that we will always be subject to state and school district health mandates, but to date, we have been able to keep students and staff from COVID-19 while at school.
Last week, your students should have come home with a new Alpine Elementary mask that we purchased for all of our students and staff. Please remind your students to bring a mask, whether it be their Alpine Eagle mask or another mask, to school daily. We continue to hand out multiple masks daily to students who “forgot” their mask at home. We understand that students will sometimes lose their mask; consequently, our two fabulous school secretaries, Martha Hadlock and Sheri Davis, wrote the name of every student, over 600, on the inside of the Alpine Eagle masks! If you have the opportunity to do so, please thank those ladies for that labor-intensive service.
Our current co-presidents, Ammie Gillespie and Laralee Proctor, are volunteering as PTA presidents for the second consecutive year. We need a President-Elect ASAP. If you would be interested in serving as our next PTA president, please contact me or Ammie ([email protected]), or Laralee ([email protected]). Either of those ladies can tell you what the job entails. We have so many dedicated parents that want to help our school. We need your help!
We have a new United States President-elect. I am hoping that regardless of whomever you voted for, we can come together as a more unified country. There is no better time to reflect upon the necessary sacrifices that have resulted in the freedoms we enjoy than our November 11, Veterans Day. I wonder what my father, a Korean War veteran, and father-in-law, a WW II veteran, both deceased, would say about the current political climate in our country?
Our 6th graders had the opportunity on Friday, November 6, to have discussion with Utah state legislator, Representative Brady Brammer. Representative Brammer did an excellent job of helping our students understand how the legislature works and how a bill can become law in this state. Thank you, Representative Brammer!
The November School Community Council Meeting will be 9:30 – 10:30 am, November 12, in our Conference Room. All parents are invited! The agenda is attached.
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, November 6. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to learn. Congratulations Students of the Week!
Molly Barnes– 2nd grade, Mrs. Wallace
Tennyson Bateman– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Grace Campbell– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Benjamin Cluff– 1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Claire DeVilliers– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Matthew Field– 6th grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Gael Figueroa– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Krew Hurley– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Joshua Johnson– 6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Damian Lambert– 5th grade, Mrs. Chang
Elsie Marion– 6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Brinley Raven– 5th grade, Mrs. Padgett
Beth Sampson–6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Emberely Smith– 1st grade, Mrs. Chou
Carly White– 4th grade, Mrs. Keller
Outside the Principal’s Office
As I have said before in this space, a great weekend for me is riding my bike over the Alpine Loop, a BYU football victory and time with my family, and so it was this past weekend! For you bikers and hikers, the Alpine Loop is closed to vehicular traffic from Pine Hollow Trail Head to Stewart Falls, so you have the whole road to yourself.
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary


By Announcements
Alpine Elementary News
If you haven’t already done so, please remember to vote.
In my opinion, the divisiveness is this country related to all things political, is demeaning to all that our great country stands for. If the politicians, their supporters, and all citizens in this country could simply follow the Alpine Elementary Big 3 of being respectful, responsible and ready (to live in republic where we can all can be civil to each other even when we have differing opinions), our country would return to the principles upon which it was founded.
Please click on the attached link to read about all that our incredible Computer Lab teacher, Jaime Clement, is doing to teach keyboarding skills to students.
There will be a PTA meeting at 9:15 am on Tuesday, November 3 in our Conference Room. Any parent can attend!
It was announced last week that the new superintendent in the Alpine School District, starting July 1, 2021, will be Dr. Shane Farnsworth who is currently the Assistant Superintendent over Operations. Dr. Farnsworth has been spent his entire 22-year career as an educator in the Alpine School District, as a teacher in 7 – 12 schools, the principal at AF Junior High, and a District Office administrator. In all my interactions with Dr. Farnsworth, I know him to be a kind, compassionate man who will lead our school district with vision and integrity.
I thought our Virtual Halloween Parade on October 30 was a success. It was fun to see so many of our students dressed up in Halloween costumes. It was interesting to observe the posing in front of the camera choices of the students, as our younger students were more spontaneous and less concerned about “acting cool” than our older students. Oh, the joys of the maturation process!
And in not so fun news, someone chose to throw a pumpkin through the Alpine Elementary reader board last week. Our reader board will be out of commission until the school district facilities department is able to replace the broken panels. Don’t know if the delinquents who vandalized our reader board travel to Cedar Hills, but while Laura and I were trick-or-treating with grandchildren on Saturday night, some hooligans, teenagers no doubt, stole the candy pot we had left on our front porch for neighborhood children. I hear from friends that the same thing happened in Highland neighborhoods. Is it unkind to wish cavities on thieves who had some increased sugar intake on Saturday night?
The following students will be recognized as Students of the Week on Monday, November 2. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations Students of the Week!
Carter Clegg–1st Grade, Ms. Johnson
Addison Fugal–1st Grade, Mrs. Faux
Claire Hamilton–5th Grade, Mr. Horan
Knight Longenecker–3rd Grade, Ms. Elder
Evan Luby–5th Grade, Mrs. Padgett
Collins Nelson–2nd Grade, Mrs. Andersen
Austin Nielsen–5th Grade, Mrs. Hill
Anna Packer–4th Grade, Mrs. Vipperman
Declan Rasmussen–2nd Grade, Mrs. Andersen
Slyvie Reynolds–1st Grade, Mrs. Chou
James Riding–6th Grade, Mrs. Monson
Gabby Ross–2nd Grade, Ms. M. Moore
Haeley Sonntag–4th Grade, Ms. A. Moore
Lincoln Swalberg–6th Grade, Ms. Kuo
Peter Taylor–2nd Grade, Mrs. Wallace
Outside the Principal’s Office
Had a beautiful autumn bike ride up to South Fork on Saturday. The Provo River Canyon Trail was busy on Saturday as we saw many runners running down the trail in the Day of the Dead Half-Marathon. The runners started at Big Springs Park and finished at the Riverwoods.
Those of you who are Ute football fans are undoubtedly excited about the first football game of the year against the University of Arizona on Saturday. And for us BYU football fans, the biggest game of the year is on Friday night in Boise against Boise State. My neighbor and friend, Greg Wrubell, who is the play-by-player announcer for BYU, says this is the most important BYU football game since they won the national championship in 1984. I don’t know if that is true, but it is a much anticipated game nonetheless. The Cougs are ranked number 9 in the country, in the Top 10 for the first time since 2009. Can you tell I am excited for Friday night’s game?
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District

