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Eagle News 1/23/2023

By Uncategorized

January 23, 2023

Jan 23-28 School Play Week-Info to come to those who signed up to audition
Jan 26 Utah Museum of Natural History visiting 4th grade 9:30
Jan 26 Alpine PTA Spirit Night at Fiiz Drinks-see below for details under “PTA”
Jan 26 Alpine PTA Family Fun Night “Under the Sea Art Night” 6:30 at school
Jan 27 Alpine Hope Squad Meeting 8:45 Ms. Johnson’s room
Jan 27 School Play Performance 1:30 gym
Jan 28 School Play Performance 1:00 and 3:30
Jan 30-Feb 3 Alpine School Chinese Lantern Festival
Jan 30 1st Grade visit from BYU Bean Museum 9:30-11:00
Jan 30 Chinese Lantern Festival Family NIght 6:00
Jan 31 Junior Achievement Parent Meeting 2:15 Library
Feb 1 5th Grade Visit from Discovery Gateway 9:15-12:15
Feb 1 Lone Peak Basketball Visit during lunchtime
Feb 3 Alpine Hope Squad Conference 9:30 Scera Theater
Feb 3 Chinese New Year Student Assembly 9:45 gym
Feb 3 Chinese New Year Parent Assembly 2:30 gym

School Information
Volunteers need to help with Lantern Festival!
Jan. 30 Chinese Lantern Festival 6 to 8 pm at the school. Helpers needed a couple of mornings! Sign up here!

Outside/Inside Weather Days
As a reminder, please make sure your students are coming to school with appropriate winter attire. We will be having outside recesses if the temperature is 20 degrees or above and weather is appropriate.

From the Library
Please see the attach flyer regarding our upcoming book fair as well as our annual grandparent day!

From the SCC
SCC Meeting
Thanks to those who attended our last SCC meeting. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 14th at 9:30 in the faculty room.

From the PTA
Next PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting will be February 7th at 9:30 in the faculty room

Chinese Lantern Festival – Jan. 30th from 6 to 8 pm
Our PTA is excited to host our annual Chinese Lantern Festival! Students are encouraged to get creative and make lanterns that will be hung the week of Jan. 30 – Feb. 3. As always, the class that creates the most lanterns will win an in-class pizza party! Lanterns will be due back to classrooms on or before Jan. 27th. Monday, Jan. 30th, from 6 to 8 pm, families are invited to come and see the lanterns and visit the Chinese language classrooms to take part in various Chinese arts and crafts. It is sure to be a fun, festive evening!

Parent Volunteers Needed for Lanterns – We are in great need of parent volunteers to come help us hang lanterns the morning of Jan. 30th, and take down lanterns the morning of Feb. 3rd. Please sign up here if you could help us out! Last year, we hung over 2,000 lanterns, so the more helpers, the easier and faster it will be!

Upcoming Activities
Jan 26- 6:30 pm “ Under the Sea” art night.  Come help create the decorations for the book fair in February.
Jan 26- 4-7 pm Fizz night.  Support our school by going to Fizz.  A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the school for field trips.

From the Lunchroom
A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply log on to and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments, but not credit cards. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.

Eagle News 1/16/2023

By Uncategorized

January 16, 2023

Jan 16 Civil Rights Day-No school
Jan 17 Lone Peak Council PTA Meeting 10:00 @ Alpine Elementary Library
Jan 18 Acadience Testing for grades 4-6
Jan 19 Living Planet Outreach Program coming to Alpine Elem 6th Grade
Jan 20 Watergardens Movie Morning-1st Grade
Jan 20 SubZero Ice Cream Presentation 3rd grade 2:30
Jan 23-28 School Play Week-Info to come to those who signed up to audition
Jan 26 Utah Museum of Natural History visiting 4th grade 9:30
Jan 26 Alpine PTA Spirit Night at Fiiz Drinks-see below for details under “PTA”
Jan 26 Alpine PTA Family Fun Night “Under the Sea Art Night” 6:30 at school
Jan 27 Alpine Hope Squad Meeting 8:45 Ms. Johnson’s room
Jan 27 School Play Performance 2:15 gym
Jan 28 School Play Performance 1:00 and 3:30

School Information

Volunteers need to help with Lantern Festival!
Jan. 30 Chinese Lantern Festival 6 to 8 pm at the school. Helpers needed a couple of mornings! Sign up here!