Eagle News 10/26/2020

By Announcements
Alpine Elementary News
With only a high of 28 degrees forecast for today, our students will be eating lunch in the gym/cafeteria and not outside. We will still be sending students outside for morning and lunch recesses. We only keep students inside for recess when the temperature is below 20 degrees. So be sure you send your students to school with warm clothing.
Students can dress up in Halloween costumes on Friday, October 30, but because of COVID-19 health restrictions, there will not be a parent parade at the school. We are working on the technology issues to allow us to give parents an online video feed of students dressed up in their costumes. I will be sending out more details later this week. Please remember to not send students to school with costumes that include a mask or fake weapon.
We appreciate all that our PTA did to stage a successful Red Ribbon Week last week! Red Ribbon Week focuses on lessons to teach our students how to say no to drugs and alcohol.
White Ribbon Week, our focus on keeping students safe on the internet and social media, will be February 16 – 19. Collin Kartchner who has spoken to thousands of students and parents in Utah and across the country about how to be safer while using social media, tragically passed away at his home last week at the far too young age of 40-years old.
It’s time to join the Lone Peak Youth Wrestling Program! We are just getting started with practices. Our Parent Meeting is set for Thursday, October 29th, 6:00 PM in the Little Theater (800 hall) at Lone Peak High School. Our practices are on Monday and Wednesdays, 4:30 to 5:30 for the Advanced & 6-8th grade wrestlers and 5:30 to 6:30 for the Novice & through 5th grade wrestlers. Our practices are at the LPHS Wrestling Room near the trophy case at the south end of the school by the gymnasiums (Got to come and see our New Wrestling Room!). Signups can be completed at the practices. For more information, you can visit the Lone Peak Wrestling webpage at  or by emailing Coach Wallace at [email protected].  Go Knight Wrestling!
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, October 23. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible and Ready to learn. Congratulations Students of the Week!
Adam Atalifo–3rd Grade, Ms. Elder
Chambers Broadhead–4th Grade, Mrs. Vipperman
Abby Dominguez–6th Grade, Mrs Kaczmarek
Nora Field–4th Grade, Mrs. Orgill
Crew Green–Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Morgan Greer–6th Grade, Ms. Kuo
Quinn Kelly–5th Grade, Mrs. Chang
Fiona Lind–Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Violet Reid–2nd Grade, Mrs. Wallace
Benson Reynolds–Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
James Simmons–1st Grade, Mrs. Faux
Jenna Stice–6th Grade, Kaczmarek
Owen Upshaw–1st Grade, Mrs. Chou
Jaxx Wing–4th Grade, Mrs. Keller
Vincent Xanthos–2nd Grade, Mrs. Andersen
Outside the Principal’s Office
A dusting of snow on the ground on Sunday morning was a pretty clear message from Mother Nature that autumn will soon transition to winter. The cooler temperatures meant far fewer people out on the Murdock Trail and Highland Boulevard as I biked up to Suncrest on Saturday.
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary

Eagle News 10/19/2020

By Announcements
Alpine Elementary News
It is Red Ribbon Week!
Tuesday—“Don’t Let Drugs Mask Your Potential”, students will receive red masks
Wednesday—“Give Drugs the Boot” everyone wears their favorite pair of boots
Thursday—“We’re Too Bright for Drugs”, everyone wears neon colors
Friday—“Always Fight Against Drugs”, everyone wears red
Thursday, October 22 will be Picture Retakes Day, or if your student has not had a school photo taken, we would like them to be photographed on Thursday.
Shop Amazon Smile & Support Alpine Elementary School! Our School receives 0.5% of most purchases you make through Amazon. It takes just three easy steps.
2. Log in with your Amazon username and password
3. Search “PTA Utah Congress Alpine Elementary PTA” to select us for your charity of choice.
Amazon Smile has the same products and same prices as the regular Amazon site. The only difference is that a small portion of your purchase will go to benefit our school! Remember to buy your purchases through . Your purchases on the regular amazon site or through the Amazon app on the iPhone WILL NOT COUNT. You have to shop through for our school to benefit from your purchase.
For apple users… Do you want to have a quick link to Amazon Smile on your iphone? Here is what you do after setting up Amazon Smile online.
  1. Visit in Safari on your phone.
  2. Next, hit the share button at the bottom middle of your screen.
  3. Now click add to Home Screen. …
  4. Finally, delete your existing Amazon App so you will always shop with a smile.
For Android users go to this link to set up AmazonSmile on your phone!
Outside the Principal’s Office
I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable Fall Break! Laura and I were able to spend three days at a friends’ cabin in the Tollgate area outside of Park City. We enjoyed some four wheeling, saw some elk and deer, and still some remnants of a beautiful fall. And watching on TV BYU win an exciting football game Friday night was a great way to cap off our getaway!
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District


Eagle News 11/16/2020

By Uncategorized
Alpine Elementary News
We were hit hard by the COVID-19 virus last week, as we needed to quarantine our 4th and 5th grade Chinese classes because a teacher in each of those grade levels tested positive for the virus. And over the weekend, we needed to call parents of students in our Resource Classroom to inform them that their children will need to quarantine until after the Thanksgiving Break because a teacher’s aide has tested positive. Consequently, we currently have over a hundred students that are quarantined as a result of being in close contact with a teacher or aide who tested positive for the virus.
We currently have six staff members and three students, for a total of nine, who have tested positive for the virus and are on the Current Positive Virus List. Individuals come off this list when they finish their self-isolation period, so the Current Positive Virus List is always fluid. We will drop from nine to six individuals this week, assuming that we don’t have anyone who tests positive this week. If we were to reach a total of 15 people on the list, the Alpine School District would consider a modified schedule at our school. If you have a child who has tested positive for the virus, and is being kept home for self-isolation, please let us know here at the school. Only current active cases.
Last week’s spike in positive COVID—19 cases throughout the state of Utah has also impacted students and staff at Alpine Elementary.
Please remember to keep your students home if they are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms:
  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
Because of the number of students that are currently quarantined, we are postponing the Candlelight School Coin Drive to November 30 – December 4. We sent out an updated Coin Drive flyer last week.
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, November 13. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to learn. Congratulations Students of the Week!
Will Hanes– 3rd grade, Ms. Elder
Benson Wood– 2nd grade, Ms. Blodgett
Katherine Gerber– 6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Cooper Finlayson– 1st grade, Ms. Chou
Lucy Taylor– 5th grade, Mrs. Hill
Brody Burr– 5th grade, Mrs. Padget
Mason Anderson– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Mary Challis– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Clara Hoard– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Ada Villareal– 6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Tate Beal– 6th grade, Mrs. Monson
Miley Benson– 2nd grade, Ms. Blodgett
Blake Benson– 4th grade, Ms. Vipperman
Joe Hansen– 2nd grade, Ms. M. Moore
Lucy Bingham– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Outside the Principal’s Office
Sometimes a principal has a week where it seems like he is in the middle of a never-ending sequence of events that are negatively impacting students, parents and staff. Because of COVID-19, last week was one of those weeks for me. But in the darkness of storm clouds a bright light shone through. On November 12, our 14th grandchild was born in American Fork Hospital. Little Mace Tyler Perdue has helped me to remember and refocus on what is most meaningful in life.
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Here is an update with some good news. As I’ve worked with district officials and the Utah County Health Department to verify the COVID cases, our numbers are lower by a few cases than was reported in earlier in the Eagle News. Some cases that have been reported to us have not been verified. We have been moved on the ASD Return to Learn Dashboard from green to yellow. I will continue to work closely with our nurse, the Utah County Health Department, and district officials when it comes to reporting cases. You are able to check the district dashboard, and it is updated daily.
Thank you for doing your part to help slow the spread of the virus. Remember to please keep your child home if they show any symptoms.
I apologize if my message in the Eagle News earlier today caused any alarm or anxiety. Our primary objective as we deal with COVID-19 is to ensure the health and safety of all members of the Alpine Elementary Community.
Dave Perdue, Principal