Teacher Feedback/Surveys coming via email soon
We are at the time of year when teachers will be sending home feedback surveys. I know it may be a lot, but please take a couple of minutes when you receive them, to give your student’s teachers a bit of feedback. These are looked at and it really helps us to guide our teaching.

Outside/Inside Weather Days
As a reminder, please make sure your students are coming to school with appropriate winter attire. We will be having outside recesses if the temperature is 20 degrees or above and weather is appropriate. 

From the Library
Read, Read, Read!

From the SCC
SCC Meeting
Thanks to those who attended our last SCC meeting. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 14th at 9:30 in the faculty room.

From the PTA
Next PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting will be February 7th at 9:30 in the faculty room

Chinese Lantern Festival – Jan. 30th from 6 to 8 pm
Our PTA is excited to host our annual Chinese Lantern Festival! Students are encouraged to get creative and make lanterns that will be hung the week of Jan. 30 – Feb. 3. As always, the class that creates the most lanterns will win an in-class pizza party! Lanterns will be due back to classrooms on or before Jan. 27th. Monday, Jan. 30th, from 6 to 8 pm, families are invited to come and see the lanterns and visit the Chinese language classrooms to take part in various Chinese arts and crafts. It is sure to be a fun, festive evening!

Parent Volunteers Needed for Lanterns – We are in great need of parent volunteers to come help us hang lanterns the morning of Jan. 30th, and take down lanterns the morning of Feb. 3rd. Please sign up here if you could help us out! Last year, we hung over 2,000 lanterns, so the more helpers, the easier and faster it will be!

Upcoming Activities
Jan 26- 6:30 pm “ Under the Sea” art night.  Come help create the decorations for the book fair in February.
Jan 26- 4-7 pm Fizz night.  Support our school by going to Fizz.  A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the school for field trips.

From the Lunchroom
A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply log on to and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments, but not credit cards. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.

Eagle News 01/09/2023

By Uncategorized

January 9, 2023

Jan 9 Chinese DLI Meeting for next year 1st graders-4:00 LIbrary-see below
Jan 10 Alpine SCC Meeting 9:30 Faculty Room
Jan 10 Alpine PTA Meeting 8:30pm via Zoom-Zoom link will be sent out prior to meeting
Jan 13 Teacher Work Day-No school for students
Jan 16 Civil Rights Day-No school
Jan 17 Lone Peak Council PTA Meeting 10:00 @ Alpine Elementary Library
Jan 18 Acadience Testing for grades 4-6
Jan 20 Watergardens Movie Morning-1st Grade
Jan 30 Chinese Lantern Festival 6:00-8:00-see below for info

School Information

Alpine Elementary Inclusion Preschool Registration Information
Registration for Alpine Elementary’s Inclusion PRESCHOOL opens at 10:00am on Wednesday, January 18th.  Half day sessions will be available to 3 and 4 year old children in our school boundary and beyond.  First come, first served.  3 year olds come 2 days a week, and 4 year olds come 4 days – Tuesday, through Friday.  Children will attend the session for the age that they are on or before September 1st, 2023.

For more information, email Miss Kathy – [email protected] – or visit the district website at  To secure a spot for your child on January 18th, register online via the same link above.

Chinese Information Program for incoming 1st graders
Kindergarten parents that are interested in our Chinese program for their students next year, please join us on January 9th at 4:00 in the library for our information session. We will talk about the program and how to apply for next year. Please feel free to let any friends outside our school boundaries with kindergarteners know about this informational meeting.

Outside/Inside Weather Days
As a reminder, please make sure your students are coming to school with appropriate winter attire. We will be having outside recesses if the temperature is 20 degrees or above and weather is appropriate.

From the Library
Read, Read, Read!

From the SCC

SCC Meeting
Thanks to those who attended our last SCC meeting. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 10th at 9:30 in the faculty room.

From the PTA

Next PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting will be January 10th at 8:30pm via Zoom

Chinese Lantern Festival – Jan. 30th from 6 to 8 pm
Our PTA is excited to host our annual Chinese Lantern Festival! Students are encouraged to get creative and make lanterns that will be hung the week of Jan. 30 – Feb. 3. As always, the class that creates the most lanterns will win an in-class pizza party! Lanterns will be due back to classrooms on or before Jan. 27th. Monday, Jan. 30th, from 6 to 8 pm, families are invited to come and see the lanterns and visit the Chinese language classrooms to take part in various Chinese arts and crafts. It is sure to be a fun, festive evening!
Parent Volunteers Needed for Lanterns – We are in great need of parent volunteers to come help us hang lanterns the morning of Jan. 30th, and take down lanterns the morning of Feb. 3rd. Please sign up here if you could help us out! Last year, we hung over 2,000 lanterns, so the more helpers, the easier and faster it will be!
Upcoming PTA Activities

Jan 26– 6:30 pm “ Under the Sea” art night.  Come help create the decorations for the book fair in February.
Jan 26– 4-7 pm Fizz night.  Support our school by going to Fizz.  A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the school for field trips.

From the Lunchroom
A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply log on to and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments, but not credit cards. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.

Eagle News 01/03/2023

By Uncategorized

January 3, 2023


Jan 10 Alpine PTA Meeting 8:30pm via Zoom
Jan 9 Chinese DLI Meeting for next year 1st graders-4:00 LIbrary-Info to come, see below
Jan 10 Alpine SCC Meeting 9:30 Faculty Room
Jan 13 Teacher Work Day-No school for students
Jan 16 Civil Rights Day-No school

School Information
Welcome Back!
We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Holiday Break! We are excited to see all of our students back tomorrow at school!

Chinese Information Program for incoming 1st graders
Kindergarten parents that are interested in our Chinese program for their students next year, please join us on January 9th at 4:00 in the library for our information session. We will talk about the program and how to apply for next year. Please feel free to let any friends outside our school boundaries with kindergarteners know about this informational meeting. 

Outside/Inside Weather Days
As a reminder, please make sure your students are coming to school with appropriate winter attire. We will be having outside recesses if the temperature is 20 degrees or above and weather is appropriate.

Aides Needed at Alpine
We are in need of additional aides here at school. Hours can be very flexible. If you want to have a direct effect on students’ education, contact us and we can get you signed up! We really do want you!

Lunch worker Needed at Alpine
If you know anyone that might be interested in working in our kitchen, please let us know. We are looking for someone to join the team! You can respond to this email and we can get you the information of where to apply.

From the Library

Read, Read, Read!

From the SCC

SCC Meeting
Thanks to those who attended our last SCC meeting. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 10th at 9:30 in the faculty room.

From the PTA

Next PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting will be January 3rd from 9:30-10:30 AM.

From the Lunchroom
A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply log on to and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments, but not credit cards. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.

Eagle News 12/12/2022

By Uncategorized

December 12, 2022


Dec 12 1st Grade Field Trip-Living Planet Aquarium
Dec 12 Battle of the Books Pizza Party-Lunchtime-4th grade-See Below for info
Dec 12 PTA Family Night 6:30 Gym-See Attached Flyer and below
Dec 13 Alpine SCC Meeting 9:30-Faculty Room
Dec 15 Christmas Sing for Parents 9:30-Gym-Everyone Welcome to come
Dec 15 Christmas Sing for Students 2:15
Dec 16 Minimal Day-See below for details

School Information

Minimal Day information
Friday, December 16th is a minimal day for students. Students will arrive at school at the normal time (9:15) but they will be dismissed at 12:45. Breakfast and lunch will be provided as normal.

Aides Needed at Alpine
We are in need of additional aides here at school. Hours can be very flexible. If you want to have a direct effect on students’ education, contact us and we can get you signed up! We really do want you!

Crossing Guard Needed at Alpine Elementary
If you, or someone you might know, or if you want to volunteer someone, to be our crossing guard here at Alpine, please let me know. Alpine City is the one that is in charge of hiring crossing guards but I can get you the info if interested. Hours are 8:45-9:15am and 3:25-3:55 each day. Pay is $13.25 per session (morning session and afternoon session) for a total of $26.50 per day.