Alpine Elementary

Alpine School District

Eagle News 11/9/2020

By Announcements
Alpine Elementary News
I assume most of you heard Governor Herbert’s announcement last night about increased COVID-19 restrictions in the state of Utah. In addition to a statewide mask mandate, certain restrictions have been mandated through November 23, 2020.  See the attached flyer that specifies what can be done in the state with: Social Gatherings, Athletics and extracurricular activities, Schools and Businesses and Event Hosts.
As a result of the new state mandates, there will be no Alpine Elementary building rentals or outside groups using our gym until at least November 23.
Though there has been a spike in COVID-19 related cases throughout the state, we have not experienced an increase in virus incidents at Alpine Elementary! After one trimester of school, I am grateful to report that we have not had one student, staff member or parent who has contracted the virus here at our school. All COVID-19 cases we have dealt with, both student and staff, have resulted from individuals being exposed to the virus by outside sources. So, the protective measures of wearing face masks, sanitizing work spaces frequently, social distancing as best we can, and frequently washing hands is working! Please remember to keep your students home if they are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms:
  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
We understand that we will always be subject to state and school district health mandates, but to date, we have been able to keep students and staff from COVID-19 while at school.
Last week, your students should have come home with a new Alpine Elementary mask that we purchased for all of our students and staff. Please remind your students to bring a mask, whether it be their Alpine Eagle mask or another mask, to school daily. We continue to hand out multiple masks daily to students who “forgot” their mask at home. We understand that students will sometimes lose their mask; consequently, our two fabulous school secretaries, Martha Hadlock and Sheri Davis, wrote the name of every student, over 600, on the inside of the Alpine Eagle masks! If you have the opportunity to do so, please thank those ladies for that labor-intensive service.
Our current co-presidents, Ammie Gillespie and Laralee Proctor, are volunteering as PTA presidents for the second consecutive year. We need a President-Elect ASAP. If you would be interested in serving as our next PTA president, please contact me or Ammie ([email protected]), or Laralee ([email protected]). Either of those ladies can tell you what the job entails. We have so many dedicated parents that want to help our school. We need your help!
We have a new United States President-elect. I am hoping that regardless of whomever you voted for, we can come together as a more unified country. There is no better time to reflect upon the necessary sacrifices that have resulted in the freedoms we enjoy than our November 11, Veterans Day. I wonder what my father, a Korean War veteran, and father-in-law, a WW II veteran, both deceased, would say about the current political climate in our country?
Our 6th graders had the opportunity on Friday, November 6, to have discussion with Utah state legislator, Representative Brady Brammer. Representative Brammer did an excellent job of helping our students understand how the legislature works and how a bill can become law in this state. Thank you, Representative Brammer!
The November School Community Council Meeting will be 9:30 – 10:30 am, November 12, in our Conference Room. All parents are invited! The agenda is attached.
The following students were recognized as Students of the Week on Friday, November 6. Teachers nominate students who are consistently demonstrating the character traits of the Alpine Big 3: Being Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to learn. Congratulations Students of the Week!
Molly Barnes– 2nd grade, Mrs. Wallace
Tennyson Bateman– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Grace Campbell– 4th grade, Ms. A. Moore
Benjamin Cluff– 1st grade, Ms. Johnson
Claire DeVilliers– Kindergarten, Mrs. Aitchison
Matthew Field– 6th grade, Mrs. Kaczmarek
Gael Figueroa– Kindergarten, Mrs. Malone
Krew Hurley– 1st grade, Mrs. Faux
Joshua Johnson– 6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Damian Lambert– 5th grade, Mrs. Chang
Elsie Marion– 6th grade, Ms. Kuo
Brinley Raven– 5th grade, Mrs. Padgett
Beth Sampson–6th grade, Mrs. Reyes
Emberely Smith– 1st grade, Mrs. Chou
Carly White– 4th grade, Mrs. Keller
Outside the Principal’s Office
As I have said before in this space, a great weekend for me is riding my bike over the Alpine Loop, a BYU football victory and time with my family, and so it was this past weekend! For you bikers and hikers, the Alpine Loop is closed to vehicular traffic from Pine Hollow Trail Head to Stewart Falls, so you have the whole road to yourself.
Have a great week, and as always, remember that it is a great day to be an Eagle!
Dave Perdue, Principal
Alpine Elementary
Alpine School District