Lunch worker Needed at Alpine
If you know anyone that might be interested in working in our kitchen, please let us know. We are looking for someone to join the team! You can respond to this email and we can get you the information of where to apply.

From the Library
Battle of the Books Pizza Party for various grades
We want to invite those students who have signed up for Battle of the Books and have read at least 3 of the books from the lists to attend our Battle of the Books Pizza party on your assigned day. Please see the above calendar to see when your grade level is assigned. If your grade level is not listed, it is more than two weeks out. Check back! Come to the library during your lunchtime for some pepperoni pizza! If you don’t want pizza, please grab your home lunch or school lunch and come down and eat it in the library!

From the SCC

SCC Meeting
Thanks to those who attended our last SCC meeting. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 13th at 9:30 in the faculty room.

From the PTA

PTA Family Night
PTA family night this month will be Monday December 12th at 6:30! 

We will be putting together kids nutrition kits for those who don’t have meals over the break. Donations are needed, so please feel free to send in any of these items up until the 12th

Kids Nutrition kit needs:

1)Entree: This can be any type of entree such as Easy Mac, can of ravioli(as long as it’s a pull top), Cup o Noodles or something similar. It needs to be microwaveable and easy for a kid to make

2)Juice: Any type of 100% juice in a sturdy container

3)Fruit pouch: This could be applesauce in a squeeze pouch or an 8oz can of fruit with a pull tab lid (nothing that requires a can opener). They no longer accept fruit or applesauce cups

4)Dried Fruit: Any type of dried fruit such as fruit leather, raisins. They accept fruit and grain bars as well

5)Granola or Protein bar: Healthy granola bar, fiber or protein bar

6)Crackers: Any type of cracker such as crackers and cheese dips, peanut butter crackers or anything similar

7)Fruit snacks: Any brand of fruit snacks

All items will be donated to the Community Action Food Bank in Provo which services Provo/Orem, Heber, Coalville and Kamas

Please leave food donations on table set up in hallway by the office 🙂

Next PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting will be December 6th from 9:30-10:30 AM.

From the Lunchroom
A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply log on to and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments, but not credit cards. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.

Eagle News 12/5/22

By Uncategorized

December 5, 2022


Dec 5 Battle of the Books Pizza Party-Lunchtime-3rd grade-See Below for info
Dec 5 Alpine Choir Concert 7:00 Gym
Dec 6 Alpine PTA Meeting 9:30-Faculty Room
Dec 9 6th Grade Field Trip-Space Center
Dec 9 3rd Grade activity with Timberline Students 9:30-Gym
Dec 12 1st Grade Field Trip-Living Planet Aquarium
Dec 12 Battle of the Books Pizza Party-Lunchtime-4th grade-See Below for info
Dec 12 PTA Family Night 6:30 Gym-See Attached Flyer and below
Dec 13 Alpine SCC Meeting 9:30-Faculty Room
Dec 15 Christmas Sing for Parents 9:30-Gym-Everyone Welcome to come
Dec 15 Christmas Sing for Students 2:15
Dec 16 Minimal Day-See below for details

School Information
Minimal Day information
Friday, December 16th is a minimal day for students. Students will arrive at school at the normal time (9:15) but they will be dismissed at 12:45. Breakfast and lunch will be provided as normal.

Please Talk with your Students
One of our focusses this year has been surrounding kindness and respect forward each other, including adults. I would like to solicit your help in joining us by speaking openly and explicitly with your students regarding these two traits. We have fantastic kids at our school but consistent reminders for everyone is very useful, especially from those that they love and respect. I see constant, everyday acts of kindness and respect at school but I also see instances of disrespectful and negative behavior that should have no place in any setting. We truly love your students and want them to not only succeed academically, but more importantly, in the areas of kindness and respect. Please contact me if you have any concerns or questions.

Candlelight School Coin Drive
We wanted to give you a final update on our coin drive. We ended up raising $8500 for the school. I received a very sweet letter of appreciation from Fred Afwai and the Candlelight School. I have attached this letter to this email as well as some pictures they sent of some students.

Lunch worker Needed at Alpine
Hey all, if you know anyone that might be interested in working in our kitchen, please let us know. We are looking for someone to join the team! You can respond to this email and we can get you the information of where to apply.

From the Library

Battle of the Books Pizza Party for various grades
We want to invite those students who have signed up for Battle of the Books and have read at least 3 of the books from the lists to attend our Battle of the Books Pizza party on your assigned day. Please see the above calendar to see when your grade level is assigned. If your grade level is not listed, it is more than two weeks out. Check back! Come to the library during your lunchtime for some pepperoni pizza! If you don’t want pizza, please grab your home lunch or school lunch and come down and eat it in the library!

From the SCC

SCC Meeting
Thanks to those who attended our last SCC meeting. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 13th at 9:30 in the faculty room.

From the PTA

PTA Family Night
PTA family night this month will be Monday December 12th at 6:30! 

We will be putting together kids nutrition kits for those who don’t have meals over the break. Donations are needed, so please feel free to send in any of these items up until the 12th

Kids Nutrition kit needs:

1)Entree: This can be any type of entree such as Easy Mac, can of ravioli(as long as it’s a pull top), Cup o Noodles or something similar. It needs to be microwaveable and easy for a kid to make

2)Juice: Any type of 100% juice in a sturdy container

3)Fruit pouch: This could be applesauce in a squeeze pouch or an 8oz can of fruit with a pull tab lid (nothing that requires a can opener). They no longer accept fruit or applesauce cups

4)Dried Fruit: Any type of dried fruit such as fruit leather, raisins. They accept fruit and grain bars as well

5)Granola or Protein bar: Healthy granola bar, fiber or protein bar

6)Crackers: Any type of cracker such as crackers and cheese dips, peanut butter crackers or anything similar

7)Fruit snacks: Any brand of fruit snacks

All items will be donated to the Community Action Food Bank in Provo which services Provo/Orem, Heber, Coalville and Kamas

Please leave food donations on table set up in hallway by the office 🙂

Next PTA Meeting

Our next PTA meeting will be December 6th from 9:30-10:30 AM.

From the Lunchroom

A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply log on to and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments, but not credit cards. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.


Eagle News 11/28/22

By Uncategorized

November 28, 2022


Nov 28 Alpine Choir Concert-Temple Square-6:00
Nov 29 Alpine Choir Practice 3:30 gym
Nov 30 Alpine Choir Concert-Festival of Trees-10:55am
Dec 1 Alpine Choir Assembly 2:30 Gym
Dec 2 Battle of the Books Pizza Party-Lunchtime-5th and 6th grades-See Below for info
Dec 5 Battle of the Books Pizza Party-Lunchtime-3rd grade-See Below for info
Dec 5 Alpine Choir Concert 7:00 Gym
Dec 6 Alpine PTA Meeting 9:30-Faculty Room
Dec 9 6th Grade Field Trip-Space Center
Dec 12 PTA Family Night 6:30 Gym-See Attached Flyer and below

School Information
Lunch worker Needed at Alpine
Hey all, if you know anyone that might be interested in working in our kitchen, please let us know. We are looking for someone to join the team! You can respond to this email and we can get you the information of where to apply.

From the Library
Battle of the Books Pizza Party for various grades
We want to invite those students who have signed up for Battle of the Books and have read at least 3 of the books from the lists to attend our Battle of the Books Pizza party on your assigned day. Please see the above calendar to see when your grade level is assigned. If your grade level is not listed, it is more than two weeks out. Check back! Come to the library during your lunchtime for some pepperoni pizzas! If you don’t want pizza, please grab your home lunch or school lunch and come down and eat it in the library!

From the SCC
SCC Meeting
Thanks to those who attended our last SCC meeting. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 13th at 9:30 in the faculty room.

From the PTA
PTA Family Night
PTA family night this month will be Monday December 12th at 6:30!

We will be putting together kids nutrition kits for those who don’t have meals over the break. Donations are needed, so please feel free to send in any of these items up until the 12th

Kids Nutrition kit needs:
1)Entree: This can be any type of entree such as Easy Mac, can of ravioli(as long as it’s a pull top), Cup o Noodles or something similar. It needs to be microwaveable and easy for a kid to make

2)Juice: Any type of 100% juice in a sturdy container

3)Fruit pouch: This could be applesauce in a squeeze pouch or an 8oz can of fruit with a pull tab lid (nothing that requires a can opener). They no longer accept fruit or applesauce cups

4)Dried Fruit: Any type of dried fruit such as fruit leather, raisins. They accept fruit and grain bars as well

5)Granola or Protein bar: Healthy granola bar, fiber or protein bar

6)Crackers: Any type of cracker such as crackers and cheese dips, peanut butter crackers or anything similar

7)Fruit snacks: Any brand of fruit snacks

All items will be donated to the Community Action Food Bank in Provo which services Provo/Orem, Heber, Coalville and Kamas

Please leave food donations on table set up in hallway by the office 🙂

Next PTA Meeting

Our next PTA meeting will be December 6th from 9:30-10:30 AM. 

From the Lunchroom
A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply log on to and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments, but not credit cards. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.

Eagle News 11/21/22

By Uncategorized

November 21, 2022


Nov 22 Alpine Choir Practice 3:30 gym
Nov 23-25 Thanksgiving Break-No School
Nov 28 Alpine Choir Concert-Temple Square-Info to follow for those participating
Nov 29 Alpine Choir Practice 3:30 gym
Nov 30 Alpine Choir Concert-Festival of Trees-Info to follow for those participating
Dec 1 Alpine Choir Assembly 2:30 Gym
Dec 2 Battle of the Books Pizza Party-Lunchtime-5th and 6th grades-See Below for info

School Information

Coin Drive for Candlelight School
We want to give all of you a huge thank-you for your participation and donations to our coin drive last week. We will update you with the final total when we get it. I am always amazed by the generosity and kindness our community has shown over the years in this effort. Great Job!

Ink/Toner Cartridge Recycling
We are excited to continue our ink/toner cartridge recycling again this year. Please bring any empty cartridges to school, or send them with your students, and we will be happy to recycling them for you and collect a bit of money for the school.

Lunch worker Needed at Alpine
Hey all, if you know anyone that might be interested in working in our kitchen, please let us know. We are looking for someone to join the team! You can respond to this email and we can get you the information of where to apply.

From the Library

Battle of the Books Pizza Party for 5th/6th grades
We want to invite those 5th and 6th graders who have signed up for Battle of the Books and have read at least 3 of the books from the lists to attend our Battle of the Books Pizza party on Dec. 2nd. Come to the library during your lunchtime for some pepperoni pizzas! If you don’t want pizza, please grab your home lunch or school lunch and come down and eat it in the library!

From the SCC

SCC Meeting
Thanks to those who attended our last SCC meeting. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 13th at 9:30 in the faculty room.

From the PTA
Next PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting will be December 6th from 9:30-10:30 AM.

From the Lunchroom
A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply log on to and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments, but not credit cards. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.

Eagle News 11/14/2022

By Uncategorized

November 14, 2022

Nov 14-18 Candlelight School Coin Drive-See Below and Attachment
Nov 14 Lone Peak FFA Thanksgiving Presentation-3rd Grade 11:00
Nov 15 Lone Peak Council PTA Meeting 10:00 Lone Peak High School
Nov 15 Alpine Choir Practice 3:30 gym
Nov 16 Alpine PTA Classic Skate Night-See Below for Info
Nov 17 Alpine Spirit Night at Yummy Ice Cream-Highland-25% of proceeds will go to Candlelight Coin Drive
Nov 18 3rd Grade-Bobby Lawrence Karate Presentation 2:30 Gym
Nov 22 Alpine Choir Practice 3:30 gym
Nov 23-25 Thanksgiving Break-No School

School Information

Candlelight Coin Drive
Please see the attached info regarding our coin drive. I have included below the schedule for the coin drive:

Monday, November 14th: Pennies or Cash

Tuesday, November 15th: Nickels or Cash

Wednesday, November 16th: Dimes or Cash

Thursday, November 17th: Quarters or Cash

Friday, November 18th: Dollar or any coin amount

Classic Skate Night
Alpine Elementary Skate Night @ Classic Skate in Orem – Wednesday, Nov. 16th, from 5 to 9 pm! Entrance is free (rentals not included).

Ink/Toner Cartridge Recycling
We are excited to continue our ink/toner cartridge recycling again this year. Please bring any empty cartridges to school, or send them with your students, and we will be happy to recycling them for you and collect a bit of money for the school.

From the Library

Keep reading!!!

From the SCC

SCC Meeting

Thanks to those who attended our last SCC meeting. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 13th at 9:30 in the faculty room.

From the PTA

We heard from quite a few parents that they might be interested in buying a Fun Run Fundraiser T-shirt for themselves!  We will be offering T-shirts and sweatshirts for sale with the Fun Run Fundraiser logo for two weeks, until Nov 14.  T-shirts are $10 for youth sizes, $13 for adult sizes and $26 for an adult sweatshirt.  The T-shirts should arrive three weeks after that.  You can purchase one here: Alpine Elementary Swag Shop

Next PTA Meeting

Our next PTA meeting will be December 6th at 9:30-10:30 AM.  

From the Lunchroom
A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply log on to and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments, but not credit cards. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.

Eagle News 10/31/2022

By Uncategorized

October 31, 2022

Oct 31 Halloween Parade 1:30 Gym-see below
Oct 31 Halloween Class Parties 2:30
Nov 1 Alpine Choir Practice 3:30 gym
Nov 2 5th Grade Clear Creek Day-Info to come from teachers of 5th graders
Nov 3 5th Grade Clear Creek-Con’t at Creekside Park 9:30-12:15
Nov 7-11 Alpine Hope Week-Info to come
Nov 7 Stand4Kindness Assembly 9:30 Gym
Nov 7 Reflections Awards Assembly 6:00 Gym
Nov 8 Alpine Choir Practice 3:30 gym
Nov 10 Alpine PTA Family Night-BINGO 6:30 gym
Nov 11 Veteran’s Day Assembly-See below

School Information

As a reminder, please do not send your students to school with masks, weapons, or any type of gory costumes. Our goal at school is to have a safe, fun environment. As per district policy, we need to be able to identify students at all times. We are excited to experience our Halloween activities at school in a place where all feel comfortable. We will begin our Halloween parade at 1:30, walking throughout the school room and probably arrive in the gym for parents to enjoy about 1:50 or so. Thanks for all your support and we look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Veterans Day Program
We are excited to have our Veterans Day program again this year. We would love your help with this. We would like to have friends, relatives, or neighbors that are active or retired military veterans to participate in this great experience. This will be held on Veterans Day, November 11th. If you know of anyone that would like to participate, please click on the link below and fill out the short Google Form. We would love to have as many as possible!

Ink/Toner Cartridge Recycling
We are excited to continue our ink/toner cartridge recycling again this year. Please bring any empty cartridges to school, or send them with your students, and we will be happy to recycling them for you and collect a bit of money for the school.

From the SCC
SCC Meeting
Thanks to those who attended our last SCC meeting. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 8th at 9:30 in the faculty room.

From the PTA
We heard from quite a few parents that they might be interested in buying a Fun Run Fundraiser T-shirt for themselves!  We will be offering T-shirts and sweatshirts for sale with the Fun Run Fundraiser logo for two weeks, until Nov 14.  T-shirts are $10 for youth sizes, $13 for adult sizes and $26 for an adult sweatshirt.  The T-shirts should arrive three weeks after that.  You can purchase one here: Alpine Elementary Swag Shop

Save the Date (More info to come later)

Nov 10 – Family Bingo Night
Nov 14-18 – Candlelight Coin Drive
Nov 16 – Alpine Elementary Classic Skate Night
Nov 17- Spirit Night at Yummy.  25% of the profits will go to the Candlelight School.

Next PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting will be December 6th at 9:30-10:30 AM.

From the Lunchroom
A reminder to everyone to please make sure your student(s) have money in their lunch accounts. If you need help with this, you can simply log on to and register. In addition to making payments, you can view your student account balances, history, set up automatic payments and account balance alerts. Also, our kitchen can accept cash or checks for meal payments, but not credit cards. If you have any questions or may need help, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 801-610-8700.